
The Provider

Survivor 1: Are you sure we can trade food at this place? It looks more like a fortress than a hub. Survivor 2: Well they have to protect their stash from everyone else right? ** Chunky man walks in front of the gate and yells "An hour of labor for 100g of grains, Twenty Men ONLY!" Its year 2028, a global pandemic hit the earth during 2020 and it paralized the whole planet, 2021 4 strains of the virus were detected and were still mutatiing, February 2022 2/3rds of the global population died. April 2022 crops and livestock started dying out due to the virus. June 2022 governments have fallen, laws ceased to exist and survivors started to congregate in bases protected by walls and strict control. August 2022, the dead have risen. Follow Matt in his journey to protect his family, secure his territory and lastly, provide.

Zsay · Sci-fi
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Quick and Easy

Matt: "All we need is an hour Seb, build the bank roll and then we bet on the Cardinals."

Seb: "All I need is 5 minutes on the small baccarat tables and then 15 on the no limit ones."

I head on to the cashier to change my 2 bands into chips. then walked to the baccarat tables. Seb looked around and moved over to the 3rd table, 4/5 seats taken and man was the atmosphere gloomy, looks like these folks are on a loosing streak.

"All in on Player Pair, Master" Seb said through the neural link. Here goes nothing, I shoved the chips on Player Pair, this pays out 1:11. I got questioning looks from the folks on the table. An aged gentleman around 50 said "You sure you wanna do that son?". "I got a feeling, why don't you join me?" I replied.

"Well, loosing another 2 grand is not gonna change anything, name is Marshall, what's your poison?"

I was about to say Gin and neat but I remembered the note and asked for a beer.


The dealer dealt 4 cards, 2 for the banker and 2 for the player. "Mind if I flip the player cards?" I asked the players. "By all means" said the pretty blonde at the far end. I reached out and flipped the first card.

8 of Clubs

Second card

8 of Clubs

Marshall slammed the table and yelled "Fuck yeah! 1 to 18!" I looked over at Seb and he shrugged his shoulders, "Infrared Imaging works wonders no?"

"Hide yo kids! Hide yo wife! You might lose them all today!" I jokingly told the dealer who was smiling at me silly while pushing my winnings, "Congratulations sir, great pull! Here's 36 Thousand."

I reached for my beer and said to Marshall "Guess I earned my beer huh?"

Marshall: "Damn right you did!"

Matt: "I'm feeling really lucky, I'm heading over to higher limits, wanna come with?"

Marshall: Looks like payback time for me, lets go son!

Here we are, no limit table, minimum bet is 10 bands. I looked at Seb and he said,

"Banker 4 rounds then Tie Twice, let it roll"

Matt: "Follow my lead old timer, no regrets!"

I pushed all my chips on banker, 38 Thousand I declared to the dealer. She counted the chips and nodded, Marshall followed with 10 bands.


Banker pulls a natural 9, Player pulls a 6.

Marshall: "Holy blue eyed white Jesus! You are one lucky son of a gun!"

Matt: "Keep the chips on for another three rounds, we might catch a train"

Marshall: "You don't have to tell me twice!"

Chips stay on banker I told the Dealer, she nods and said NO MORE BETS!

Banker again!

Chips Stay.




304,000 Congratulations Sir! The dealer was dumbfounded! Marshall even more so!

Marshall: "A hundred and twenty grand! I got back everything I lost for the past year!"

Matt: "Glad you trusted me Marshall"

Marshall: "No Son, you need to know, this amount is insignificant to me, what I'm after is the thrill of winning!"

Matt: "Want an even bigger thrill? Lets go on tie, twice!"

Marshall: "In for a penny, in for a pound!"

"Is that a declared bet sir?" the pitboss said.

Matt: Yes, it is, no limits correct?

That is correct, NO MORE BETS! Please proceed.

The dealer is shaking, she deals the cards and flips them 9-9 for player, 4-4 for banker! The onlookers go wild! How much is that? HOW MUCH DID I WIN! I was pumped! Adrenaline was gushing through my system! That's 2.432 million!

ONE MORE TIME! I declared. Marshall looked like he was about to have a heart attack and the pitboss was staring at the cards while the dealer dealt them. I flip the Player cards, 9-K.

Matt: "Hey Marshall, flip those cards"

With trembling hands he flipped the first card..


He shut his eyes and flipped the second card. SLAM!! He flinched at the sound and stared at the pit boss whose arm almost went through the table. He looked at the card in his hand.

Marshall: "Motherfucker. You are gonna die tomorrow son, you used all your luck today!"

It was an 8, and all I gave him was a pat on the shoulder. "You pulled that 8, you used up your luck! Haha!" Dealer Count the chips!!

"That's 19.456 million Sir, I hope you're a generous tipper cause I might be out of a job tomorrow"

I slid a 10k chip and my business card, "Call me if they fire you"

Marshall still shocked by the series of events pulled me and said, lets go cash out.

Matt: "I have one more bet to put, and if you're smart, you know what to do"

I start making my way to the sports betting area and asked the cashier what were the odds on the Cardinals winning the World Series.


Matt: Put me in for 18 million

Cashier: Are you sure sir?

Matt: Yes. Make it snappy

Marshall: Put me in for 100 Grand.

Cashier: Here are your tickets, Good Luck!

Anyone who has ever played baccarat will know that pulling 2 ties is insanely difficult.

We have a choice of either making Marshall an arms dealer or a gunsmith. People make your choice!

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