
The Psychopath's Journey

Nobody knows what goes through a psychopaths's head. Their incapability of feeling any emotion makes them terrifying. What happens when a psycho is transmigrated to a world of magic? Well that is what the novel is about. Follow along the journey a psycho has to take to save the world. Not the psycho anybody asked for but the mad man everybody needed.

Kairos_Official · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs


" Even for a psychopath, you are quite good at expressing your 'feelings' ."

The God said as Seiko's body appeared in front of him again.

"Well, even though I cannot feel things that does not mean I can play around with other's emotion. I may not know the feeling of good or bad but I do know what makes me a 'good' son."

Seiko said as he looked at the God and smirked.

" As I said before, even I do not know whose body you will be reincarnated into and your mission is just not to save the world but also to make sure that the ten heroes survive the final battle."

Seiko eyes widened when the God said that. The main goal in the 'Trial of Heroes' was always to save the world and it did not matter if the 'ten' heroes died. Even when Seiko would speed run he would often sacrifice the heroes and manage to save everybody in the world without a single causality. Though he tried to complete the game by making sure that all of the heroes survived, one of them would always die in the end.

'If he wants me to save the heroes then there must me something more sinister than the final boss and the game would only consider your victory if you managed to save 80% of the world's population after the last battle. This is really 1000% harder than the game.'

As Seiko was in lost in his thoughts, the God used his magic and a piece floated towards Seiko. He took the paper and looked at God.

"That is a manual I created for you, though it does not have that much information as you probably know the best way to increase your powers. It does not have any art or skill but it does have some tips that was not in the game."

The paper then automatically moved and passed through Seiko's forehead. The information on the paper was immediately imprinted on his brain.

" One more thing. Your status window is capable of appraising items and seeing people's stats so make good of this ability."

The ability to appraise stuff would definitely help him a lot cause he is going to need to purchase a lot of items as he did not remember every good item in the game. And being able to see other's stats would give him the upper hand in any battle.

"Now, go my last card . Become the ray of light and shine the path that will lead this world to a new horizon. Show me what you are capable of and prove to me that you were the best player in this game and do not let the monster inside consume you."

The God said and Seiko'd body started to turn to smoke. Seiko looked at the God.

"Next time we meet make sure to help me bless me with some powers, you useless God."

" You son of a bit-"

Seiko could not hear the God fully curse at him as he had already disappeared. 

"That human really knows how to annoy someone one.....but he is probably the only one I can rely on this time *sigh*. Even as a God, I can only pray."

He then clasped his hands together to pray for Seiko....it showed how dire the situation was.

"May you be victorious."


*Blink* *Blink* *Blink*

Seiko slowly opened his eyes. He felt dizzy and 'pain' in his head. He touched it to stop the 'pain' but it was just an act to show that he was in 'pain'. He had trained himself to show this type of reaction so people did not know about his true self.

He was in a sofa and the owner of this body was probably sleeping. At first he looked outside the window and saw two moons.

"I really transmigrated in the world of Servania."

The game 'Trial of Heroes took place in a planet called Servania. It was similar to earth except, fantasy elements existed here and this planet had two moons. Even though Seiko knew he would be transmigrated but now being here made him 'feel' out of place.

*Rumble* *Rumble*

His stomach started making noise as his body was feeling 'hungry'. He got out from the bed and stood up and immediately feel on his knees. He looked at his legs and saw a many bruises on his legs.

Seiko did not feel any agony but still he could not walk properly. He crawled his way to the mirror and looked at him. 

'This guy.....looks just like me.'

The person reflected by the mirror looked exactly same as Seiko when he was in his high school but he was not this lean and weak and did not have such long hair that would cover his eyes.

He could see his eye color slowly change as well. The red color in this body's eyes were merged with the gray color of Seiko's eye and now his eye color was fully gray with some hints of red in them. It was a really unique color that enhance this body's beauty even more.

As Seiko was looking at the mirror a blue coloured screen appeared in front of his eyes. It was the status window, that every awakener would have. 



-Name: Levi

-Potential: C

-Current Rank: F+

-Profession: Archer

-Luck: G (Variable)

-Charm: A(Variable)


Health: 200/350

Mana Capacity: 10/250

Stamina: 20/100

Strength: 55

Agility: 95


-Hunter's Eye 



-One Focus(S rank)


Common Archer Style ( F grade -> 50%)


"This status is really pathetic. I did not know there were such weak character in the game."

In the game the user could chose one of the heroes and their base stats were really good. However the person whose body Seiko was in was nowhere near the strength of the main characters.

"But I am glad I did not transmigrate into a body of a toddler, a villain or a old man. Plus I never saw this character in the whole game so that means that he was just an background character a.k.a an extra."

Seiko then rubbed his chin and thought about his status carefully again.

"His attributes are shit but his skills are match with his profession plus the most out of place thing is the 'One Focus' trait."

After all the trait was an S rank and not even the main characters had a trait of SS rank in the early game. As he was thinking about that trait, the panel automatically moved and showed a description about that trait.


-One Focus(S rank)

Description: The trait is not of 'Levi' but of 'Seiko'. A trait is bound to the soul so it had also been transferred with the transmigrator. When the user focuses he will gain the [Essence] when he perform's any task.


"Wait what? I have [Essence] at this early stage."

[Essence] was a cheat in the game.It was the most essential power that could change the flow of a battle. Basically if a character trained himself in a certain task again and again and his will matched his focus ,the person would gain this power but the individual could only use the power only in the task he mastered. If one gained [Essence] in their swordsmanship then they could not use it in archery and had to master the bow to gain [Essence] in it. 

But according to the panel, Seiko could gain [Essence] in any task he did. He knew he was a well focused person. That is why he was so good at anything he did back on earth but he did not know that he was using this technique indirectly.

[Essence] did not need mana. It needed absolute focus and a unwavering heart and will.

"This really is a game changer. I might be able to get through the first arc with this power."

Seiko tried standing up but he could not because of the 'pain'.

"Let me try to use [Essence]"

He then fully focused on standing up and manifested himself walking. 


A could feel some sort of energy entering his legs and now he could stand up. He checked his Status and saw a change in his strength from 55----> 58, which was temporary. Though it was not that much change, he could walk by holding onto the wall.

He walked to the kitchen and saw some bread on the table. He sat on the chair and started eating the bread. He was fully focused on eating and the [Essence] did its work. He could see the numbers on his health and mana stat rising up.

After he finished eating, he went towards the table next to his bed. He could see some of the photos of Levi....alone. Since he was a mob character, Seiko did not know much about him. He could see a uniform on the clothe hanger beside his bed and recognised the cloth.

"The Ascension Academy's uniform."

He then checked the the drawer and found a id card. It was the school's id card. 

"So he is in this class."

Levi was in class A9 which was the place were the main characters were grouped and the place where the plot would begin from. Seiko could transmigrate into anyone's body but he entered an extra's body who was part of the A9 class. 

"I wonder if this is a coincidence or just some sort of game played by fate. If it is a game that I shall do my best to be the conqueror."