
The Psychopath's Journey

Nobody knows what goes through a psychopaths's head. Their incapability of feeling any emotion makes them terrifying. What happens when a psycho is transmigrated to a world of magic? Well that is what the novel is about. Follow along the journey a psycho has to take to save the world. Not the psycho anybody asked for but the mad man everybody needed.

Kairos_Official · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 40: Missing

The city of Hilica stretched out with a tapestry of life and color under the gentle caress of the sun. Laughter and joy filled the air, as children played in the streets, food vendors offered their tempting wares, and the golden rays of the sun painted a picturesque scene. It was a city that cast its enchantment not only on its residents but also on those lucky enough to visit, and at its heart lay the Ascension Academy.

Amidst the bustling cityscape, students reveled in the boundless opportunities that surrounded them. Shops beckoned with potions, weapons, art supplies, and mysterious trinkets, each promising a world of wonder. And within this vibrant tapestry, a young first-year student from the Soron family embarked on a quest that would take him throughout the city in search of a fabled potion shop.

Blake Soron, heir to the illustrious Soron family, strode confidently through the crowd, drawing the gaze of onlookers who recognized the mark of his noble lineage in his bearing and the distinctive academy uniform he wore.

But Blake, a young man who seldom ventured into crowded places, found himself navigating the crowd of people today. His destination was a clear one, but the academy's alchemy shop had run dry, leaving him with no other choice.

As he walked deeper into the labyrinthine streets, Blake couldn't help but wonder,

"Did I get lost?"

Indeed, he had, and the realization began to dawn on him as he meandered in circles, directionless. It was time to seek help from the locals.

He approached a young woman carrying a basket of fruits and remembered the advice he'd read in the "100 Ways to Communicate" book.

"Step one: Smile and say 'excuse me.'"

"Oi! Where's the potion shop?"

he inquired, flashing a somewhat mischievous grin but, regrettably, forgetting the "excuse me."

The startled girl hurried away, drawing the attention of passersby. Blake sighed, mumbling to himself,

"I did what that '100 Ways to Communicate' book said."

Blake had always found communication to be a formidable challenge. In his early years, his focus had been solely on training, and he seldom interacted with peers unless they matched his strength. Only tutors and his parents dared to engage him in conversation; others were too intimidated.

Amidst the bustling crowd, a peculiar sound caught Blake's attention. A combination of coughing and laughter led him to an elderly gentleman with sparse hair clinging to his head, who seemed to be amused by Blake's social awkwardness.

"I've never seen a noble so ill at ease in a social setting," the man remarked as he approached.

Blake remained silent and continued walking.

"You seem lost,"

the old man observed, walking alongside Blake, who was growing increasingly irked.

"Why are you following me?"

"My shop is just ahead, young lad."

Blake glanced at the man struggling to keep pace.

"What kind of shop is it?"

"I sell a variety of items, including weapons, books, and potions."

Blake's ears perked up at the mention of "potions."

"Do you offer high-quality potions?" he inquired, expertly navigating through the crowd.

"Some are of the highest quality, while others, well, I can't vouch for them. I bought them because they were cheap."

"Then lead me to your shop."

Blake slowed down, allowing the frail man to take the lead.

As they walked in silence, Blake observed a long line of people outside a shop, curiosity piqued. He had never seen a shop with such a long queue of customers.

"Is that your shop?" he asked the elderly man.

The man chuckled, "Yes, that my clothing shop. My potions shop is beside it."

Blake read the sign, which was elegantly engraved in gold on a metal board.

'Ye Olde Shop.'

"Do you really sell potions?" Blake inquired.

The old man chuckled and opened the door, causing the wind chimes to fill the room with a sweet melody.

"Fear not; I sell only the finest potions. Come inside."

The interior was a wonderland of oddities, with shelves packed with colorful vials, ancient scrolls, and mysterious artifacts. The aroma of herbs and alchemical concoctions enveloped him, igniting his curiosity.


"Blake is missing."

Fiona nearly tumbled from her chair upon hearing the news. It was a shocking revelation for her, and the last thing she expected to hear on a morning like this.

"When?" she asked Roman, who appeared equally distressed.

"Probably since yesterday. There were witnesses who saw him go into the city, but he hasn't returned."

Roman glanced out of the window, where he saw numerous carriages and the newfangled contraptions called "cars" entering the academy, each adorned with a logo of a spear inside a dragon's head.

"They're here as well," he thought.

The atmosphere was charged with tension. The disappearance of a student was a grave concern, but the fact that he was the sole heir to a ducal family made it even more serious.

"If anything were to happen to him," Roman pondered, "it could lead to war."

The academy had already dispatched most of its guards, and members of the Soron family's assassins were also scouring the city for any leads. Roman clenched his fist, and Fiona understood the gravity of the situation. If Blake were found dead, the Soron family would be quick to retaliate against the academy.

As both of them were deeply engrossed in this stressful situation, contemplating how to resolve it, the door to the office suddenly swung open with a force that shook the room. The entire space seemed to quiver in the presence of the person who had entered, enveloped in a golden aura. His snow-white hair flowed like a shield, and he held a spear at the ready.

With a swish, the spear flew directly towards Roman, halting just a few meters away. The force behind it was tremendous, and the rear of the room was demolished within seconds.

'There goes my high-quality wood,'

Roman mused, but the current situation left no room for complaints. The man in front of him approached the desk, caught the suspended spear, and drove it into the ground.

"Where is my son?" His voice was chilling and resonated throughout the room. Even Fiona couldn't help but step back in the face of this imposing figure.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Where is my son?" The man slammed the spear again, creating a dense aura that permeated the room, shattering it further.

"I take responsibility, Duke Amon, but right now—" Roman began to intercede, but it only further fueled Duke Amon's anger.

"Yes, this is your responsibility, and I will tear your heart from your body," he threatened, poised to unleash another attack.

"Stop, Duke Aamon," Fiona intervened. Allowing the situation to escalate further could result in a catastrophe. Two of the most powerful Awakeners engaging in combat here would endanger the lives of many innocents.

"We are equally shocked by this turn of events and are doing our utmost to locate him."

"Locate him?" Amon approached Fiona, staring her down.

"The need to locate him should never have arisen if you had fulfilled your duty. How could you be so careless? It's your responsibility."

His anger surged. There was not even a single clue about Blake's whereabouts. They didn't even know if he was alive or dead.

As Duke Amon continued to blame Roman, another staff member entered the room without knocking, although there was no door to knock on. Initially, he struggled to breathe due to the tense atmosphere. Duke Amon reduced his aura, and the man turned to Roman with hope in his eyes. However, the words that came out of his mouth only added to Roman's troubles.

"#Rank1000 Levi is missing."

Duke Amon appeared clueless about the student's name, but Roman and Fiona exchanged concerned glances.

Fiona stepped forward, explaining, " They are classmates. It's possible that they encountered a situation beyond their control."

Duke Amon's rage began to ebb, replaced by a deep concern for his son.

Roman, knowing the gravity of the situation, spoke with urgency, "Duke Amon, we are deploying every resource available to locate your son and Levi. The safety of our students is paramount to us."

Duke Amon, still visibly shaken by the news, nodded, his aura slowly dissipating. "I will hold you to that, Headmaster Roman. Find them, and find them quickly."

With a final, chilling look, he turned and left the room, the golden aura trailing behind him.

Roman and Fiona were left in the wake of Duke Amon's departure, knowing that they had a daunting task ahead. The disappearance of two students, one of noble lineage and the other a Rank1000, had cast a dark shadow over the academy.

As they began to strategize, they realized that the answers to this mystery could lead to revelations that transcended the fate of two young men, and perhaps held the key to the destiny of the academy itself.

The clock was ticking, and the quest for the mysterious had only just begun.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kairos_Officialcreators' thoughts