
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Chapter 40

Dan was sitting in his chair reading the book he was reading yesterday morning. 'Tales from Asgard, king Loki the deceitful.'

It consisted of short stories, each story approximately 10 pages long at max with 13 stories.

The carriage had gotten back on track and was moving on with the journey. Crion stared at the book Dan was reading. Dan noticed her looking at the book.

"Do you want to read it?"

"I do not know how to read or write."

"Oh...well then do you want me to read it out to you?"

"Sure, I do not mind."

"Very well then," Dan skipped several pages and started a new story that he had not read yet. "Long ago king Loki of Asgard felt bored, so he decided to kill his brother Thor who was a mighty warr-"

Before Dan could continue with the story the compartment door slid open. Standing at the entrance was three men. Two of them were the normal carriage staff wearing their uniform and the other was the man who was blocking his way earlier on.

Maknan, Dan and Crion looked to the side to see who it was that rudely barged in without as much as an excuse me.

The men entered the small room and reached for the bags on the rack that belonged to Maknan.

A gust of wind blew the man's hand away, courtesy of Dan.

"Excuse me, how can I help you?" Maknan said. "What do you want from my bags?"

"We have a right to search through our passengers baggage in case there has been a theft." The man who was reaching for the bags said.

He reached for it again but stopped as he noticed a sword resting on his shoulders. Maknan along with the three men were shocked.

"Sir what are you doing?" the man asked as he slowly put his hands down.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? You barge into this small compartment unannounced and accuse your passengers of theft, I'm from a really barbaric village but even I know that is unprofessional and rude. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please take the sword of my shoulder." Dan heeded and took it of.

The man breathed a sigh of relief. He knew Dan was a madman, afterall it was him who nearly got his nose bitten of earlier by Kan.

"Maam, we have received word that their has been a theft of treasure of immense value, we need to search that luggage." the man politely said. He had no intention of pissing of Dan who seemed to have a "Please piss me of so that I can kill you" look on his face.

"Why should I let you do that?" Maknan asked "Are you accusing me of theft?"

"Not at all maam, all our passengers are going through it including our VIP passengers. It was written in our terms and conditions so please try to understand maam."

Makan contemplated for a minute before speaking. "Very well then but you will search it in front of me."

"Of course maam I understand. I was planning on doing it in front of you."

Dan sheathed his sword and placed it on his lap for the everyone to see. "Sir where is your luggage?" the other man asked.

"I do not have any!"


"I do not have any, ask your partner he saw me enter without luggage."

"Oh ok."

After searching through Maknan's luggage the men closed the compartment door and left.

"Theft, I didn't expect that to happen on this journey." Maknan said.

"Yeah me neither."

Crion watched Dan as he lied. She was literally his lookout when he stole whatever it was that was stolen. She was not surprised as lying was not that big of a deal to her. She had seen lots of people lie telling her that they won't harm her and then after trusting them she found out about their lies.

"Is your friend ok?" Maknan asked. Earlier on Dan had told her she was a friend of his who staid in another carriage.

"She has been silent for quite a while."

"Yes she is fine she doesn't like to speak a lot."

Maknan went back to her book and Dan went back to reading Crion the story of how Loki killed Thor.

After what seemed like 50 minutes there was a knock on the door. Dan thought that it was the men from earlier on and rudely cursed. He stood up and opened the door.

There stood an old woman with gray hair who seemed to be on the verge of tears. She had a trolley which was filled with food.

"Please forget what I said." Dan said. As heartless as Dan was he did not like to hear old people cry, unlike the young and fit youth, he considered their cries painful and gut wrenching.

Their cries would haunt him for years and he would just randomly remember it when he was about to fall asleep. Dan calmed the lady down by apologising profusely over and over again and complimenting her until she was smiling brightly.

"I brought the lunch." the lady said. Dan took several sandwiches, biscuits and boiled potatoes with cheese and peas from the lady and a flask of tea. Dan decided to give the old lady a gold coin since he did not want her to wish ill on him. The old lady left with the happiest smile Dan had ever seen in his life and pulled her trolley.

Dan set the plastic platter containing the sandwiches and biscuits down and gave everyone their boiled potatoes. Dan saw Crion staring at the sandwiches.

"You can eat them if you want."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, eat as many as you want."

Crion placed her plastic plate that contained her boiled potatoes and peas down on the clear table. She picked up a sandwich and tried taking a bite into it.

Just as she tried to do that her inexperience with human food showed. The fillings of the sandwich fell down on the only piece of clothing that she had. She bit into the dry bread that had nothing inside it.

To be honest it was a cute sight to see. Even Maknan thought so. She giggled inwardly as she held back her laugh. It was like seeing a lamb trip over or a kitten lick another kitten.

"No, don't do that." Dan quickly stopped Crion from picking up the fillings that dropped out.

"Here you hold it like this." The rest of the day was peaceful and quiet as Dan read stories to Crion.

It reached night time and just like last time the carriage stopped but this time it stopped in a village. There were people surrounding the carriage as if they had never saw it before.

Now it was time for Dan's plan. This plan of his that included 'saving an elf.'


Kan ran circles around Dan as he hadn't seen him for the whole day. He ran around him over and over until Dan said. "Fine, I'll take you for your walk. I didn't do my daily mission so it's a win win."

Kan barked in joy happily barking and jumping.

It was like he understood everything that Dan said. Dan looked to see Pedro walking out of his carriage followed by the two kids.

"Crion, stay around here, I'll be taking him on a walk." Dan said.


Dan stopped in the outskirts of the town where shrubbery and bushes grew. There was sand that reached as far as the eye could see.

➡️Daily mission complete

➡️Rewards ➡️ Gold chest ➡️ 2 silver ➡️ +3 speed stat increase.

Dan smiled as he saw the rewards. He opened the chest to receive his rewards.

➡️ Bastard Zanbatto

➡️New chaos stat

➡️ +100 Chaos stat

"Chaos stat? I wonder what that is?"

➡️ The chaos stat is a stat that let's you know how much chaos you have caused. Once your chaos has reached a certain point then you will be eligible for the Elconnare war.

"Elconnare war?"

➡️ A war for people with chaos attributes across the multi verse against the holy faction. The war will give a lot of rewards the longer you live and more chaos you cause and increase your strength several times.

Dan read the message several times over and over. A war? Against a holy faction? Strength will increase?

"Do I have a choice to enter?" Dan asked.

➡️yes you do.

Dan smiled slowly revealing his teeth. "That is a really dumb question to ask, of course I am in. When is this war? Did it start already? Let me go there now!"

➡️Unfortunately you cant! Your chaos stat must reach at least 100,000 to enter the war. Even if you entered right now, you would die because you are not strong enough. Hence from now on the experience points needed to level up will increase by tenfold and the experience points you will gain will be only ⅛ of what you usually receive. From now on your strength will be biological and not mechanical.


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Also check out my other book, it is called Football masters and it is an urban sports novel.

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