
The Prophesied Outcasts: Fall of the Seven

This story is a strange one, so listen close. Titanis, a not so average, angel boy, lives day to day just like you or me. Turns out life is quite hard without a father figure, but it only gets worse. One day, on his way home, Titanis is ambushed and captured by Satan. In the deepest pits of Hell, Titanis learns that both angels and demons are not as they seem. So Join me won't you. For the thrilling tale of Titanis Angelus

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Chapter X

Back Home

The sound of a creaking door awakened me, I sat up, looked to the side and saw I was still in my old room! With my mother standing in the doorway covering her mouth as tears streamed down her cheeks, and the second she saw my face she whispered:

"Who are you? Don't come any closer!"  I could feel the tears building up under my eyes as I slowly began to silently sob.

"Mom?" I stood up and walked over to my mom, before she could say anything I picked her up and gave her the biggest hug she had ever received. The whole time she was kicking and screaming. After about five minutes of protest, I kneeled to set her down and stayed that way as explained the situation.

"It's me mom. I'm back."

"No, you're not my son, stay away."

"I'm telling you, it's me, Titanis. Just look at my eyes."

"My lord, Titanis? What happened to you? Where have you been?"

"It's complicated. I was in Hell."

"What did you do!? You've always been a good boy."

"Trust me, it wasn't by choice."

"I'd tell you what happened but I'm afraid you might cry."

"No. If I cry I cry. Just tell me your story."

"I guess that's fair. Haa… I was taken. To Hell."

"What do you mean? Why didn't you just fly out of there" I pulled up my shirt and showed my mother my one remaining wing.

"What happened to your wings? One demonic, the other gone."

"About that, When I killed Satan one of em grew back."


"Yeah… It's a long story."

"Unfurl your wing, I wanna see it."

"Not in the house. I might break a hole in the wall."

"Okay, let's go outside then." I walked out the backdoor with my mother and as we stood behind the house I unfurled my wing as my mother screamed.

"What's with all the ruckus?! It's too early for that." Yelled my grandfather as he stomped out the back door spear in hand.

"DEMON!!! LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE!! I WON'T HESITATE TO KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND." He rushed at me and his spear shattered against my shirt.

"You think I need a spear to kill you? Well, You're wrong!" He began to throw hands. As he was throwing punches I allowed myself to get hit.


"You're not my grandson. Shut your mouth!" I caught his fists.

"Grandfather! It's me, Titanis." My grandfather calmed down and looked at my face.

"Sugar honey iced tea! It is you! I'd recognise that eye anywhere! Where ya been kid, and what did you do to get that wing? Where's your other one, and how the heck did your shirt bust my spear?!"

"That's just what I was explaining to mother. Well, except for the spear thing."

"Let's get inside and I'll tell you everything." We walked inside and sat down in the living room.

"Try not to get too scared. On my way home from the training grounds, I was captured by Satan and flown down to hell, where I was forced to fight. I was pitted against the toughest demon they had. He tore my wings off, I killed him and was set up to be whipped. I still have faint scars." I turned around and lifted up my shirt and they saw the many massive scars I had been given by the whips. They winced and took a deep breath.

"It wasn't easy staying alive but I had a little help." I turned my right hand into a razor.

"How'd you do that?"

"Oh! I was able to do that after killing Mammon!"

"Excuse me but, WHAT!!!! Let me get this straight, you killed Mammon?"

"Yes. I killed Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, and leviathan. I haven't gotten to the others yet."

"We need to get you to the archangel counsel, they'll give you a place among them for sure! You'll be able to see Gabe again!"

 "Not right now, I'd like to finish what I started first." That's when I thought of the others, "Wait! Wait here, I have a few friends I want you to meet." I opened a portal at random. As I walked through I could feel the air begin to lightly burn my skin. I opened another portal. This time I focused on Mammon's Casino and the throne room, surely enough a portal was opened right in the throne room. I walked through the portal and, much to my surprise, I saw Serpo standing there talking with Tyritus.

"Serpo? When did you get here?" Serpo opened his mouth to speak, but Tyritus swiftly cut him off.

"The real question is: where have you been?" 

"That is exactly why I'm back… I came here to bring you all to meet my family; Although, I didn't expect Serpo to be here."

"You're telling me that you went back to Heaven without telling any of us?!"

"It's not my fault. I woke up there."


"I don't know. Here hand me the book." Tyritus gave me the book as I cut my hand open to reveal my blood had changed from white ooze to the original black. I held my hand down onto the pages and watched as my black blood began to glow with a purple outline as it twisted into words. I began to read silently to myself as I healed my hand.

"That's strange."

"WHat does it say?"

"It says that as I slept I subconsciously opened a portal directly to my old room, but I can't open direct portals. That's strange."

"Since when could you teleport?" 

"After I killed Leviathan. By the way, where's my cloak?"

"On the throne. It wasn't easy carrying that and your weapon. Why are they so heavy?" I turned around and saw my cloak draped over the back of the throne.

"Thanks for bringing that back." I walked over to the throne and felt my heavy silk cloak even out my strength as I strapped the harness across my chest.

"Finally an even weight."

"Even? How!? Those things are way too heavy." I turned around and faced Tyritus and Serpo

"That doesn't matter right now. What matters is: I want you to meet my family! I know your demons, but they'll love you regardless."

"We don't know that, and besides, how can you guarantee that we won't get caught by any guards?"

"I can't guarantee it; however, If you are spotted, I'll bring you back in the blink of an eye, and hey, you can finally make your dream a reality."

"Alright but, at the first sign of trouble we leave."

"I promise… Serpo, would you like to join us?"

"Sure, I got nothin' better to do."

"It's settled then. We'll all go to Heaven and meet my parents, but at the first sign of danger we leave." I focused on the details of my living room, leaving nothing out. I thought of the sun falling through the windows, my mother and grandfather sitting in the middle of the room, the color of the carpet, and the room decor until finally using my hands to tear a hole thirteen feet tall and a brilliant shade of golden-white.

"Wait here I have to prepare my parents. They aren't used to the way we look or act." I walked through the portal into my living room. "Ok, you are about to meet the demons that helped me throughout my time in Hell."

I stuck my head through the portal.

"Alright guys, they're ready." I motioned for Tyritus and Serpo to follow me, as soon as Tyritus was close enough I grabbed one of his hands and pulled him through. As Tyritus stood in the silent living room you could see the shock on my mother and grandfather's faces as they looked the two demons up and down.

"Greetings Mrs.Angelus, my name is Tyritus and I am a demon from the wrath badlands. One of the strongest in fact."

"Yep, Tyritus here is one of the most civilized demons I've ever met, and not to mention, he was my first friend. He also nursed me back to health after my fight with Satan. This demon to my right is Serpo, a traitorous first mate, but after telling me his story I began to realize that he just missed his family."

"That's right, this guy is very gullible, but he is also a great guy who was willing to help me find my family. So I owe him just short of my life." I couldn't help but notice that my mother was staring daggers at my chest.

"Why is your halo engraved with that horrid message?" Asked my mother with anger and confusion in her voice.

"When I was trapped in Satan's torture chambers I prayed and prayed but nothing happened. My views have changed so much in the past few years."

"I understand that you prayed, but how could you forsake your lineage like that?!"

"Do you have any Idea about what happened to me down there?! If I could've been, I would have been killed on the first day I was there! Don't you understand!? I faced the brink of death every day for three years!? You know what? At this point I've lost all faith in any lord, I'm one of the direct sons to Oga' Atheal?!"

"You're telling me that you defaced your Halo, became a murderer, you now give up on our holy lord, and now believe in a false god!? How could you, of all people, commit such a sin?!"

"He is not a false god!!! Never call my father, your husband! A false god. Oga' is the only member of my family that has accepted me for who I am! He created God. I am above that manipulative bastard!!! He is only but a projection of Oga's imagination that went rogue, and the FACT! That I am one of Oga's direct descendants makes me much stronger than God!! If he were to send any angel to fight me they couldn't even dent my skin."

"I've raised a monster. Get out of my house, or I will have no choice but to alert the archangel counsel."

"You know what's sad? That my own damn mother couldn't even accept my choices. News flash MOM… I won't leave until this is settled." I turned to Tyritus and Serpo and opened a portal.

"This is going to get real ass messy, so hurry back. I don't want either of you to get hurt. Wait in the throne room till I get back, I might need some medical attention after this."

"See you on the other side brother."

"Don't die, I was just starting to like you."

"No promises." When Tyritus and Serpo were through the portal I closed it and turned around, only to see that my mother had grabbed a knife from the kitchen and rushed me. As the knife hit my flesh it shattered, sending sparks and shards in every direction. She looked down at the knife's handle, threw it down, and ran for the back door.

 I stood there shocked. The woman who I thought was my mother, the woman who I thought would support me no matter what, just tried to end my life because my respects changed.

Could she not see that I was still the same person, could she not see that though my outsides had changed, that deep down I was still the same kid. Well, the kid she knew. 

If only she knew how many nights I silently cried myself to sleep, how hard I worked, most importantly, how willing I was to do anything that made her happy. If only she cared…

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud horn sounding in the distance.

"It's Gabe! He might understand." I covered my left eye and saw an army of angels surrounding the house with Gabriel standing directly above me.