
The Purple Flash of Kumo

After the destruction caused by Kyuubi, A and his group find a dying Kushina with a crying Naruto in her arms; feeling that he was not safe with the Masked Man around, she gives Naruto to him for safety. Naruto becomes a beloved son and little brother. Rated M for Sexual Content and Gore.

Drinnor · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


Hello Drinor here, If you'd like to become a patron and read the chapters earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'


The Following 10 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 10 (Feelings of Love), Chapter 11 (Family and Pride), Chapter 12 (Sharingan Behind The Mask), Chapter 13 (Genin Exams), Chapter 14 (Confess of Love), Chapter 15 (A Genin of Kumo), Chapter 16 (A Date), Chapter 17 (A Night to Remember), Chapter 18 (Morning After), and Chapter 19 (Shinobi From Konoha) are already available for Patrons.

Four Years Later

Life in the Shinobi Academy has been very 'interesting' for the blonde Yotsuki. Naruto was doing well in his studies thanks to no small help from his friends, his father, and Bee, and even a few study sessions with his Sensei, the Third Raikage.

Naruto knew that having more people in his life made him feel more complete and cemented his resolve to become the best Kage ever. You can't be the Raikage when you don't know the people you are leading or protecting. He was already close with Omoi, Yugito, and Samui, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't try to have more friends. So far, almost everyone else was pretty cool with him; Karui was slowly joining their little group of friends.

But there is one boy in his class; who, for some reason, despises Naruto with a burning passion; Atsui Shiryoku. Samui's little brother. According to her, Clan Yotsuki and her Clan were Rivals a long time ago, but when a Yotsuki became the first Raikage, that rivalry pretty much ended. However, it seemed Atsui still wanted to be his rival for some reason, even if their power level was way too different.

The short-tempered and impulsive boy would occasionally try to pick fights with the Blonde Yotsuki to prove who's 'Top Student.' Atsui has been very envious of Naruto's natural charisma and the fact that all the pretty girls in their class are practically in love with him.

Naruto just can't understand why Atsui is such a 'prick,' a preferred word that Yugito would describe him perfectly. Despite that, the blonde Yotsuki tried to be friends with him, but the Impulsive Shiryoku spat on his offer of friendship. Literally.

Atsui had an ego the size of the Kumo village, and he would rather make a rival out of Naruto than be his friend. But what makes him even angrier at the blonde is that his sister is one of Naruto's best friends. One time he had tried to convince Samui that she should no longer hang out with Naruto because she was insulting their clan's history or something like that. The result of that was Samui beating the crap out of him using her hand-to-hand combat. From all the people in the School, Samui's specialty was her hand-to-hand combat and her clan's rare Kekkei Genkai.

One other thing Naruto had learned during the four years in the academy was that C-Sensei wasn't really fond of Konoha. The blonde didn't know why since no one in the academy knew, he had asked his father since they were old friends, but his father simply told him that it wasn't his place to tell him.


Once they started their activity for the day, Naruto learned it wouldn't be an easy one. As the sun began to rise, C stood at the base of the mountain, his eyes piercing through the morning mist as he addressed his students with a stern voice. He instructed them that in order to truly understand the limits of their strength, they would need to make the climb to the peak of the mountain, relying solely on their feet and bare hands - leaving behind any safety tools or equipment.

The students exchanged nervous glances, their hearts racing with anticipation and fear, as they gazed up at the daunting 200-meter-tall mountain that towered above them. And they were forbidden from using Chakra in any way.

As they stood at the base of the towering mountain, their eyes scanning the steep and treacherous terrain that lay ahead, a sense of excitement and fear coursed through their veins.

"What would happen if we fell while trying to climb?" one asked, his gaze fixed on their guide, C, who stood before them with a sly grin on his face. C's response was swift and unapologetic, his lips curling into a devious smirk.

"You die, obviously," he said, his words punctuated by a sharp laugh that echoed across the mountain range.

The group fell silent, the weight of C's words settling heavily upon them as they prepared to embark on their perilous journey, and C-Sensei seemed to enjoy the way the student's face went pale white with dread. Naruto wasn't that much bothered by the challenge. He was actually quite looking forward to it.

Atsui's voice echoed throughout the campus as he shouted in disbelief, "Seriously, C must be out of his mind!" His statement was met with a chorus of nodding heads from the nearby students who were equally skeptical. The idea of climbing a mountain seemed nothing short of insane to them. The thought of conquering such a daunting task was intimidating, to say the least. The towering peak loomed in the distance, taunting them with its jagged edges and sheer cliffs.

Samui's voice held a tinge of irritation as she stood beside Naruto, her arms crossed in a display of impatience. "Looking at it is not going to do anything," she admonished, her tone clipped and firm. She couldn't understand why Atsui was wasting time complaining instead of taking action. The climb ahead of them was steep and treacherous, but she knew they could do it if they worked together. "So stop whining like a bitch," Samui continued, her frustration apparent, "and let's start climbing." Yugito nodded. She was actually excited to complete this one due to her agility from Matatabi. Climbing anything was a piece of cake for Yugito.

"Start," C shouted, as everyone started running towards the hill. They weren't obligated to start at the same time. They simply needed to reach the top within four hours. Naruto stood still, his eyes fixed on the towering mountain in front of him, as he observed the students around him with a mix of curiosity. Some of them, fueled by a seemingly endless supply of energy, were already halfway up the steep incline, their movements agile and confident. In contrast, others lagged behind, their faces etched with determination and sweat as they struggled to keep up with their more athletic peers.

The wind whistled through his hair as he fixed his gaze on the distant horizon. Omoi was counting until someone fell. It didn't take long, and one of them slipped before falling to the ground below. Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the air. He saw one of his team members had lost their footing and was tumbling down the rocky slope.

With every step, the wind howled louder, and the ground seemed to shake beneath their feet. Suddenly, one of them lost their footing and tumbled down the rocky slope, their terrified screams echoing through the valley below. Soon more fell below, their bodies twisting and turning in the air before crashing against the unforgiving stone below. The sound of their screams pierced the silence, ringing in the ears of all who heard it. As they lay there, broken and battered, their pained cries could be heard for miles around. C told his men to send all those that fell to the infirmary.

Samui memoried the safe route before rushing to climb, followed closely by Yugito. Those that were foolish enough to climb first did the job of showing where not to climb and where was the safer route for Samui, Yugito, and Naruto.

"Naruto, how about a match to the top?" asked Omoi, his voice filled with enthusiasm as he stretched his arms, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins. Naruto couldn't help but feel the excitement building up inside him, his eyes sparkling with determination. He noticed Yugito, the skilled and agile kunoichi, already perched atop the peak, her victory grin shining brightly in the sunlight, with Karui being the second, Koo being the third, and Samui being the fourth.

"Sure, but If I win, you owe me twenty bowls of Ramen." Naruto accepted the challenge before stretching his limbs, arms, and legs. The other students started murmuring amongst each other.


The sun had already risen, casting a bright orange hue upon the mountain's peak as Naruto and Omoi approached the base of the towering natural wonder. The air was crisp and cool, with a hint of excitement and anticipation as they both took a deep breath in unison, their eyes fixed upon the daunting ascent that lay ahead of them. With each step they took, they could feel their muscles tensing and their hearts racing, but they remained determined, their eyes locked on the summit. The rocky terrain challenged their skills and stamina, but they continued to push forward. As they climbed higher, the scenery around them changed, with the trees below appearing smaller and the clouds above closer.

As Omoi and Naruto raced up the steep hill, their labored breathing was the only sound that filled the air. Omoi's extensive training in the art of climbing had given him an edge over Naruto, who was struggling to keep up with him. With each step, Omoi's legs propelled him forward with ease and grace. As they neared the top, Omoi's sharp eyes scanned the rocky terrain ahead, quickly identifying the safest and most stable rocks to take his weight. His hands moved with the precision of a surgeon, gripping and releasing each rock with ease.

"Come On, Omoi. Show Naruto who's boss."

"The blonde stands no chance."

As Omoi persevered up the towering rock wall, his muscles strained with exertion, his heart racing with adrenaline, and his spirit filled with determination. The other students, who were watching from below, erupted in a chorus of cheers and applause, their voices echoing off the jagged cliffs. Omoi felt a sense of pride swell within him as he glanced down at his classmates, their faces beaming with admiration and respect. As he continued his ascent, his focus remained fixed on the task at hand, his fingers gripping tightly to the rough surface of the rocks, his feet seeking out the smallest of crevices for purchase. But then, as he reached a particularly difficult section of the climb, he chanced a glance downward and was surprised to see Naruto only a meter below him.

In a desperate attempt to speed things up, Omoi lunged forward and grabbed hold of a jagged rock, his knuckles turning white with the strain. For a few seconds, he hung there, his entire weight resting on the unstable rock, hoping to propel himself higher. But as he tried to pull himself up, the rock suddenly gave way. The sound of the rock slipping was the only sound heard as it slipped from the hill, along with Omoi, who started moving his hands, his hands flailing desperately in search of something to hold onto. Despite his valiant efforts, he was unable to grasp anything but empty air.

"Omoi!!" Karui screamed from above, ready to jump and catch Omoi, when Naruto grabbed Omoi's hand.

Naruto gritted his teeth in frustration as he held onto Omoi.

"Damn it, Omoi, this is a good moment to say 'I told you so,'" Naruto exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of anger and amusement. Despite the perilous situation, Naruto couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction from proving Omoi wrong. With his impressive strength and agility honed through rigorous training, Naruto was able to effortlessly hold onto Omoi with just one arm while his friend desperately clung to him in a panic. The wind howled around them, whipping their hair and clothes into a frenzy as they hung suspended high above the ground.

"Don't Drop Me," Omoi begged. His grip on Naruto's arm tightened as the blonde ninja swung him upwards, the wind rushing past Omoi's face. Omoi felt his stomach drop as he soared higher and higher. Suddenly, Naruto released him, and Omoi found himself hurtling through the air, his arms flailing wildly. With lightning-fast reflexes, Omoi managed to grab hold of a nearby rock, his fingers digging into the rough surface as he fought to regain his footing. Taking deep breaths in and out, he finally calmed down, his heart almost bursting from his chest.

"Come on, let's continue." Naruto prompted as everyone cheered for Naruto to save Omoi's ass.

When they finally arrived at the top, Karui turned to Omoi and extended her hand. Omoi accepted her hand with a grin. As they caught their breath and gazed out at the stunning view before them, Samui and Yugito followed suit, also offering their hands to Naruto

As Naruto turned around, he was filled with a sense of gratitude toward Samui and Yugito. Just as he was about to thank them, a sudden and unexpected movement from behind caught him off guard - it was Omoi who wrapped his arms around Naruto in a tight embrace. "Thanks, man. You saved my life," Omoi said, his voice filled with emotion as he spoke. Overwhelmed by the depth of Omoi's gratitude, Naruto smiled and slapped his friend lightly on the back.

"Don't worry, Omoi. We are friends. But remember, you owe me ramen." Naruto said with a broad smile. Omoi laughed at that. Samui found herself focusing only on her favorite blonde. Her eyes looked at Naruto in a new light. She always admired him, his strength was extraordinary and quite attractive, but now, she knew she liked him a lot. The realization filled her with a sense of warmth and contentment, and she knew she had finally found the one person who could make her heart sing.


As C stands in front of his students, a sense of excitement and anticipation fills the room as they eagerly await the commencement of their second activity. With a confident stance and a clear voice, C begins to address the group, his eyes scanning the room, taking in the individual personalities and unique characteristics of each student.

"Alright, everyone. Now we will begin our annual 'Shinobi Sparring Sessions.' Remember, this is a sacred shinobi tradition of Kumo, NOT an opportunity for a street fight. I must also remind you that you will start by forming the 'Seal of Confrontation' with your opponent before the spar begins. Once your spars are over, I expect you to show the proper respect to your winning or losing opponent by forming the 'Seal of Reconciliation' with each other." C-Sensei had briefly explained to his students of the traditional combat training method that has been passed down for generations in Kumo as a training method for Academy students.

"I have already prepared the list of your sparring partners through random selection. Remember ONLY to use Taijutsu. This is a spar, not a battle." C-Sensei said with a firm and authoritative voice.

Each student now has their own thoughts going through their mind.

'YES! This will be a great chance for me to show whose Top Student is! If I can beat and humiliate the Yotsuki, no one will ever disrespect me again! And I will be the one surrounded by girls instead of that punk!' Thought by the ever so vile and envious Shiryoku boy.

'Mmmm, I know Samui is the best in Taijutsu in our class, so I definitely want to fight her. But I am actually hoping I can spar with Naruto too.' Yugito thought, knowing her fellow blonde and best friend's talent.

'I really hope I get to fight, Naruto. So far, he's the only one who can pose me any challenge, Samui thought, her sharp eyes looking at Naruto, who had a broad smile that she hated to admit she liked.

Naruto is often very sweet with Samui and Yugito, but when it comes to their training, her kind, loving friend immediately becomes their hard-ass sensei.

'This is going to end in a disaster.' was the only obvious thing Omoi could think of.

'I hope I can get to fight either Yugito or Omoi,' thought Karui, knowing she had no chance against someone like Samui and Naruto.

'This could be fun' .....WAS ALL NARUTO COULD THINK OF.


· Match 6 - Yugito vs (Random Student) = Yugito wins

· Match 7 - Omoi vs (Random Student) = Omoi wins

· Match 7 - Samui vs (Random Student) = Samui wins

And when HIS name finally came out, along with his opponent's, he screamed and howled like a mad dog. He finally gets to fight his most hated rival, Naruto Yotsuki.

Naruto is cursing his luck. It's not that he is scared or anything. It's just that now he has to humor the 'prick' who is constantly screaming his ear off with insults and disrespect. He knows he promised his Jiji he wouldn't go overboard, but he will be damned if he lets an opportunity to beat some sense into the disrespectful boy's thick skull slip away.


As the two young shinobi, Naruto, and Atsui, stood facing each other in the sparring ring, the tension between them was palpable. Naruto, with his arms crossed and a bored expression etched on his face, seemed unimpressed by the situation, while Atsui, on the other hand, was bouncing on the balls of his feet, his teeth gritted in anticipation of finally putting the Yotsuki boy in "his place." Despite the stark contrast in their demeanors, both Naruto and Atsui were determined to come out on top and prove their worth as skilled fighters. Naruto's eyes flickered with a hint of annoyance as he prepared himself for the fight, while Atsui's grin widened, eager to take on the challenge that lay ahead of him.

"Best you quit now, loser! There's no way you will win against me!" Atsui boasted, his voice filled with arrogance, as he towered over Naruto, who remained quiet and composed, staring into the vast emptiness of space, his mind focused on his own thoughts and inner strength, unperturbed by Atsui's taunts and insults. Atsui, who was known for his overconfidence and inflated ego, could not comprehend Naruto's calm demeanor and lack of response, which only fueled his arrogance and made him even more determined to crush Naruto in the upcoming combat.

Atsui, with a proud smirk on his face, had just made a bold statement towards Naruto, who seemed to be indifferent to his challenge. "Too scared to talk, Huh! Well, don't worry, I won't hurt you if you just admit that I am better than you!" Atsui remarked, his tone filled with overconfidence and self-assurance. Naruto, seemingly unimpressed, replied in a bored voice, "Huh? Did you say something?"

"You punk! Have you been ignoring me this whole time?! I'm going to beat you to a pulp! No one disrespects me and gets away with it!" Atsui said, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Naruto-kun is so cool!"

"You can do it, Naruto-kun!"

"Kick his butt, Naruto-kun!"

Naruto's fangirls showed their loving support VERY LOUDLY. Causing Samui and Yugito to glare at them.

'Geez, for once, I actually agree with my friend's fangirls. I hope he beats that prick's ass.' That was all Samui could think of at the moment.

Atsui is now enraged more than ever. It's bad enough that his 'rival' had been ignoring his taunts, but now all the pretty girls are cheering for ONLY the blonde Yotsuki and telling him to beat Atsui up like he was nothing.

The Shiryoku's pride has taken its last toll, and this match has now become more personal for him.

"This is the 10th and FINAL spar between Naruto Yotsuki and Atsui Shiryoku! Will both fighters please present the 'Seal of Confrontation!" C-Sensei says as he as he stands between the two boys and raises his right arm up, indicating that he is about to give a signal to begin the match.

Naruto and Atsui then raised their right hand in front of their chest and formed the half-seal on their fingers.

"HAJIME! (BEGIN!)" C-Sensei yelled out and dropped his arm down, signaling the beginning of the fight.

Fun Question: Why did no one in Konoha recognize that Naruto is Minato's Son, and why was Naruto not kidnapped or killed by other Villages like Iwa, Kumo, and Obito when he was a child since it was public knowledge that he was a Jinchuuriki?