

A pyscho falls in love with a girl. As he kills a gang in train brutally for misbehaving with her , she gets frightened. One fine day The pyscho kidnaps her . She trys to escape from him many times, but she couldn't succeed. After few months, she come to know his love was true, she fells for the pyscho. They both will be soo deep in love. She gets engaged to him , have kids & lead a rich life....

Agnes_katam · Realistic
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8 Chs



I was awake, i slightly opened my eyes , ive seen a new place , its not my room. Than it sticked my head that I was kidnapped. I suddenly got up from the bed, i wondered where i am. The room looked so good , it was so pleasant & pleasing. I ran towards the door & tried to open it, but the door was locked from outside. I was hitting the door soo hard , i soughted "open the door , who is it ? " .

I felt very tensed , I stepped abit away from the door wondering who it might be.

I heard someone coming & opening the door .

It was the guy , the guy who killed the people in train 🚆. I was shocked 😲 , i looked at him with fear . He walked towards me. I was stepping back , " you , ? why did you bring me here , ? what do you want ? 😢 " , i said . He was like

" listen, you have no idea how much I love you, you should be scared "

Love me? i didn't understand a thing. I was thinking that he is gonna kill me.

ALICE = Love me? stop lieing, tell me what you want. Are you gonna kill me??

JACK WILLIAMS = No am not Alison, i would never hurt you, please dont cry.

ALISON = how do you know my name?

JACK WILLIAMS = Not jest your name , i know everything.

ALISON = What ? never mind, tell me why you kidnapped me? look i didn't tell to anybody about you.

JACK WILLIAMS = Alison i love you. I really scared you that day , i brought you here to let you know how much i love you.

ALISON = How can you love me ? you barely know me .

JACK WILLIAMS = I know you, Alison please try to understand baby, i killed those freaks to help you.

ALISON = Help me ? why ? i don't want you to kill people

JACK WILLIAMS = But , he touched your hair, i didn't like it , your mine baby , if at all anybody can touch you , it must be me .

ALISON = Are you mad ? i don't love , at all. Jest let me go

JACK WILLIAMS = No i won't. You will be here till you love me. & I will take you out once we are engaged.

ALISON = ( crying) Please noo. How can i love someone whom i don't know.?? & you killed them, i still have nightmares ...

JACK WILLIAMS = Alison am sorry, i jest , am out of control that day. I jest wanted to help.

ALISON = if u wanted to help, you might have beat them or scare them. But why kill?

JACK WILLIAMS = Am an angry person , i jest can't control my anger 😤 .. And remember you are all mine. Get bath & come baby , lets eat breakfast.

Than he closed the door 🚪 & left. I immediately locked the door. I cant stop crying 😢, he said he wont let me put..

I looked around the room, opened the closet , I've seen many preety clothes, did he jest buy all these for me? I took out one & went to take a shower 🚿 , i came out , dressed, & started to coumb my hair. I found a pink ribbon 🎀 , it was preety but i dont want to , so i dint .

I was jest sitting on the bed, after sometime he came and knocked the door.

I didn't open , he was knocking & calling out my name. so i went and opened the door. He asked me to eat breakfast, i said i won't. He was begging me but i closed the door & came sat on the bed..I was hungry, but i jest don't wanna eat .

He brought me the breakfast to the bed, He was like , please alison eat it up.

I drank water , later after an hour i ate my breakfast coz am hungry.

He was happy , took the plates off the bed .

The whole day he was trying to talk to me, i jest ignored & hate him. He was trying to prove himself that killing people is not wrong. I Jest slept on bed & turned the opposite side of him. He knew i wanted to sleep, he came & said good night, but i dint replay. He said i love you & left by turning the lights off & closing the door. I came to know that he is a total physco path. I cant tell . Am a bit scared , coz am sleeping in some strange's house, & he is a total physco path who killed people . I prayed to god to help me . And Some how i went to sleep 💤 ....


I felt loved. But she is still scard , she was not eating, not at all interested in me . But i don't care. All i care is she should be with me forever. The day went , she wanted to sleep, she dint reply me when i said i love you, i went out of the room.

After an hour i came back again , i looked at her , she looked soooo beautiful while sleeping, I couldn't stop looking at her , i touched her soft skin, but she couldn't know coz she was in a deep sleep , i kissed her on the forehead, put the bedsheet on & i left.