

  The Chase I

  Irena’s POV

  I dropped the camcorder suddenly, I couldn’t feel any strength in my arms or knees, I realized that as I found myself needing to take a seat on the edge of my bed.

  It was hard to believe, things had been going so well, Maximus was dead, Alexey and I were happy, everything seemed to be going so well, and now this, someone was bold enough to abduct Magnus and Alexey?

  ”When I find the bastard who did this I'll make you suffer!” I shrieked as I threw the pillows from my bed, and tore up my entire room in anger and frustration.

  The crazy scenarios began to surge through my head, the theories began to form, but nothing seemed to stick, nothing seemed to make any sense.

  ”I have to get to the bottom of this,” I thought aloud as I collected myself and proceeded towards the phone, I needed to assemble my vampires, this was a top priority situation and I needed all the help I could get, and so I called up Carlos and Monica and asked them to;