
The Protector of The Seven Hidden Kingdoms

A story of a heroine who has to save the Seven Kingdoms.

wayzlnut · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Beginning of Sorrows

A lot has changed on earth. People are less loving but kept on chasing the pleasures the world has to offer rather than the truth of what it takes to be a human being. People have become greedy, selfish, and insensitive to each other. It was getting darker and darker day by day. There is a disease that was spreading. There were horrible natural disasters, the plants starting to wither. The world was surrounded by dark energies and an unexplainable magical phenomenon such as illusion and hallucinations. Some people behave like monsters. The earth became a messed up place. Little by little the earth is turning into a dangerous place. The people have become uncunning. Nobody realized the doom that is happening and it goes on, but ever since the war in Seren 22 years ago, it was never the same again.

Estella is the daughter of Anna Weinberg. She has hair with a hint of darkest blue just like her mother. She was the fruit of an evil scheme that was done to her mother when her mother was in the rehabilitation center. The story has become a talk and rumor in the town. The facility was taken down after what had occurred. Anna was brought back to the mansion to recuperate. Estella, on the other hand. She is the only one who's sober and mindful of reality. Everybody else seems to be blinded by the unfortunate events that are happening on the earth. Her mother, who is supposed to be her support as she grows up, became insane as she gave birth to a peculiar boy and lost her son afterward. Estella strived her life alone. Her grandmother is her only hope, but her grandmother Anita Weinberg, the old lady, hates her.

"His eyes and skin were marvelous and stunning. Dylan doesn't look like him. How can I have a child with another man? That is impossible, but I wish I could touch him once again," Anna Weinberg talks to her daughter. Anna could not talk about any other thing other than his son.

"Mother, he is not here. I am here, your daughter. I wish you could talk to me as a mother. I have a lot of things to say and questions to ask," Estella was brokenhearted as she didn't experience the joy of having a family.

"He is a very handsome boy like his father, Dylan. Dylan is not a good man. I hate him. He left us. But, the boy was beautiful. Just like me" Anna positioned her arms as if she was carrying a baby. She was laughing with joy.

"Mother...," Estella was discouraged about talking to her mother, but she kept in trying every day hoping she'd become normal one day.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" The old lady, Anita Weinberg, her grandmother didn't want her to step in the Mansion. All that Estella could do is stay outside in the garden because she had no place to go. She would sneak inside to get food and sometimes she can get to sleep inside and talk to her mother, but when her grandmother sees her, she only gets scolded at and ended up mistreated. The mansion was big enough to sneak in. Even though sometimes the servants would catch her inside, they would just ignore her out of pity.

Estella got used to being maltreated. For her, it is normal. She grew up in that kind of environment. She is already 17 years old and it didn't get any better.

"When this suffering will end? When will the sorrows end?" Estella was sitting down in front of a bunch of flowers. She talked to a withering flower. She was looking onto it. There was nobody to talk to except for the plants.

"It is only the beginning...," A dark shadow passed behind her. A gush of wind blew her hair. She flicked her head to look behind. Nothing was there. She was terrified, but there was nothing she could do. She ignored and collected herself together. "Those shadows... They are real..." Estella told herself and realized that the rumors about the shadow in town is actually true.

"Don't be afraid.Hang on, everything will be alright. " She told the withering flower. " As for me, I promise I would not give up. I will find a home," She smiled at the flower to cheer up. There was nobody to talk to.

"But who is Dylan that my mother is always mentioning? He couldn't possibly be my father. They say that my lost brother and I have different fathers. I am just an illegitimate child born from disgrace. I am still curious. Who is Dylan?" Estella told herself. She fell asleep for long hours beside the flowers in the back lot. It was getting dark and she got locked outside. This happens a lot of times, so not really a big deal for her. There was no way to get inside the mansion. This was one of her unlucky days.

Is was too dark at night. There were bandits that lurk around the mansion. It seems like they are very skilled bandits. They managed to get into the backlot with the use of ropes and other equipment. They are trying to find an entrance inside the huge mansion, planning to get inside the mansion and steal.

Estella heard their roguish movements and barbaric talking. She hid to her hiding spot, into the bushes. Her body was shaking. She is breathing heavily. She doesn't know what to do. Before they can get near her she tried to escape. She remembered that the mansion was surrounded by walls and forests on the sides, but there was an unused gate and beside it, at a point, the wall was ruined a long time ago that since then, still hasn't been fixed. They didn't mind fixing it since the forest was thick and nobody goes through that scary forest. This the only way she could think of going.

"Would you look at that? A young lady, beautiful and fresh," From afar, visible to the bandits, one saw her moving and hiding in a bush. The bandits were grinning and excited as they've seen the lady with evil intents in their minds. She then decided to run away as fast as she could through the forest. She didn't get lost, since she always hangs outside the mansion. There were times that she plays there when she was a kid, so she memorized the path through the forest. The bandits followed her there and lost her. Luckily, she managed to escape their sight. She decided to get out from the forest and find somewhere safe.

She never stopped running, with wide eyes and alert behavior. Until she reached the center of Farland town. She's never been here for a long time. She never really leaves the mansion until this time. They didn't know how bad it has been outside. She slowed down when she reached the town. She walked through an alley and was embracing her arms through the cold night. She reached a market in the town. She observed the surroundings and noticed that the behavior of the people has become unnatural.

There were few light lamps on the street. She kept herself under the light to get some attention and to make herself feel safe.

"Hey, little lady. Try this hot tea. This is good for your beauty," The old lady smiled as she offered Estella some tea. She was very thirsty and hungry from running. The tea was hot so it might get her through the cold night. She reached for the tea.

Suddenly, another lady struck the cup. It was Mika Carter. The tea spilled on the floor. She prevented Estella from drinking the tea. The old lady was furious.

"Mind your business, you fag!" The old lady got mad at Mika for spilling and breaking the cup glass.

"I'll take this as a half payment of what you owe me," Mika Carter told her. The lady didn't respond and walked away towards her store.

"Who are you, young lady? You seem new to this town?" says the lady. It was Mika Carter, a lady in the neighborhood. "Uhm. Yes, I am." Estella answered.

"Don't trust anyone, here if you don't know anyone here in this town. That lady sells wig, she hunts for ladies like you to take the hair and dispose of the body. You may not believe me but that tea make put you in deep sleep. She will take advantage of you," Mika carter explained. Estella was a bit shocked by what she heard.

"It is very dangerous, out here. A lot of people have been mysteriously missing," Mika whispered to Estella because she didn't want to get any more attention from people. "I used to have a daughter, but this old lady captured my daughter as her victim. I was in deep anger and pain, but there is no real justice. Nobody is in the right mind. I have to learn to be strong. In this tough world, you have to know how to go with the flow. Now, it is really a hard time to live. I made a deal with this lady. She will give me part of her earnings. That is the only thing I can do," with wide eyes and straight face and eyebrows raised, Mika could tell the story easily except a tear fell from her right eye that she ignored. She was numb but at the same time deep down she was hurt.

"Where did you come from? Who are your parents, and why are you alone?" Mika asked.

"My father is Dylan Goelet. I don't have a mother" She refused to tell the truth about her mother Anna because they might abandon her because of the rumors about Anna her mother. She also lied that his father is Dylan whom her mother always mentions.

"Dylan? You're the daughter of Dylan?! Mika was surprised as she was a close friend of Dylan Goelet. "I heard he was missing? Where is he?" Mika held Estella's shoulders and shook her.

"I honestly don't know, too. He left when I was young," Estella explained in a low voice, as she was lying.

"You know what? You can stay at my place. Dylan is a special friend of mine. I'd do the same to his family," Mika held Estella with kind gestures. Little did she know that Mika was also a little bit influenced by the shadows like the other people. The surrounding energy was getting strong. It could elicit manipulation, deceit, illusion, hallucinations, mind tricks, and such dark force. The surrounding have become bad that the spread of diseases has become uncontrollable too.

Mika thought of Estella as her own daughter. She thought to herself that she owns Estella after she agreed to live with her. When Estella went to her house, Mika was welcoming at first. It got weird when Estella was about to sleep. In the middle of the night, Estella saw Mika holding a bat. She was about to strike Estella's hand. Fortunately, Estella was half awake. Before Mika could hit her she woke up and shouted at her.

"What are you doing?!" Estella shouted at Mika. "I am doing this for you, sweetie. If you don't have a hand, you don't have to do anything anymore. I can take care of you. I will do everything for you?" Estella screamed. "Nooo! Stop!" She got up. Mika didn't and tried to hit Estella. Luckily she was able to dodge it. She was good at running. She escaped out of the house quickly. She ran away never looked behind. There were people on the way, too. Having the grim look in their eyes on her. She ran away farther until there were few to no people around. She found herself in front of a cemetery. There was an isolated and abandoned house there. She went inside and nobody was in there. She shut the door and all the windows and went upstairs. She chose a room where she could stay. It was almost dawn, and she still hasn't slept yet. She was wide awake living in a nightmare.

"What is happening? Where can I find a home? Is there anybody there who could save me from my sorrows?" In a dark room, Estella whispered in a low voice.

This is a sequel to my book "Jar of Fireflies". I hope you like the story. xoxo

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