
The Psijick Record

This is the story of the Psijick Order, it's history, it's beginning and fall. And it all start with just a single man .

dealylazer · Realistic
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3 Chs

The First Will

After entering the room Alexei took the seat in front of Mr.Salton and started to speak.

"Hello Mr. Salton, first of all, you need to know that everything you say in this room is recorded and can be used against you. Second things you are accused of the homicide of 12 tourists from your group with the possibility of **** of the 2 female of the group-" Alexei was interrupted by a panicked Kevin Salton.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, I admit I stole some things from time to time from the tourist but murder and **** What the Actual Fuck, listen this is stupid, look at me how could I kill someone while I freak out when one of the tourists got me stealing in one of their bags?"

Alexei did not show emotion and just opened the folder posed on the table and threw a photo in front of him while saying "Then explain why we found you covered in blood in the middle of 12 dead tourists? By the way, you even took the time to arrange them in a circle around you and just sat in the middle why ?"

The photo took by the police was terrifying and the first time Alexei saw it, he was very close to vomit, corpses missing body part and just thrown into the circle, all the head were missing their eyes and teeth, blood covering the integrality of their bodies.

Kevin was now paling and sweating, he stayed silent for a good 2 minute before saying with trembling lips " I-I don't know, all I remember was that I escorted the group toward the Yelling stone for climbing it and sat at the top of it and after that we just walked back into the city and finish the day, that all I remember, I SWEAR !"

Alexei just stared into his eyes and said: "Can you show me your hands, especially the back of them?"

Kevin did and Alexei could see the surprise in his eyes when he sees the long and red mark of scratch coming from the forearms.

"Don't be surprised because we found that one of the women killed with skin residue under her nails with your DNA, we also find on the shirt of the same women sperm we do not have finished the test because it was mixed with the blood from multiple sources it will take a couple of days to find if it's you or someone else. Now you can't play the memory loss card what excuse do you have? Depersonalization?"

Kevin was now trembling and tears were forming in his eyes which he quickly hid by planting his head on the palms of his hands.

But something happened because his body started to twitch lightly and a guttural voice responded Alexei.

"Their Screams asking for mercy, their Blood flowing freely from their bodies, the sound of flesh being torn apart and the sound of their bones breaking, simply DELICIOUS! "

Kevin took a little pause and said in his normal voice " PLEASE DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, HE-HE KILLED THEM HE IS A-" Kevin stood up while shouting, his eyes showed a fear no human could provoke but the type of fear when you are in front of a lion ready to pounce on you but before he finished his phrase his body suddenly relaxed and he started to walk toward Alexei while saying with the guttural voice back

"I did it and I enjoyed it and you are NEXT !"

Kevin jumped above the table and tackled to the ground Alexei but at the same time, the door of the room opened like a bull charged through it reveling 2 police officers here to help Alexei.

But Kevin was already strangling Alexei with his hands with a strength a man of his stature could not have.

Alexei was struggling to breathe so he punched the face of Kevin which now had a huge smile, a sadistic smile, the punch hit his temple but did not any effect, Kevin just smiled even more but his smile stopped when the 2 officers tackled him to the ground, one was on his leg while the other was on his torso.

Kevin punched the man on his torso in the ribs and a loud cracking sound and a cry of pain resounded in the room, the man in question fell into to the ground his hand placed where his rib was certainly broken.

In the rush, the man holding his leg did not see the two hands of Kevin grasp his neck, Kevin positioned his thumbs on his trachea and pushed, a sickening crack resounded followed by strangled noise, the man was flailing his arms like it was helping him breathe, Kevin watched silently with the same smile the panic and despair in the man eyes.

But Kevin did not see Alexei crawl toward the man on the ground crying in pain from the broken rib and took the pistol from the man belt.

Kevin turned toward Alexei only to be welcomed by a bullet straight into its forehead, Kevin continued to smile while falling forward and with a sickening THUD, his body was on the ground, blood leaking from the gaping hole in his head slowly creating a small pool of blood.

But Alexei did not see that he precipitated toward his college on the ground unmoving with the trachea crushed, Alexei took his pulse but nothing was there, his eyes showing fear but devoid of life, Alexei slumped into the ground and he was trembling, he just killed a man and another just died in front of him.

He took out his phone and called 911 and explained himself while making sure that the remanning officer did not move according to the instruction he received on the phone.

7 long minutes later the ambulance and multiple police car arrived rushing inside, his fellow police officer was transported on a stretcher and the 2 dead where enveloped in black body bags.

Alexei was examined by the doctors and except the mark on his neck proving that he was attacked he was uninjured after that he was interrogated and he told everything and was free to go at home but he was told to stay in the city for further interrogation.

After a 10 minute walk in which he asked himself what just happened and freaking out that he killed someone he finally arrived at home.

A small apartment around 50m², with a brown sofa, a coffee table, and a tv posed on a glass table in the living room, one door leading to the bathroom and another toward his bedroom.

Alexei took a 30-minute long shower before setting himself on the sofa still thinking about his action.


3 hours later he finally fell asleep.

In his dream, he found himself in the interrogation room but in front of him was not Kevin but someone the visage was just a blur and it started to speak.

"Welcome Alexei, I have waited for 20 years for you, but before you start asking questions, this is not a dream, I am real and this is your mind, I lived here for like I said 20 years, I know everything about you, your fears, your memories, your life and especially your talent even you are not aware of, now ask away we have 7-10 hours before you wake up."

Alexei was caught off guard by the entity in front of him, what was this nonsense, something existed in my mind for 20 years and it never showed a sign of being there. Alexei did not have the time to ask his question because of the entity responded

"The response is quite simple before you manifest your talent I couldn't reach you, your mind was too frail to be connected with. Now let me present myself, I am the representation of your talent.And before you ask yes I can read your mind. "

Alexei was too shocked by the revelation that he could not even think properly, but he quickly shook his head and asked a question.

"And what is this talent ?" Alexei was still dubious about the entity and the fact it was not a dream but still asked a question, after all, there was nothing to lose.

"The ability to control your mind and will to extent that it can affect real life, but I sense you do not believe me, then respond to this question, how did you survive when Kevin grabbed your throat, after all, he could have crushed your neck with his strength as he did with your fellow policeman?"

Alexei was once again shocked, he did not think of that, Why?

"The response is simple when you were in a situation of certain death you WILLED to be protected from his hands, and it did, your will and mind reinforced your throat to resist."

Alexei was having a hard time believing the entity but it was making a good point, he remembered the sickening sound of the trachea being crushed.

"I see you still don't believe me but don't worry you will, after all, we both know after what happened the higher-ups gonna suspend you during a month or more you will all the time to train your talent and prepare for what's is coming." After these words, the entity disappeared in an explosion of light.

In the real world, Alexei woke up slowly remembering perfectly what at first he believed a dream but now he was not so sure.

But what makes Alexei so anxious was the last words of the entity "prepare for what is coming" and honestly he was afraid if that means more things like Kevin appears or even worse.

Alexei passed the day by reflecting on what happened until he received a call saying that he was forced to take a leave for 3 months to recuperate from everything that happened.

The entity was right, he needed to train his talent for whatever was coming and he would be ready.

Here you go the first true chapter, don't hesitate to comment I am open to criticism as long it is constructed.

Thank you for reading.

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