

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

The quest for the truth

Chapter 74.


The phone broke into many pieces.

Ares!!!!! ,Ares!!!!, What's.... Wring?, Athena asked,"look at me Athena said shaking Ares when he refused to talk.

You have to call the head warrior now, Ares said, Calm down and talk to me Athena said, "Where is your cellphone?",Ares asked, I .... Think.... I left it in my room, Athena said, what does this have to do with my cellphone!!!!, Jack has been calling you, Is about Moana, "what about her!!!!? ,She is a spy from Vlad and Janes is an ally too, your family!!!!, Athena gasped covering her mouth.

We have to call the head warrior, Athena said and rushed out to get her phone ,Ares followed behind, Pick... Pick... Athena said, pacing around, he is not picking,We have to call my aunt , Apple or even anybody at home, Guys what is the noise all about!!!!!!?,Link asked entering the room, None of them is picking, guyssssss!!!!!!,Link called , trying to get their attention, Link we don't have time to explain, summon the others,my family is in danger Ares said.


Moana entered. You sent for me supreme one, "yes",You and Samantha will journey to the find out the origin of Ares , That's an easy task supreme one, Moana said, as a matter of fact, I have my ally in his house," Amazing", Vlad stood up clapping, Samantha chuckled and Vlad looked at her but then she rolled her eyes and looked away.

Moana, Vlad called ignoring Samantha,yes supreme one,I'm sending you, Emily and two other vampire to investigate Ares's origin, what..... About ... Me!!!!! , Samantha asked looking surprised, Vlad ignored her and faced Moana, come closer he said and Moana took four steps towards him , I said closer he snapped and Moana took four more steps,this time around,she was starring at him eyeball to eyeball, Samantha stood watching them and at the same time boiling in anger, she turned to walk away when Vlad's voice made her halt, "If you take one more step, Samantha or even breath while I haven't dismissed you, I will feed you to the birds of the wood ,he said and Samantha stood there trembling.

"Open your mouth, Vlad ordered Moana, Moana opened her mouth and Vlad breathed a dark smoke into her mouth, his eye's changed to black and he began chanting in a strange language.

"Tenebras Dissipate . Omne Aevum.

"Consumnatum est. Diabolo fuge.

"Diabolo fuge!"

Agite Tenebras Abbssi"

"Ignes Dissipare et vallum"

Vlad blew a dark air into Moana's face , she coughed and her eyes turned black too.

When Moana finally came back to her sense, she felt more powerful and more.

I have given you power, go fort and do my bidding, yes supreme one Moana bowed and left the thorn room.

Vlad turned towards an angry looking Samantha, he took ten steps towards her , Samantha smirked, looking at Vlad ,expecting him to apologize to her,but instead,a slap landed on her face.

Vlad!!!! , Samantha called, the truth was that she didn't know when she called him by his name, but then she realized herself and immediately went on her kneels ,holding her cheek.

"You called me by my name!!!!,Vlad snapped, No supreme one, forgive me she pleaded.

Guards!!!!!?,Vlad roared, please supreme one, Spare me Samantha said touching his garment.

You think so highly of yourself, Do not forget one thing ,Vlad said, you are in the same level with all of them, I have given you so much power, "Where are the guards I summoned!", Guards!!!!! ,He called, yes supreme one two guards came running in, Vlad looked at Samantha who was still pleading for mercy and shaked his head.

Take her away, release Lily and throw her into the silver wraith cage, he ordered and walked away.

"Don't touch me , Samantha snapped,as one of the guards tried dragging her up from the floor, "You heard the supreme one , or didn't you!!!!, He snapped, we are to take you to the silver wraith cage pretty Incase you find it hard to understand an order.

Samantha glared at him, stood up and walked out, followed by the guards.


Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! ,Lily screamed out in pains as the silver wraith burn her skin, Samantha entered , followed by the guards, Lily glared at them especially Samantha but then Samantha's expression exhibited fear, "Are you here to mock me Samantha"?, Lily asked, you never fail to show your hatred for... Lily couldn't complete her Sentence as she began coughing out blood, Samantha said nothing, instead was imagining herself in lily's shoes.

Mock you !!!!!!, One of the guards asked, I doubt she is in the position to do that, one them said and moved forward to the cage and unlocked it While wearing a rubber special gloves, tho not an ordinary gloves.

Come out, he ordered, me.....? ,Lily asked to be sure, yes you , don't waste my time and come out he snapped, lily stood up and carefully stepped out from the cage and walked towards Samantha, lily smirked and left the room.

"Enter the guard said trying to touch her ,"Don't touch me she snapped, you don't have the supreme one's protection now, you are under punishment, so order he said and pushed her into the cage and locked it.

"You will pay this this, Samantha said and stood up and grabbed the bar of the cage , Ahhhhhhhh.... She cried as it burnt her skin.

"Outside the dungeon "

"What happened ",lily asked one of the guards that appeared to be friendly, "why is Samantha in there, The supreme one gave the order, he explained, Ahhhhhhhhhhhh... Samantha kept crying, "Can I see the supreme one?", He is in a bad mood, I suggest you leave him alone ,he said, I just want to thank him lily said and went away, towards Vlad's room.

**Vlad's bedroom room***

Vlad woke up from a disturbing sleep, he was still trying to recall the dream when a knock on the door interpreted him, "who is that!!!! , He snapped, it's lily supreme one,lily said.

Vlad smirked and stood up to open the door , lily walked in and Vlad shut the door and faced her, Why are you here !!,he asked in his usual cold manner, I ..... Came ..... to ... Apologize, lily stuttered.

APOLOGIZE!!!??? ,Vlad asked and Lily nodded..

Why don't you start by undressing he said.
