

Adolf Hitler is one of the most well-known—and reviled—figures in history. As the leader of Nazi Germany, he orchestrated both World War II and the Holocaust, events that led to the deaths of at least 40,000,000 people.Hitler went down in history as one of if not the most vile human being of all time,for ordering the loss of countless of lives.I on the other hand solely believe that human beings are responsible for their own actions some may try to justify their actions by claiming they were following orders others may claim to be carrying out the will of a supreme being.A surprising 49 million were registered, 39 million classified and 10 million inducted. Others who were overseas in August 1914 travelled back thousands of miles to get back and enlist .Most would claim they were doing it for money or power but the truth of the matter is most of those soldiers stood to gain nothing from that money or power,most if not all those soldiers simply volunteered plain and simple.At the end of the day the real reason they masaccred all those families stared them right in the face.In hindsight they survived on measly food rations for months underwent all that harsh training,pain and suffering at the barracks to inflict more pain and suffering on other human beings.They knew it in their mind and hearts and they still did it anyways,they did it for nothing.Majority of the Jewish families torched to death during the Holocaust were actually turned in by German families, yes the German families may try to justify their actions by claiming to be following government policies but when its all said and done the government policies were a reflection of their individual fears the insecurity and resentment they felt towards the Jews. Its pathetic what human beings are willing to settle for , for a fleeting sense of security and make no mistake it was fleeting. The truth of the matter is most people want to see cruelty if not inflict it themselves.Which would explain why you are still reading into this synopsis right now . This would explain the existence of extremely cruel torture devices the judas cradle,brazen bull,iron maiden some of them being adopted even by churches regardless of how cruel they were these devices go to show the very cruelness and hopelessness of mankind .Don't get me wrong I love peace but something about it feels lacking . Even if we did actually manage to find a way to eliminate death and chaos from the face of the earth some people would still find ways to bring it back ..In a world that has taught us that having hope is equivalent to giving up. A book that attempts to explain mob logic . A story about humans in their most despicable yet truest form a story about the purge.

Pascal_Dawsson · War
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His mind was a mess. Not that it hadn't been since the moment he was born but only this time messier.The death of his father had happened exactly four weeks ago and a lot had already started to change. Andrew was what you would have called a troubled child, the kind of child that saw a lot more than he really needed to especially for a kid his age.In the 19th century boys, men couldn't really open up to anyone concerning matters such as sexual assault at a young age, depression , anxiety and a lot of other things in between. Andrew had seen it all. He hated everything about this world, he felt he was here for a bigger purpose but he just couldn't figure out what and that was what frustrated him most. In his eyes humanity had failed a whole landslide down from what it was actually supposed to be. Of course humanity wasn't meant to be perfect , but that still doesn't mean the imperfections should outweigh the perfections tenfold.He hated how humanity claimed to be superior beings but they still succumbed to illnesses and accepted death just like other animals. What annoyed him most was the hopeful nature of man, the fact that they existed in a century where you could only hope when you were the one in power. The rest were scum. The leaders could have a person executed and even get to pick the means of the execution. The fact that he got to be one of the privileged made him feel worse.The thought of being privileged but still not being privileged enough to make a difference - like knowing you are tall but knowing you are still not tall enough to reach that jar of peanuts on your topshelf-.This time he was part of the battalion stationed at hacksaw ridge.The 3rd battalion sent their that year.This was the third war that year and the 41st since the death of the great king.Hatake was the only king to rule over the badlands as a whole.After his death the badlands were split into seven separate lands.With more lands came more wars and with every leader feeling entitled to the throne the wars wouldn't stop,seven moons after the death of the king came the death of the kings first family member Jaime the rightful heir to the crown had fallen sick and died.A good soul the outlands would miss him.His mother took the throne after him but she died too.It was said she died out of despair but people wanted to believe that her king needed her in the afterlife.The last two of the kings children,two young boys Ron and Harry the second would die mysteriously from a fire at the castle.Seven of his commanders would assume the throne for each of their seperate jurisdictions.That was 14 years ago.The wars broke out 2 years after the kings death.Wars led by the barons, previous commanders who didn't fight.Exactly Andrews problem with this world.The people were growing tired The soldiers were growing weary,the horses sickly the very air was wrotten.Hacksaw ridge was hell.The specific war location had been chosen for its infertility a large mass of plateau rock that extended a few kms into the beach.It was One of the warring parties would arise from the deep caverns of the beach and the other would ascend from the ladder on Narnias side