
The Protagonist's Brother

Author: TSX Artist: Chiếu In this life, Khan was a protagonist's brother, but his fate was not fortunate to enjoy any of his young brother's glory. Khan regained his past life memories under completely adverse circumstances. He realized he was just a supporting character, a minor villain in a series of long-running novels written by his little sister in a previous life. He was a character destined to end up as a stepping stone for the main character. If it was just a matter of being a stepping stone for the main character, that's fine, he'll be very knowledgeable and become a stone. But unfortunately, he was the main character's brother, the brother that the main character hated. If he remembered correctly, the protagonist of this world wanted him dead too... Not alright! He was just a useless supporting character, born with no magic power, no power blessed by the gods, or a powerful junior side-by-side. He had nothing, except... "Plot contents." He had no choice but to deal with the main character.

Z_A_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Brother named the wolf

Although Khan had warned Ibrahim that he did not need to appear in that black and itchy appearance, he did not expect him to transform into a middle-aged man with a romantic mien. Khan thoughtfully studied the high-damage handsome with the women standing seriously in front of him.

"Is this your true self?" asked Khan suspiciously.

"I think so. Isn't it fine, sir?" Ibrahim omitted the addressing of deference previously, although he still used honorifics, but somewhat reduced the feeling of solemn solemnity.

"It's nothing..." Khan backed away, having a feeling that if he told Ibrahim to change another aspect, he would surely be very pleased.

But, without waiting for Ibrahim to say anything, someone knocked on the door outside, and then a polite voice rang out, echoing through the thick-wood plank.

"It's me Carter, master."

Khan very naturally ordered the unpaid personnel to be in the room.

"Ibrahim, open the door."

Even though he was the real Demon Lord, if he had limbs free of charge like a human, he wouldn't mind using a little. He just needs to avoid touching the opponent's key points. Not to mention Ibrahim was a wise man, Khan thought he should probe the limits of how far the other could go.

Meanwhile, Carter stood outside thinking that behind the door was the servant he had ordered before leaving. Unexpectedly, the person who opened the door was a completely unfamiliar face, not in his memory. Carter froze in front of the door, unable to put away his surprised expression.

"Carter, right? Are you going to keep your master waiting?" asked Ibrahim coldly.

"What's wrong, Carter? Standing motionless there all of a sudden?"

At that moment, the werewolf appeared behind Carter. Over its shoulder, it carried a very large bag that had been fastened. But it quickly noticed Ibrahim, his presence hard to tell. Two pairs of their eyes met at one point of sight, and the wolf shivered instinctively.

It leaped back at once, the hairs on his body standing up, wolf fangs shoved from his lips, its tough face snarling warily at Ibrahim.

Accompanying the wolf on the road for more than a day, Carter obviously knew the wolf's identity. So Carter was more clear than anyone else about the natural response of wild animals in the face of danger. This made Carter realize that the stranger who appeared in his master's room was not a simple person.

A dangerous person.

Carter adjusted his emotions very quickly, all expressions shrinking into a self-assured calm. Carter entered the room without a single glance at Ibrahim.

"You're back earlier than I thought, Carter." Khan raised his head from the documents, and Carter was bowing to him. "Where's that guy?"

Unbeknownst to Khan, the wolf was still outside the door snarling at Ibrahim, like a watchdog snarling at a stealthy thief. He cast an unintelligible look over Carter's shoulder when he saw Ibrahim turn inside, the door still open.

He went straight to his position standing behind Khan and expressed his status as a servant.

Carter saw that Khan did not react and understood from today that he had another colleague with an unknown background. But it couldn't be helped, he looked very dangerous and needed to be careful.

"Owner!!!" The wolf howled and rushed in like the wind.

Khan thought his ears were deaf.

"What?" He pricked his ears and asked, but his eyes were still quick to see the large canvas bag on the wolf's back.

"This guy is dangerous!" The werewolf pointed directly at Ibrahim's face, its fingers still shaking slightly. "Master, you should execute him…" Its voice was eloquent, but its trembling expression reported his fear.

"Then you go and treat him yourself." Khan propped his chin and said nonchalantly.

"If, if… master wants to…" It said tremblingly, but still stubbornly pretending to be strong.

Ibrahim chuckled at the wolf's amusing reaction, and he spoke nonchalantly. "If I only use one finger, this wolf can no longer see tomorrow. Do you really think that brat can handle me?"

"You look down on someone!" The werewolf whose pride was trampled on was not resigned and screamed. "Even if I die, I will bury you with me, I will protect my owner!!!"

Ibrahim replied casually. "Then we have a common goal of protecting our master."

The wolf was dumbfounded, only then did it realize that the old man in front of him was a dangerous type that needed to be eliminated one hundred percent, but now he was (apparently) an underling of its owner. In other words, he's a great ally.

The wolf immediately threw away all fear, his face excited, fierce fangs retracted. The danger was gone, he didn't care about Ibrahim anymore but turned on the flattery mode with Khan.

"Owner, I brought back a lot of gold for you!"

After the wolf finished speaking, it put the bag down, and there was a rough thud as something heavy fell to the floor. Khan raised his eyebrows, guessing the weight of the gold from the heavy sound just now.

Without the annoying words process, the wolf had no intention of playing bait with Khan, in the moment of nervous waiting, it opened the mouth of the canvas bag without hesitation revealing countless gold and silver treasures inside.

Khan looked at the glittering gold mixed with jewels like gems and jades. He knew that he had turned himself into a great rich man again. If he knew how to use this pile and use it for the right purpose, he certainly wouldn't be able to spend it in three lifetimes.

"Very good." Khan narrowed his eyes and smiled. Having money in hand is of course good.

Looking at the wolf's proud expression when he was praised by the owner, Khan couldn't help but think of the husky.

"Okay, you have helped me through a difficult time. There's no reason why I can't repay you." Khan tapped his fingers on the table, his voice soft. "Say, what do you want?"

The werewolf immediately shouted:

"I want to be named by the owner!"

The answer laid entirely in guesswork. Khan did not rush to agree, he asked again.

"Are you sure? Actually, you can find a name for yourself without me. Wouldn't that give you more freedom than being determined to be someone else's slave?"

Obviously, Khan wouldn't consider anyone a slave, even if that person was really a slave. He had no noble thoughts that a good world needs equality and no class division. That ideal thought would probably be more appropriate if the world he lived in was a world like his previous life.

But now he was living in a completely different world, where humans or any race have to face class and class discrimination.

Joining must be customary, Khan never thought of going to claim equal rights for the slave class under the tyrannical rule of the feudal monarchy.

It was a too disturbing, futile, and low probability of success. After all, should not play with fire.

But for the person Khan cared about in his circle of protection, he would naturally have fair treatment. Even if that person was a slave, as long as he cared, the title of a slave was just a rotten thing.

"Owner, I have already decided. Please give me a name." The werewolf knelt solemnly on one knee, its face completely serious with no joke.

Khan mused. The atmosphere also fell silent.

It took a long time, when the squirming wolf's serious face turned into a grin, did Khan compassionately speak:


Khan spoke again, slowly. So that the wolf could sip and swallow every word, let him memorize his new name.

"Lai, from now on it will be your name."

The wolf, or now it should be called Lai, immediately jumped to its feet in cheers, repeatedly repeating its newly given name. At that same moment, it became uncontrollably happy and turned into a wolf. The muscular gray wolf ran around as if having a seizure, then it raised its head, its muzzle howling with a long, refreshing howl.

Lai's act of rejoicing didn't last long, as Carter fiercely gave it a painful punch to the top of its head.

"Be quiet." Carter smiled and said gently. This image of holiness was in stark contrast to his rough actions.

Turning back to a human, two lines of tears streamed down its face with a huge lump on its head. It seemed to mutter that Carter was cruel.

Khan looked at the two for a moment and thought. Looks like these two had been becoming close friends.

"Okay, then we also need to get to work on the main task."

Khan slightly stretched his body to relax the stiff muscles, he thought he needed to train this body more, he didn't have to have the monster body like the main character but at least he had to be stronger and stronger than now.

"What are we going to do?"

Carter immediately returned to a position where he could take orders at any time, Lai also enthusiastically followed Carter, then learned to imitate his inimitable serious posture.

Before Carter's waiting, Lai and Ibrahim were completely indifferent. Khan just looked down at the treasure bag on the floor, his eyes narrowing and a calculated smile forming on his lips.

"We will recruit talent first."

* * *

Talent recruitment.

Carter wasn't sure if he was interpreting his master's words correctly, but he knew he was going to have a tough few days ahead. According to the new Earl, master Khan had advised, the Evangeline family needed three or four intermediate magicians first. Magicians did not have to be recruited in a day or two, let alone intermediate magicians, so the master also told him that there was no need to rush, quality was still better than quantity. After that, recruiting a lot of magic craftsmen, the level didn't need to be superior, just didn't be too stupid.

At first, when Carter heard Khan said he wanted to hire magic craftsmen, he thought the master intended to open a shop selling magic supplies, to serve the magicians and the races that could use magic related. But Master Khan shook his head and said no.

Carter speculated so because it was not impossible. It was just that a master was inherently an incompetent person who has no magic in him and cannot use magic, so doing business in this respect will be a bit difficult and not be trusted by customers in the magician world (that's how it was no need to talk about other races).

In the end, Carter still didn't know what the new Earl was up to.

After completing the recruitment form for the Evangeline family, Carter correctly dressed himself up immediately and walked to the Blue Mine Pigeon branch, which provided public and secret intelligence as long as you had money to buy; and this was also the place where anyone who wanted to recruit human resources from the magician world or recruited other races to their family to work, could come here to post an application notice.

On the way, the middle of the street was still crowded with people passing by. Carter couldn't help but think about his master's change these days. A spectacular change. Khan Evangeline didn't seem to be the Khan Evangeline Carter once knew, his corrupt and corrupt appearance was completely overshadowed by laziness but decisiveness in everything.

He even had a little doubt that Khan Evangeline had ever been taken over by the Undead? The soul inside that body is another person? It sounds like a myth, because Khan was inherently an incompetent person, if someone took the body, they should also choose a better one.

But after a few days of observation, he found that the young master Khan was still the master Khan. Because from what he observed, some of the habits of the young master Khan had remained unchanged until now. So Carter boldly guessed that the cause of the "better" he saw in his master was caused by the death of his father, the late Earl had made the master more mature and more mature.

Either way, this was a good sign. The master was also trying to revive the Evangeline family's predicament. If so, his unemployment risk would also decrease.

On the whole way, he thought so much, making the time seem to pass so fast, Carter was a bit stunned when he discovered that he was standing in front of the Blue Mine Pigeon's door.

Temporarily setting aside his wandering concerns, Carter lifted the spirit of a professional housekeeper should have, pushed open the door, and stepped inside.

The bell hanging on the curtains immediately rang, resounding with a clear sound.

Inside, there were not many people waiting in line other than a few mercenaries, after all, the city of Sergio was not a holy place for magicians in general or for hunters in particular. Outside the city, there were also some dangerous monsters lurking around, but it was only dangerous as long as humans freely entered their territory. The Evangeline Territory also had a few small mineral deposits, but it was nothing compared to the magical energy quarries. With such poor conditions, Carter was also quite surprised that the Evangeline family could be so rich that the late Earl spent and gambled for years before seeing the situation approaching bankruptcy.

"I am Carter, would like to post a recruitment notice for Count Evangeline."

Carter handed the prepared form to the branch manager, who appeared to be a low-level magician. He took the form and looked at it, his face was still as if he hadn't heard the noble title Carter just mentioned. Every magician looks down on ordinary people like that, no matter how low-level.

Carter was used to it, too.

After all, ordinary people can't use magic, just that alone makes a huge difference between people (who use magic) and people (who can't use magic).

"How long do you want to hang this application for?" asked the magician.

"A week," replied Carter .

"Since this is a mid-level magician recruitment, the hanging time will be a bit more expensive, two days five kled silver coins, seven days fifteen silver coins and five kled coins." quoted the magician.

This price was also reasonable, Carter has no objection. Then the low-level magician quoted the application form to recruit magic craftsmen, the quantity was large and the requirements were not too high, so the price of the recruitment application was also cheaper, only two kled silver coins a day. Carter decided to hang the application for a month.

"Is the earl going into the magic supplies business?" After completing the payment procedure, the magician asked Carter, who seemed to know the new Earl's incompetent state. "My sincere advice is not to."

Carter nodded in agreement, but his mouth remained polite. "Thanks for your advice. Have a nice day!"

The low-ranking mage shook his head and didn't say anything else.

Carter then left the office of the Blue Beaked Pigeon, not moving in the direction of the Earl's castle, but in the opposite direction, and turned into an alley. This was the shortcut Carter used to get home.

Master Khan didn't tell him how long to hang the application, but he also knew how long he could hang it as he would like. He also planned to hang the application for about a month or two, after all, mid-level magicians are not so easy to pick up. But he changed his mind as soon as Khan told him to find someone.

"Can you help me find this person? White hair, red eyes. Afraid of light, can't go out in the sun. As a mage, at a very young age."

When he heard Khan describe the look of the person looking for, Carter's heart seemed to jump in his throat. But he still controlled his expression very well, still not showing any strangeness at that time.

"If I remember correctly, his name is Elijah. Actually, it's not too much effort, I just want to bet a game of luck. If you can't find it, fine."

"Who is that person? Is it important, master?"

"That person… is the person the gods will choose. Did you say it's important?"

Carter couldn't remember what he said in response, but his master's words were sure to haunt his mind ever since he left the castle.

That person chosen by gods? Really?

Carter walked faster and faster, almost in a straight line. He just wanted to immediately run home, opened the door, and went down to the dark and gloomy cellar filled with books on the shelves and on the floor. He would immediately tell the person who had always been hiding from the sun, the one who said he would never come out of this cellar.

It was the person who sees the darkness as a friend and loneliness as a confidant.

It was his younger brother who had been cursed by the Sun since birth.

Now, Carter just wanted to run home to tell his young brother just one sentence.

"Elijah, do you believe in hope?"