

  Born of Witches

  Irena's POV

  "Alright, I've sent the message, let's continue," I informed Magnus, placing my phone back on the table.

  "So we've managed to link these past occurrences to a mole right?" Magnus asked.

  I frowned, what did Magnus just speak?

  "Speak English Magnus, rephrase your statement,"

  He sighed dramatically, " We have three reasons to believe that there is a mole among us right?"

  I nodded, " yes. And it all points to a member of the security guards,"

  " Right,"

  " So August killed a human who seemed to be a vampire to her, as a result of being under some sort of magical control as it seems," I recalled.

  " Do we encounter or make enemies with anyone connected to magic in any way?" Magnus asked thoughtfully.

  I shook my head, "no, they are all dead and we don't haven't made any recent ones, "

  "Let's think of the few enemies we've made. The ones that use magic I mean, "