
The Pure Lily

A simple girl who loves by the countryside of Virginia. She works, take care of her beautiful family, explore and get inspired by little things around her and leads a quite complicated life with daily obstacles yet a wonderful life. Until, she comes across the past that was over years ago! What is it, that would bring the darkness into her life and holds her to the ground. Will she be able to overcome the challenges and light up her world again? Will she find the happiness she deserves?

Menucha_Albert · Urban
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Going Down the Street of Love

Once upon a time, there was a girl lived by the Countryside of Virginia. She was a simple girl named Jenna, meant as "Little Bird" and "Graceful". She lived a quite simple life with some daily temptations. But, she never forgets to keep herself humbled infront of everyone. She is a beautiful grown woman, with thick eyebrows and long hair. When she smiles, her eyes brightens and when she cries her eyes gets dark. When that long fingers with that cute little nails runs through her hair, all eyes are on her. The fragrance she has can freeze a man's heart. All will know that she is coming as her fragrance comes first like the lightning comes before the thunder. Her voice can make a baby fall asleep and a parrot sing. She walks like a proud horse after winning a race but, her hands follow her walk like a toddler that takes the first few steps... The women hide their men when she is around and men tend to appear from no where to seek attention. Yet, she never laid a eye on a man. Maybe she didn't want to..

Jenna was working as a manager in a small logistics company around the town of Staunton. She works for 10 hours a day, always overtime. She is a dedicated and a hardworking individual. She gets home by 7 O'clock in the evening and prepares dinner to her old parents and her little sister, Liora. She is 9 years younger to Jenna, which makes Jenna to act more responsible. She puts Liora to bed and sings Lavender's Blue while patting on her shoulder until she falls asleep. Jenna cleans and washes and sweeps until it's time for bed. Clean herself, get to bed, pray and sleep. Morning she wakes before everyone does and prepares breakfast and lunch. Make Liora ready for school and help her with some quick answers to her homework and drop her to school while going to work. She tends to be bold and confident in whatever she does.

Jenna loves to play with kids, so everyday in her lunch break she runs down the street finding the kids that has come home after school and plays hopscotch until it's time to return to work. She does not forget to ask Uncle Bradley who owns a hair salon by the street, how is his wife so that he don't forget to smile. Nor does she forgets to give a high five to Uncle Simon and say "High Five to the Hero of the Town". Uncle Bradley lost his wife 8 years ago and Uncle Simon saved 22 kids from the fire that took place in the elementary school 12 years ago. Uncle Bradley loved his wife so much that whenever he gets reminded of her, his heart starts to race and bring a smile on his face. Uncle Simon is a retired police officer who is still a quite handsome bachelor. Jenna does not forget to celebrate the birthday of Uncle Bradley and gift him a tie every year and of Uncle Simon and gift him a hat. She bakes, cooks and decorate the whole street and invite the neighborhood to share the happiness every single year. And tomorrow is Uncle Simon's 61st Birthday, Jenna went to the nearest Hat store to buy him another but there she met someone who she did not expect..

"Uncle Bradley! Happy to see you around the town.", Jenna said. "Hello Beautiful Jenna, My Darling! Good to see you too." replied Uncle Bradley. Jenna, wanted to ask if he is here to buy a present for his mate. But remained silent! "Jenna! Would you mind helping me in choosing a Hat for Simon for his birthday?", Uncle Bradley asked politely. "Sure why not, Uncle! Why don't you go with this hat?!" Jenna said, pointing at a White Panama Hat. "Mmm..Good for a beach day! I shall buy it. Thank you Little Lady for your kind help" said Uncle Bradley. She smiled and left the store. " Oh no no no! What am I going to do? What I shall gift Uncle Simon this year, I gift him a hat every year and I can't make a exception." Jenna kept murmuring while passing the street. Jenna has not bought any other gift for Uncle Simon for the last 12 years. She felt little disappointed and kept roaming here and there for sometime. " Oh, Duodecennial! Once in 12 years." shouted Jenna. "I will buy him a pair of shoes, yes!" Jenna ran down the first lane by the street end to her father's shop. "Daddy! Daddy!" shouted Jenna. "Oh my baby, what has brought you to visit the shop from a while?" asked the Daddy coming down from the stairs. "Get me the nicest and the most handsome pair of shoes" said Jenna excitedly. Daddy : "Sure, but can I know for who?"

Jenna : "For Uncle Simon! It's his 61st Birthday tomorrow."

Daddy : "Wait a moment, let me bring you the best. Mmm.. where is it? Oh found..! This one is little old fashioned but precious. What do you think?"

Jenna : "Daddy, this one!? I designed it. When did you turn it into a real pair of shoes?"

Daddy : "Maybe the very next day!"

Jenna : "Then, why did you not wear it?"

Daddy : "It's too expensive to my feet."

Jenna : "How come, it's just a pair that I designed. I'm not a professional designer."

Daddy : "Anything and everything that my Angel makes is too precious for me."

Jenna : "Daddy! Then why shall you give it to me now? Also, that for Uncle Simon?

Daddy : "Take it! He is deserves this pair of shoes than I do."

Jenna : " No, I cannot!"

Daddy : "You must, Daddy's order! Gift him this and make sure to say, Thank you."

Jenna : "Thank you?!, why would I say that?"

Daddy : "Just do as I say. Now take it and run."

Jenna : "Okay! I will go then."

Daddy : " See you at home, honey."

Jenna waved at Daddy while stepping out from the shop. Looked up at the shop name board and smiled. "Graceful Pair of Shoes" was written. She started slowly taking step by step to the opposite side and got to the corner of the lane and cried. She weeped, mourned and bawled. She sat around the corner for a quarter of an hour, silently. She stood up, wiped her face and walked out.

Jenna seems to come across a recollection of her past memories. She still stood up and faced it. Things do not go as the way we want it to be, but we can choose how to face it. Jenna is a woman that will be remembered for being bold and strong. You will remember her too! Jenna went into her workplace and grabbed a cup of tea, sat on the chair beside the window. Looked out, sighed! Took a sip and smiled. There she realised, life is about it's ups and downs it is just yourself must know how to live through it. Jenna grabbed her purse and headed to the street to buy groceries. Then she headed home, made dinner, put Liora to sleep and finished the house chores quickly so she could bake the cake. She baked a chocolate cake and decorated it with sprinkles and chocolate chips. Wrote on the cake, "Happy 61st Birthday To Our Hero!". Took the knife, candles and decorations and put into a bag. Sat on the dinner table and started wrapping the gift. Before she sealed it, rubbed her hands gently on the shoes and mumbled, "You would have looked quite handsome in these". Daddy was looking at her from the corridor and sighed. "My poor baby!" he mumbled. She took the gift box and put it on the couch table along with the decoration bag and went upstairs to sleep. Daddy came beside the couch table and put something into the gift box and returned to sleep. Jenna, looked at the roof while covering herself with the blanket and said, "Seni özledim" (I miss you). She heard an owl making noise, so headed to the window and opened it. "Vincent! Hello my boy.. It's been a long time. How are you?" she asked from the owl. It frowned and flew away. "Naughty Boy, didn't even say a hello." She smiled and went to sleep.

I hope you'll like it, just wanted to make you smile with what I write..

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