
The Prophetress

Israel Rostavo is the daughter of a mafia leader. Alessandra Rostavo, and his wife Maria Rostavo. But is she really? Everything Israel have thought she knew turned out to be just a lie. After the death of her parents, nothing was ever the same. She came to realize that she was never the daughter of Alessandra and Maria. She wasn't even from their world. But Godfrey, the realm of supernatural. But she's not just from that world, she is the future Queen. Wait until she found out about her destiny, Will she fulfill her duties like a Crown Princess? Or will she rebel like a Mafia brat? *** Check out my other book: The Abyss of the Vampire-demon Reign of Terror Age of Ancient Darkness Boud with you

Sweetdreamer20 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2

After fleeing from my house I found myself wandering in a dark alley. My hair was a mess, my burgundy dress was soaked in blood, and layers were ripped apart. I was barefooted because running in heels was impossible.

My mascara and eyeliner were smudged all my face because of my fall in the pool. I looked like a crazy person.

Don't know what to do, so I started crying. Crying for the loss of my parents and because I'm being hunted like an animal. Unexpectedly all of my father's teaching about survival came flooding my memories.

Drying my tears I saw two low-life men approaching me with a knife.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in the ally?" One of them asked.

"I wanted to have some fun," the taller one tried pushing his hand underneath my dress. But I head-butted him in the nose.

"The bitch break my nose!" He shouted to the shorter guy who flicked his knife opened.

Moving towards me in a rush trying to cut me in the face. But because of my hand-to-hand combat training, I easily did a roundhouse kick. And booted him straight in the face knocking him out plunging his knife in his chest.

I watched a taller guy watched in horror as I plunge the shorter guy's knife through his chest. Snatching the bloody knife I slowly stalked over to the taller guy. Seeing that he was about to run I aim the knife right in the back of his head and threw it. And stared as his body falls to the ground.

Going through the tall guy's clothes I find his wallet taking out all his money I discarded it. I also removed his leather jacket, striding over to the short guy I wonder if he has some cash in his wallet? Deciding on going through his clothing but I came out empty-handed.

Checking to see if I was being followed, but the streets were empty. So I proceeded down the road to the nearest store to get cleaned up.

After a couple of minutes of walking, I found myself standing in front of Brown's store & supermarket. Walking inside I saw the cashier tapping away on her phone as I walked deeper inside I found it empty.

Walking over to the converse shoe section I searched for my size. After finding my size I looked once again to see if I was being watched.

Seeing that the coast was clear I hid the pair of shoes inside my jacket and headed over to the dressing room. After slipping the shoes on I headed over where the band-aids were. Pacing a box inside my jacket pocket with a small bottle of alcohol I walk up to the cashier counter. And to my dismay, she was still tapping away on her phone.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat gaining her attention.

"Can I help you?" She asked looking up with a raised eyebrow.

Nodding at her, I mumbled, "Can I use your bathroom?"

After she handed me the key I went in the direction of the washroom to get cleaned up.

After washing my face with the tap water I began drying with some tissue. Then I dabbed alcohol over my bullet wound and initiated to get the bullet out. Successfully removing the bullet I applied the band-aids, I take a looked over my outfit once more. Feeling satisfied with my reflection I proceed back to the store.

After handing over the key to the lazy-ass cashier. I make my way deeper inside hoping I can do a little shoplifting. Grabbing a few snacks and a bottle of Hennessy I departed from the store.

As I walked down the empty street I saw a black SUV trailing behind me. Turning a corner just to make sure it's not me they're following, and I'm just being paranoid. But to my surprised, it turned into the same street also.

Stopping in my track, I turned around when I saw the backseat of the car window rolled down. And a guy in shades pulled out his pistol, sprinting off he began firing. Darting into a nearby yard I heard the door of the SUV van being opened.

Running into some nearby bushes I saw footsteps running right past me.

"Spread out and find the bitch!"

I tried getting out of the bushes quietly, but I accidentally stepped on a branch, and it snapped. Climbing up into a nearby tree I saw a guy approached the area where I was.

Climbing down I sneaked over behind him and snapped his neck. Laying him down quickly behind the bushes I took his gun that has fallen to the turf. And search his pocket for something, anything that can be of help. But I came up empty-handed.

Positioning the gun in my hold I sneaked around while taking out the men who were sent to kill me one by one. Whining down to the last guy out of the four I placed my gun against his mouth.

"Who has sent you?"

Seeing that he refuse to answer I reached over into his pocket for his pocket knife. And slash him from his eye to his jawline.

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you!"

"Who the fuck sent you to assassinate me!?"

"It was the leader of the snake gang." He said in defeat and that was all it takes for me to stab him in the neck.

After checking the windows to see if I were being followed I saw that there was no sign. Sotting down on the bed first thing I decided to do the next day was to access my father's safe. My father once told me that if anything was to ever go wrong he had a safe. Filled with money, passports, and identification card is hidden away for me. And with that lost thought, I drift off to sleep.

Waking up to the sunshine on my face I went over to the bathroom to get cleaned up. After cleaning up I took the pistol and shoved it in the pocket of my jacket. And headed in the direction of my father's cabin. Arriving at the cabin I input the passcode at the door and with a click the doors opened.

Walking inside I headed in the direction of the safe. Inserting the password the door slide opened. Stepping inside I sauntered over to the duffle bag filled with money, fake passports, and guns.

Picking up the bag I positioned it on the floor and began searching for my new identity. Then abruptly my eyes landed on a passport with the name Katrina Isabella Wright written on it. Without looking any further I snatched that one up it was a picture of me in glasses. My hair was blonde, and my eyes were blue.

Without a second thought, I selected this one and discard the others. Thinking of how much I miss my mom and dad a stray tear fell from my eyes.

Shaking all the sad thoughts away. I began setting aside all the necessary items that I would be needing for my new transformation. I began dying my hair, then inserted a pair of sea blue contact lenses.

I also changed my wrinkle burgundy dress. For a pair of black skinny jeans, a pink blouse, with white sneakers. Satisfied with my appearance I grabbed my duffle bag and make my way to the garage.

Resting my bag in the back seat I drove my Porsche out to the garage. With one last glance at the cabin, I pressed the remote button for self-destruction. And gawked as the place went up in flames.

Bye-bye, California! Here I come, New York!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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