
The Protagonist's Brother

Author: TSX Artist: Chiếu In this life, Khan was a protagonist's brother, but his fate was not fortunate to enjoy any of his young brother's glory. Khan regained his past life memories under completely adverse circumstances. He realized he was just a supporting character, a minor villain in a series of long-running novels written by his little sister in a previous life. He was a character destined to end up as a stepping stone for the main character. If it was just a matter of being a stepping stone for the main character, that's fine, he'll be very knowledgeable and become a stone. But unfortunately, he was the main character's brother, the brother that the main character hated. If he remembered correctly, the protagonist of this world wanted him dead too... Not alright! He was just a useless supporting character, born with no magic power, no power blessed by the gods, or a powerful junior side-by-side. He had nothing, except... "Plot contents." He had no choice but to deal with the main character.

Z_A_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Brother recruits talent

Elijah. A genius magician in the field of magic circles.

Only... Before this genius mage shone, he was just a kid who was given the name of the cursed child.

Elijah suffers from a disease called albinism. But with a fantasy world full of magical logic taken for granted, where albinism was afraid of sunlight and traumatized by it. Elijah was nothing more than a black sheep in a world he didn't belong in.

It was also because of that evil disease, even if it did not kill him, it also made him live not equal to death. Abandoned by the villagers, abandoned by his own father. He was left with only his mother and his brother. He clutched at two straws to save his unhappy life. Then, as he began to have great expectations of more forward to the future and this world, his mother died.

The villagers considered his mother a witch for giving birth to him, so they agreed to dispose of her on the pyre.

The two helpless children could do nothing.

Then they ran away. On the day the villagers burned their own mother, they ran out of the village as the people cheered for eradicating witches, they cried as the villagers laughed and celebrated, and they felt wretched while the murderers who caused them misfortune were cheering in the victory.

On top of that albino kid, Elijah. The child had seen himself as the poison of this world, he regarded himself as the source of every string of misfortunes in his family. And he had intended to seek death as a way of apologizing to his mother, or... found a great anyway to flee this rotten world.

But his brother didn't think so, and again, he was saved by his brother — the last straw in his unhappy life.

They left the village, far away. Where did they go? No one knew. How did they live? Nobody saw.

"The Legend of reincarnation" only said that when Elijah appeared, he was alone and a monster that had no emotion, no humanity.

A flawless killing machine.

His knowledge of the magic circles could be classified as a master, it was no exaggeration to call him a genius of masters. Because his knowledge was not limited to the magic circles that were taught in books, he also created new ones. Leave the beaten track... Weird... Constantly transforming... And crazy.

After this, Elijah will become the nightmare of the world. And also a tough villain that the main character will encounter.

Because then, Elijah wanted to create a magic circle that reversed time and reincarnated from the dead. To do that, he had to experiment a lot as well as cause a lot of karma.

And the reason he's alone against the world was because... his brother.

Until he died under the main character's blade, he only said one sentence.

"Brother, I'm coming to see you..."

No one knew who his brother was, or what his name was. Elijah never mentioned it either. But at that moment everyone knew that Elijah loved his brother very much.

Khan snapped out of his musings as Lai nibbled the ball back, its wolf tail wagging wildly and looking like it wanted to play again. He grabbed the ball Lai released and threw it away again, the ball being tossed away from the garden. Lai let out a grunt and then turned around and ran to catch the ball.

This was a wolf, right?... Khan thought to himself.

"What do you think so thoughtfully?" Ibrahim wielded an umbrella, put up to shade Khan as the sun rose in the sky.

"Think of one person." Khan was honest.

"A woman?"

"It's a man."


Slowly, it seemed that this old man's exclamation was not quite right.

Khan tilted his face to look over, but he only saw Ibrahim's serious expression. It seemed that just now his ears had an error.

But if Khan didn't see anything, he didn't persevere. He returned to his thoughts. Elijah. In fact, he really just wanted to get lucky when he found this name, because judging by the timeline in the plot he had read, now Elijah didn't seem to be corrupted but stepped on the path of the villain.

It was probably about two years from now, when the pandemic happened, that Elijah started to get extreme.

"Elijah? Yes, I am the Elijah that this world is afraid of, so what about Elijah who is always afraid of this world? Hah, that poor guy died on the third day of the Green Winter Pandemic."

Then, Khan suddenly recalled a passage in "The Legend of reincarnation", where Elijah became the main antagonist.

It was also one of the few times Elijah talked about himself.

"Well, you're from the land of Sergio?... It's a place full of memories. If you don't oppose me, maybe we can sit down and talk to each other like fellow countrymen."

This proves that Elijah used to live in Sergio's city, either outside the city but still in the domain. And if it was a place full of memories like what Elijah had said, it meant that during that time, his brother was alive. In the way that Elijah refers to himself as Saul's countryman in the dialogue, it seems that he was happy to live here.

Khan wasn't so sure about his speculations, and he was just lucky when he told Carter to search for Elijah's whereabouts.

If Khan could find and convince him to work for himself, it would be a great bargain. Otherwise, he would just regret it and continue his future plans.

"Ibrahim, to what extent is your knowledge of magic circles?"

Ibrahim was a Demon Lord, maybe his knowledge of the magic circles was not bad? And it was sure that, not anyone who became the Demon Lord will know all things.

Magic circles were an area that magicians did not focus too much on, other than for the essential needs of life, such as magic maps used for space displacement arrays. And also in combat, the magic circles were also very useful in terms of protecting the population or as a trick to deceive and cover the eyes of the enemy, but pretty poor in terms of strike range. Also because people had the extreme potential to develop magic, just being a person with abundant magic power and a little genius was enough to stand up to confront thousands of enemies.

That was also why weak humans can survive in a multiracial and species-like world like this.

"Well, I'm not very familiar with magic circles." Ibrahim was honest, he said seriously. "In combat, the magic circles are a nuisance. Perhaps it has good defenses or great tricks to cover eyes, but to fulfill the duel, using it is a bad idea. You had to be prepared for a magic circle at the point where the enemy was trapped, at which point the magic circles could be a difficult thing to deal with. But what if the enemy detects magical fluctuations in space before they enter the pinpoint trap? Those magic circles are just an ornament."

Noticing that Khan was still listening to him, even if the wolf had the dog's soul gnawing the ball back, Khan didn't care. Ibrahim continued:

"However, I don't think magic circles are useless skills. After all, the great powers also need high-level mages to lay out solid defensive matrices for their territory. The magic map with the powerful force drawn, even if the Demon Lord appeared, would take a lot of effort to break. But... If you want to learn about magic, you also need to have magic power in you."

Khan knew Ibrahim had misunderstood, and he shook his head. "I have no intention of studying."

But through Ibrahim's answer, he learned two important things.

One is that the magic circles in this world were still quite immature, only developing in some basic aspects without expanding further. That was also why when Elijah steps on the path of villain with his genius matrix maneuvering skills, he became a threat to some kingdoms in general and the main character in particular.

The other was that this body was without magic power. That was, Ibrahim had previously targeted him not that this body was anything special. But this was also the point that makes Khan think nostalgically, for what reason he was targeting him.

It was also possible that he was lying. At the very least, it made it hard for him to distinguish what was right and what was wrong.

"I see the magic isn't just that," Khan spoke his mind after a moment of silence. Then Khan bowed his head and looked at the wolf who was still wagging his tail waiting for him to throw the ball again, he waved his hand. "No more playing, I'm tired."

He'd thrown the ball five times, very tired.

Lai released the ball in its mouth, and then he turned back into human form. If Khan had bowed his head to see the werewolf earlier, now it had to raise its head to be able to seriously communicate with its owner. In the guise of a human being, Lai was really nothing more than a pillar. Muscular and tall. Having said that "it" was a rascal, no one dared to doubt it.


Carter rushed into the garden, and he saw Khan present and sighed. With just a few more strides, Carter stood in front of Khan and bowed in accordance with the ritual above and below.

"Master, magicians, and magic craftsmen are waiting for you in the hall."

"How many?" Khan nodded and asked.

"Two intermediate mages and thirteen elementary magic craftsmen, five intermediate magic craftsmen, and one senior magic craftsman."

"Is there a high-end magic craftsman?" Khan was quite surprised to hear that the high-ranking magic craftsman also came for an interview.

Yah, interviews. If it was the nobles, they quite hired the workforce and would not make up anything strange as he was.

Khan remembered Carter's bewildered look and Ibrahim's unintelligible face when he told him to open an interview before hiring, at which point he was a little refreshed and pleased. But after Khan thought about sitting in his chair for hours interviewing personnel, he felt his head suddenly ache.

"Okay, there's no other way..."

Khan sighed and lifted his lazy leg. The sky was quite beautiful today, at least the white clouds with a blue background were opening a nice view, making the well-groomed garden in front of Khan even more vital and beautiful. Khan suddenly remembered the garden in the town of Sylvia, not knowing how the hole that Saul had created was now.

"Do I have any training areas?" mumbled Khan.

"Yes, master. Training area for Evangeline soldiers." Carter's quick ears answered. "You want to go for a survey?"

"No, I'm going to train a bit."


What was the look of surprise on his face as if the sky was falling? Khan sent Carter a gloomy grin, which made him immediately awkward to revoke his lapse.

Soon they were going to the great hall. The group of people inside was not so much to fill the lavish hall of the castle, but the large space is lavish with expensive furniture, no longer feels empty and too luxurious thanks to their popular existence.

Khan glanced over, young and old men and women had enough. He didn't know how their qualifications were, but seeing their suspicious expressions proved the curiosity and bewilderment of receiving the announcement that they will be personally interviewed by Count Evangeline.

"Carter, read each person's name and take them into the room. The magician first. The remainder, take a seat and eat some dessert!"

Khan clapped his hands, and immediately a group of servants who had followed his instructions to the sides of the stairs in the main hall brought out a long table and each chair for each person. Khan was pleased to see the professionalism of his servant and turned and walked upstairs, the interview room already arranged on the first floor.

Ibrahim followed Khan in the back, and said in a low voice:

"What are you thinking in your head?"

Khan replied indifferently:

"Thought a lot, but I certainly didn't think of you."

Ibrahim mused, he hadn't spoken again since then, until the interview was almost over. Khan freely accepted everyone and gathered them together to announce the employment contracts between the two parties. A fair contract and many benefits make everyone roll their eyes and disbelieve their ears. Including Carter. Even Ibrahim (but unfortunately he didn't roll his eyes). Lai, Khan didn't need to talk about it, from the moment it entered the hall, turned into a dog (actually a genuine wolf) and its legs attached to him didn't leave.

Khan smiled happily as he watched his prospective employees take the contract — which had yet to be signed — leave in bewilderment. Only a high-class magic craftsman lingered at the door. It was a short-haired girl with a young face, possessing a modest height and full breasts behind a tight brown blouse. That beauty was both seductive and sinful and made her look like a beauty shadow behind a thin curtain, enticing man's nature to lift the veil.

Khan was quite impressed with her, Molly Aubrey.

It was obviously not in her attractive appearance but in her eyes. She had an arrogant look that was unique to those who always looked down from above. She introduced herself as a high-class magic craftsman. Although it was high-end, it was only a craftsman. To be honest, Molly was extremely suspicious, but her qualifications were undisputed, so Khan did not care regardless of who she really was.

"What do you need, Miss Molly?" Carter politely opened his mouth to ask as she kept staring at him.

Molly spoke now, and she said:

"Count Evangeline, are you sure you're not crazy?"

Khan kept the same smile on his face, his happy expression unabashed. But Carter's face immediately looked angry, and Lai (in wolf form) was lying at his feet, sat up, and growled at Molly. Surely besides him, only Mr. Ibrahim kept an unchanged expression on his face.

"Calm down." Khan raised his voice to calm the tense situation in the room.

He said softly to Molly:

x"I could be even crazier. I hope you don't disappoint me, Miss Molly."

Molly raised an eyebrow, then she laughed like she was crazy.

"Very well. I like you!" Molly propped her hands up on her hips, and lifted her chin, and said refreshingly a sentence that startled everyone.

"I don't think you're my favorite role model," replied Khan calmly.

"Oh, really?" Molly lowered her head to look at her chest, she said soberly. "The first time a single man said I wasn't his role model."

"It won't be the last time." insisted Khan.

Molly pouted in disbelief, but she didn't be off on an endless to give the contract paper to the young butler. Startled for a moment, then very quickly Carter took the paper and looked down at the signature which agreed to all the conditions of the employment contract.

Molly was the first to submit the contract. No one knew since when she signed it.

She didn't mean to tell her tricks, she just looked at everyone for a moment and then turned to leave the room. Her departing figure was fluid and seductive to know, but Khan only glanced at it at will.

"So all this is done, isn't it?" Khan sat in a chair with his shoulders up, his whole body now extremely sluggish.

But it didn't seem to be over, Khan noticed Carter standing in the doorway of the room that hadn't been closed. His face was somewhat confused and shy, as if he wanted to say something and then again. That indecisive hesitant look repeated almost four times to Ibrahim was also bothered.

"Looks like Carter has something to tell you." Ibrahim calmly exposed Carter.

Carter jerked, his brow beginning to sweat. He was even more confused, his upper lip trembling as if in a room experiencing a cold winter cutting flesh.

"If you find it too hard to say now, I always have time for you." His mouth went on blithely, but Khan didn't expect Carter to find him in his sleep.

"No, no..." Carter took a deep breath, his mind calming soon after. He said, solemnly. "My Honourable Earl, my lord. I have something important to report to you."

Carter's seriousness suddenly made Khan straighten his back, waiting for some bad news to come out of his mouth.

Was the main character dead? This news was paranoid but if it was true he wanted to celebrate!

Carter continued, his voice still undulating but at least retaining the syllables that came out clearly:

"The one you're looking for, Elijah... He's actually my young brother, sir."

So, the main character was still alive somewhere and the villain turned out to be the younger brother of the butler he decided to appoint?

"But... my young brother doesn't get out of the house very conveniently... I, I know this request of mine is too much... b-but I might mind you... personally to my shabby house... Would that be all right?"

The more he spoke, the more Carter's voice trembled.

Khan was startled by the fresh news that had just arrived, it was heart-shocking. But he thought he should be shocked by the joy.

The villain's brother Elijah was alive. Moreover, that precious brother was the butler under Khan.

Wasn't this great news?

"Okay, Carter."

Khan grinned, the curve of his mouth spreading to the sides.

"I'm glad the gods didn't deceive me. And it seems that this fate has been arranged between the two of us, doesn't it?"