
The purple eyes

Nemo was useless man, he was good for nothing, his father was not proud of him. Till he one day found the sepia hat, he Joined the purple eyes army and all his life turned on. But wars were on doors. The evil power was planning to control the whole lands. Will Nemo be strong enough to save the world? Will he succeeded in finding the secrets of the unlimited power?

DaoistMMzDIR · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


" O Nemo!"

I heard a voice calling me.

" Nemo give me your body . And I will offer you all my unlimited power"

A voice inside me whispering.

I can't talk . Even I found difficulties in breathing. I was sweating as if I paid a visit to the sun. I was dying.

" Nemo look around you!

All your friends are strong. They are stronger than you. You should gain power to help them"

That voice spoke again.

" Stop!


I shouted

I took a knife out of my pocket. I cut my hand. I was bleeding, I was not hearing the voice any more.

"What in the name of God was this?"

I said

I jumped quickly for some one was about to kick me. Five men were standing around me . I was tired and I was not feeling with my body. I touched the hat of mine.

More energy got out of me. Golden sun light mixed with the purple . I stepped back. Bending down little. Holding tight my sword which all covered with blood. The men came closer.

" If I were you . I would run."

I whispered.

Then I cut off all their heads in three seconds. I headed towards the others. One by one they all died in short part of time.

I felt with pain inside my head, I was tearing.

"This was my first time to kill some one. Now I took their lives. May be those get families. What would happen to them. "

I was walking slowly.

All my senses were not working good.

"Why this much pain?

For whom I was fighting?

Was it that all to save the people?

Why was I killing my people?

Am I a bad person?"

I was looking nuts.

Mike stood face to me. He slammed me.

"Wake up Nemo!

We are fighting , that what we supposed to do. Those are the evils"

He said.

I closed my eyes then I opened them again. I wiped my tears.

"Now take a deep breath," Mike said while placing his hands on my shoulder.I took a deep breath.

But Mike fainted. And he returned to his normal size. I carried him.

" It's a big words for a boy of ten years old" I whispered.

He was exhausting.

"Never mind, boy, you have done well"

I said as I carried him to a tree not far from us.When I turned around behind me, I found that them had managed to defeat all the enemies.Samenda smiled meanly.They did not look tired and exhausted. They might have been laughing. I looked at the corpses again. It all started to evaporate and disappear

" What's going on ?"

I loudly screamed, I was heading towards Ronal who seemed to be silent.

"Wait, bud!

It's all just a welcome from Listonya's first heir"

Jemain said.

"Now, that's too much!

You don't know what that little boy and I went through,"

I said and pointed to where Mike was. I looked but I couldn't find him any where.

"Friends, come here. I found something," Mike said

"Isn't that Mike's voice? "

Jemian asked . Then we followed the source of the sound until we reached an ornate place, decorated in a beautiful way. It was a garden with red and yellow roses.Snow gives it an attractive color and luster. There was a little forward. A person who was sitting in a large chair, many pretty girls were around him. He was putting his leg on the seat in front of him. He staring at us with his sharp eyes. suddenly he smiled

" O Little brother. I thought you were going to die, I didn't expect you to survive from that attack,"

said that man and then moved towards us.He raised his hand and the girls stopped walking with him.He was more handsome than me, I swear that this was the first time I confessed that I had not the most beautiful face man in the world, his silver hair, and his blue eyes, carrying so much tenderness and affection. "What did he do to gain this aura of arrogance and prestige?"

I said to myself.

"Yes, we are alive as you can see . My brother Cassin,"

Ronal said while he was wiping his glasses with his handkerchief

"I see you have friends." Cassine whisper.

" Yeah. Brother"

Said Ronal.

" What the heck with you?

Is this how brothers say when they first meet after along time"

Mike said then he walked till he reached Cassin .

" Hello!

Your majesty . I am Mike , glad to see you"

Mike said while he was bending a little . Then he walked back.

" Ova's purple eyes. The way that you killed those men is perfect.You hit their vital points. Smashing the skull, stabbing the heart. Infection of the vital area near their necks. You're a professional thug, aren't you?" Cassin said.

I was so surprised how did he noticed that. Mike was moving so fast.

" A thug is not the suitable word for describing my fighting prowess." Answered Mike Smiling .

" You are good but you lose your power, and that may be will cost you your life if that attack was real one"

Cassin said.

I looked at him wondering how he kept quiet while he was asking Mike.

" Samenda . The lady of glamorous beauty. Why you still keep your winning cards under cover?

When are you going to let me see your forbidden skills?

Those corpses , someone had stolen their life energy from them before being stabbed. You are the one who did it , I am sure. So may that is why you look so radiant. "

Cassin said as he started laughing loudly. "I can't believe how far you are, Jemian, you wiped them out with your shadows skill, you made them kill each other. You knew well who you should attack first, I appreciate your genius." Cassin said while he was looking at Jemain

." And now you, my beloved brother! The mastermind of one thousand and one hundred backup plans for your original plans. Your skill in shooting and injuring your victims is no less than the skills of my most skilled sniper of my own men. you only shot the the right eye of your victim, why? I see that you have become stronger.I am happy at least you are using your hands for something other than preparing accurate war plans without failure." He said, then he raised his head to the sky. He pointed his finger to me

" Who are you ?

I mean, you're different from them, you're a monster!

You know, I've never seen anyone with powers like the ones you showed in that battle but only the Prince of the Dark Lord had such energy like that."

Cassin said while his eyes became sharper. " .At the beginning of the fight, You didn't have any special energy, you were just a stupid weakling. Suddenly you burst out with fantastic powers. I would like to know more about you."

He said as he approached me.