
The Proposal: my lost love

Angel_girl113 · Urban
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2 Chs


Luciano's POV

"Mom, look at what I found". I ran to my mother with a flower in my hand "and I'll be giving it to Scarlet".

"A beautiful flower for a beautiful girl"mom said. "Yeah and after giving the flower to her I'll ask her to marry me and we'll be happy together"

She chuckled softly. "Why don't we go inside and have dinner"


After dinner, I went into my room disappointed because I didn't get to see Scarlet. Just as I tried closing my eyes to sleep, I heard the sound of gunshots and screams. I ran out to look for my mom but I saw her lifeless body on our marble floor and I saw Uncle Massimo pointing a gun to my father's head. I couldn't move or say a word, my vision became blurry, he pulled the trigger and my father's body dropped to the floor with a hole in his head. He's dead and uncle Massimo killed him, I saw him coming close to me and then black out.

Hello lovelies ❤️, this is my first book and I can't promise it will be anywhere near perfect. Feel free to make comments on it.

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