
Chapter 242 Ancient Ruins_1

Pang Jian immediately summoned the Astonishing Spear and began chiseling into the rock with the sharp spear tip, causing a "kkkk" sound as he pried out the cracked fragments.

This towering stone pillar, which he stripped of stone fragments as if peeling corn kernels, kept getting thinner as more pieces were removed.


A clear, metallic sound suddenly emanated from the tip of the silver spear as if it had struck against metal.

Seeing hope, Pang Jian accelerated the removal of the rocks.

After a while.

A stout grey ape with lustrous black hair and holding a black iron rod was fully uncovered by Pang Jian inside the stone pillar.

The nearly ten-foot-tall ape, covered in lock armor around its waist, abdomen, and chest, seemed as if it had been dead for countless years, yet it still exuded a fierce aura, untouched by time.