

Pureblood vampires can be said to be the first vampires to have royal blood running through their veins. They are the only vampires capable of ruling all supernatural creatures because they have unique abilities that no one has. That's because they are the first children of Alucard, the most powerful vampire who has chosen to sacrifice himself for his children and his beloved Lessana, the so-called white witch with a virtuous will and a unique power that extends beyond years only Alucard knew. They said that the last vampire with blue blood would fulfill the prophecy and receive Lessana's power, and that vampire was none other than Coreen Sevilla. Will Coreen be able to awaken her sleeping power if all memories of her past are erased?

diosamei · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"Please forgive us for only being able to offer you that for now. The market and mall are closed to buy your favorite food," Mrs. Miller said, referring to the blood of their pet rabbit.

I looked at Pixie, whose eyes turned red while staring at the blood-filled cup.

"I'm sorry," I sincerely apologized to her. "Don't worry. I'll get you another one."

She shook her head repeatedly. "You don't have to. It's just a waste because I've been taking care of Chicqie for years, and it's hard to see it like this," she paused and sighed deeply. "Anyway, are you full?"

I nodded, although the truth was that it wasn't enough for me. I need more blood! I'm still hungry, damn it. "Yeah, thank you," I said with a smile.

Pixie stared at me for a long time, seemingly unconvinced by what I said.

"You don't have to deny to us that the blood we gave you is insufficient, Coreen. You're a damn Pureblood and have been sleeping in a coffin for a thousand years. Of course, it's not sufficient for you."

I shrugged. "Purebloods like me can control our thirst—we need to control it, or else the world may not survive," I casually told her.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to endure for now. Tomorrow, I'll take you shopping to see the whole place," Pixie said with a smile.

"No," her father immediately objected. "She can't go—"

"What, you're gonna lock me up here?" I raised an eyebrow, questioning him.

"It's for your safety, Coreen. You're not fully strong yet, and we won't be able to protect you if you're outside the house," Pixie's mother explained softly.

"I can protect her," Pixie interjected.

"No," both of the girl's parents said in unison.

"But why? I already saved her from the fire and those vampires! I know I can protect her," Pixie said firmly.

I observed the three of them arguing because of me. I couldn't help but be touched by their debate to protect me, even though I didn't need it.

"Pixie, don't be stubborn," her father firmly said. "We won't allow you to be in danger as well."

I took a deep breath. "I can protect her," I said. They all looked at me simultaneously. "And I can protect myself too. I may have lost my memories, but not my powers and the strength I possess."

They fell silent at my words, perhaps realizing that their debate was pointless in light of my point.

"It seems we can't stop you from doing whatever you want, Coreen," Pixie's mother said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I've been inside a coffin for hundreds of years without knowing the root of everything. I also need to find my parents; they might be the only ones who can give me some answers and bring back some of my lost memories."

"I'm sorry, but we can't answer those questions because, like you, we know nothing. We only know that our paths crossed with your mother once, and she mentioned something about you," Pixie's mother explained.

I remained silent, lost in deep thought. I'm sure I could find her quickly if I could only get a clue about my mother's whereabouts.

"I need to see Baxa," I said, instantly being opposed by them.

"You'll be in danger if you do that, Coreen," Pixie said.

"We know each other, and she used to be my mother's close friend. I'm sure she'll listen to me when we meet," I insisted.

"A lot has changed, Coreen. And part of those changes is the emergence of Baxa's greed. She's planning something, and unfortunately, we can't do anything about it because of her power," Pixie's mother revealed.

"Still, I want to see her," I said firmly. I'm not afraid of Baxa; I still believe she won't be able to harm me easily. I'm still a Pureblood Vampire.


I felt my throat drying up. I was thirsty, and I needed more blood. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realized it was already 2 a.m. I approached the window and surveyed the surroundings, trying to find an animal from which I could obtain blood.

"There!" I exclaimed with a smile when I heard two dogs fighting not far from Pixie's house.

Before leaving, I opened my window and glanced at my room's closed door. They probably wouldn't wake up if I left without saying anything, right?

I took a deep breath, trying to silence the guilt gnawing at me for leaving without informing them. After all, I had an insatiable thirst to quench and couldn't bear the hunger any longer. With a quick and silent step, I slipped out of the room and into the night.

The cool breeze brushed against my skin as I made my way toward the commotion of the dogs. It was a secluded alley, dimly lit by a flickering streetlamp. The two dogs, engrossed in their fight, were oblivious to my presence as I approached them stealthily.

Crouching down, I observed their struggle, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Their snarls and barks filled the air, intensifying my craving for fresh blood. I focused my senses, honing in on their heartbeats, and as one of the dogs lunged forward, I swiftly intervened.

I clamped my hand around the attacking dog's snout in a blur of motion, immobilizing it. Its eyes widened with fear as it struggled against my grasp, but my vampire strength held it firmly in place. With my other hand, I extended my claws and gently pricked my skin, allowing a few drops of blood to seep.

"I'm sorry, doggie. I was hungry and I need you to control my thirst."

The scent of my blood wafted through the air, catching the attention of the subdued dog. Its growls turned into whimpering as it hesitantly approached me, drawn by the alluring aroma. I carefully offered my bleeding hand, and the dog cautiously began to lap up the blood, its desperate thirst matching my own.

As the dog drank, I could feel my strength returning, the gnawing hunger subsiding. I maintained my grip on the other dog, ensuring it wouldn't interrupt our makeshift feeding session. The process was swift yet potent, and within moments, both dogs had satisfied their thirst.

Relieved and satiated, the dogs retreated, their fear replaced by newfound tranquility. They exchanged cautious glances before departing in opposite directions, leaving me alone in the alley again. The guilt of using them as a source of sustenance tugged at my conscience, but it was a necessary act for survival.

A sense of calm washed over me as I returned to Pixie's house. The temporary relief from my hunger made me think clearly and reassess my situation. I knew I couldn't rely on finding random animals every time I needed blood. I needed to find a more sustainable solution, one that would not put innocent creatures at risk.

Upon reaching the house, I slipped back inside, hoping my absence had gone unnoticed. Closing the door of my room quietly, I settled back into the confines of the familiar surroundings. Sleep eluded me as I contemplated my next move—how to navigate the intricacies of my vampire nature while ensuring the safety of those around me.

In the darkness, I vowed to find a way to uncover the truth about my past and to harness my powers responsibly. The journey ahead would be treacherous and uncertain, but I was determined to carve my path and reclaim my identity. I was Coreen, a Pureblood Vampire, and limitations or fears would not confine me.