
Chapter Thirty Four: Back From Death

Though it had taken some time, Raven had finally managed to complete the serum. Shawn had still returned and Raven was beginning to become worried with Kara did her best to reassure that Shawn was perfectly fine. " I know, I just worry. But at least the serum is done" Raven exhales deeply. " So I guess this means we need to look for Gabriel"

Aurora stand up " We have been wasting alot of time. And more eyes looking for him means an increase of chances with finding him" Kara agrees and they all agree to set off and start the search.

Shawn and Gwen have been searching and searching with still no luck. " This insane. How the hell have We not found him" Gwen was growing more and more tired of this. She was an expert tracker and even still there was no indication of where he could be. Shawn was equally frustrated and couldn't understand why this had been so difficult. " I'm worried something has happened to him"

Without warning, the trio of nightslashers reveal themselves. " Gwen..what are you doing? " Savine asks as he looks over to Shawn whom he recognized all too well. " The Prince.." Savine smiles, almost seeming overjoyed to lay eyes upon him. " Figures that you would find us" Shawn scoffs as he reaches his hand to his scythe. " We are not hear for you. We are here for her" Abilene points to Gwen who laughs. " What are you gonna do? Take me back to mom and dad? Did they send you to watch over me? " She laughs again. " When they placed you with me, I knew I had to watch my back. It was only a matter of time before you tried something..." Gwen readies herself to fight.

" You are a disgrace to your parents. You have betrayed them for the last time and now they have asked for your head" Savine says with a confident tone. " Bring it on then"

Gabriel awakens on the floor of Gooblins home. " You see? I told you. It work " Gabriel stumbles to his feet and groans, his head was pounding and he felt as though he needed to puke " What the hell did you do to me " Gabriel coughs which makes his head throb even harder. " Took you to your mind. You face things. You feel better" Gooblins broken English only made Gabriel feel more disoriented but he composed himself as best as he could.

" Yeah...I guess I do" Gabriel finds a chair to sit down which immediatly breaks under his weight. " I know what I have to do now " He explains and Goodblin nods in excitement. " I have to bring her back.." Gooblin waves his hand and Gooblin raises his hands up which raises another arch way. Similar to the one under Aurora's castle. Gabriel makes his way back to his feet as a green Flame appears in the center of the arches. A hand appears, just like before. And Gabriel can feel his excitement building. " Victoria.." he smiles as Victoria steps out of the flames. " Gabriel..? " She tilts her head to the side.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Shawn are fighting the Trio as best as they can. They are super fast and super strong. Much like Shawn. They struggle to keep them held back but manage to do so but only barely.

" SHAWN " Raven calls out and begins raising her hands to the sky as sharp spikes begin forming under Savine, cutting off his access to charge Gwen.

Kara steps forth and begins launching fireballs at the night slashers. She remembered what they had done to Gabriel and she had patiently waited for payback.

Aurora joined in as well launching lightning from her palms. After the backup had arrived, the trio realized that their odds of winning had dropped drastically and opted to leave. They teleport away leaving the group reunited. Raven runs to Shawn and leaps into his arms and kisses him deeply. Though Aurora didn't look as pleased. " Why is she with you Shawn.." referring to Gwen who was trying to catch her breath.

" That is a long story" Shawn begins to explain as much as he good with Gwen chiming in only a few times. After the explanation had finished, everyone was shocked just as Shawn was at first. " So...you a good vampire...? " Kara asked, looking to Gwen. " I wouldn't say good. Just..not your typical Vampire. But then again, none of us are typical with what we are. " Gwen steps foward to Kara and extends her hand out to her. " I know this will sound strange. But thank you for killing my brothers. They were assholes. I would've done it myself but ya know family. Kara was not entirely sure how to respond to that.

" Well we still have to find Gabriel " Gwen points out. " And we have been searching for days now. At this point, I'm pretty certain we have looked all over the entire Underworld and there has still been nothing. At all. " The group tries to figure out the best plan of attack from this point forward.

Victoria smiles widely and leaps into Gabriel's arms. " Gabriel happily embraces her and holds her as close as he can as tears pour from his eyes. " I fucking thought I had lost you forever" Gabriel cries as Victoria does the same. " I missed you so much Gabriel" Victoria pulls away staring into his eyes. Gabriel reaches up and wipes the tears from her cheeks. She had always tried her best to not cry in front of him but she couldn't help it now. She was so happy to see him again. And then, without another word " Gabriel leans foward and locks his lips onto Victoria's. Kissing her deeply. Victoria was surprised but she kissed him back. She had imagined this moment so many times in her head but she had never imagined it would be as amazing as this.

" I..do...you..um..have...i..." Victoria stumbles over her own words being completely flustered by the kiss. " I love you Victoria. I always have. I'm sorry I never told you that. And I'm sorry I put you through so much " he kisses her again. " I..I love you too Gabriel. My King " She smiles as he kisses her and leans foward into it.

Gabriel explains to her everything that had happened since she had been gone. And whilst she didn't approve of alot of things that he had done..she was still happy to be back. She couldn't believe Santara would have done the things she did. She knew that Santara had some issues but she never thought of them as that serious. She was glad Gabriel had made it through it and she wanted to get her hands on her sister. And someday, she knew, she would. " If what you say is true..then I think both know what we have to do.." Gabriel nods as Gooblin approaches. " Me help" he said with his typical huge smile.

Shawn and the rest had decided to return back to Aurora's Kingdom. They had learned that Gabriel had indeed been there and killed many and now most of the city was empty. " Gods..I never thought he would go this far " Aurora surveyed the destruction. " He has to be found before he can cause anymore harm" Raven agrees as they enter the throne room, each taking a place at the long table at the center of the room. They were exhausted. They had searched for so long and whilst they hadn't given up hope. They also weren't sure where to look anymore.

" The door creaks open, and through the small crack steps Goobin, followed by Victoria. Everyone stood to their feet, not being sure what to expect. " I see you got what you wanted.." Aurora looks to Victoria who stands proudly next to Gabriel.

Kara wanted so badly to go to him but she saw Victoria and thought it best to just stay where she was.

" I know I have caused alot of pain. I know I have caused alot of suffering. But I want you all to know..that I am sorry. It doesn't change what I did, and I know that" Gabriel looks to Kara. " I am mostly sorry to you Kara. I know it wasn't your fault. I know I wasn't fair. And I know you've probably already forgiven me for it but I can never forgive myself. And that is why " Gabriel looks to Victoria who turns to him and takes his hand. " None of you will be seeing me anymore. The Lycan Kingdom will from this point, no longer aid the kingdom of the witches. Whilst I am sorry for everything that has happened. There have been things done to us that can not be forgiven either. And we can't look past that. We wish you all well, and we hope that you all proper. But if any of you are found within the Lycan Kingdom. You will be executed. And deem this as an act of war. We wish for peace but will act accordingly from this point foward"

" You can't do this Gabriel..the alliance has stood strong for so long and breaking it would- " Gabriel cuts Aurora off.

" I do not follow the same treaties that my parents made. They made them, not me. And I will do as I see fit. I will not allow my people to suffer anymore with no help from our supposed allies" Aurora was left speechless. " Again, stay away from our lands and we will have no problems " He and Victoria then proceed to turn away and head of the door. Gwen was the only one who didn't seem surprised though she remained quiet. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? " Raven screamed a question that Noone had an answer to.