

Through the many years and many hardships the peace of the land had seemed to last an eternity for most of the races. The Elves, Dwarfs, Dragons, Fauns and even the more mysterious creatures all seemed to be happy. But the Dragons were not so they had grown tired of the peace and wished for something more exciting, they wished to rule. A young dragon by the name of Bealzar decided he would no longer accept the peace for he had been told of the greatness of his race for 200 years and had seen nothing but arrogance from the other races no one had feared them as they one had. So he and a couple of his friends decided to end it without the elders of their of the race knowing. But the elder dragons did know and we're excited to finally have conflict and this conflict would not go against what they promised thousands of years ago little did that promise mean anything anymore the dragons were the only race that had members still alive from the time period. And they were over the idea of peace and let Bealzar and his brethren go start the terror that would soon envelope the world they left to decimate the biggest cities of every race without warning while Bealzar and his friends would travel to the northern human cities. With the intention of wiping the entire race to ash and so they traveled, they like the other races believed the humans to be a civilization of illiterate barbarians whose only ingenius was the metal work that they had developed but in these peaceful times they have not even that. so when the Bealzar and his four Friends Seagris, Bahomet, Jorgundar, and Durbagan flew down on the human and set them aflame tore through their walls and killed everyone they saw Bealzar and his friends were eating loved ones in front of each other while smashing others none was spared until they believed all to be dead. With that being they thought their mission of mind completed and took to return home but with none of them knowing due to all the smoke obscuring their smell a lone smithing mountain village had survived due to being so far away. Within the sole standing village were a group of humans who swore to exact their revenge one day but would stay hidden and perfect their art of killing before they showed themselves back to the world who let their entire race burn to the ground. Little did they know though that all the other races and suffered serious injuries but we're able to repel the dragons in the end unlike the humans only they were brought to such a pitiful state. The other mysterious creatures had hidden themselves without hesitation to go unnoticed but the everlasting peace that had lasted for 2000 years was over and all the races had no chance but to accept it was the beggining of a new war onethey all had a feeling wouldn't end until the collapse of their respective races or the destruction of the dragons.