

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

The chronicles of the Tome of knowledge

Chapter 33.

""The Chronicles of the Tome of Knowledge"


Athena approached the pedestal, and she saw that there was another sword resting upon it. It was identical to the Low Sivan, but its blade was white, and it glowed with a cold, ethereal light. The sword's voice spoke again, "You have found the Light Sivan, and it is yours to wield. With the Light Sivan and the Low Sivan, you have the power to bring balance to the world." Athena reached out and took the Light Sivan in her hand, and she felt a sense of purpose and determination.


Athena turned to leave the room, but before she could do so, a figure appeared in the doorway. It was a man, dressed in a black cloak, and his face was obscured by shadows. "You have done well to find the swords, but your journey is not yet over," he said.


"You must now journey to the Great Library, where you will find the final piece of the puzzle," the man said. "There, you will find the Tome of Knowledge, and with it, you will have the power to save the world." Athena's heart was pounding in her chest, but she knew that she had to follow the man's instructions. She set off for the Great Library, not knowing what she would find there.


As Athena made her way to the Great Library, she found herself in a sprawling city, unlike any she had ever seen before. The buildings were tall and imposing, and the streets were filled with people of all shapes and sizes. The air was thick with the smell of spices, and the sounds of music and laughter filled the air. But beneath the veneer of beauty and grandeur, Athena could feel a darkness, a sense of foreboding that permeated the very air. She quickened her pace, eager to reach her destination and discover what awaited her there.


The Great Library loomed before her, a massive structure of stone and glass that seemed to reach into the sky. She pushed open the heavy doors and stepped into the main hall. Rows upon rows of bookshelves stretched as far as the eye could see, and the ceiling soared high above her head. In the center of the room was a large pedestal, and upon it was a thick, leather-bound book. Athena walked towards the pedestal and reached out to take the book, but as she did so, a voice spoke from the shadows.


"Welcome, Athena," the voice said. "You have made it to the Great Library, and now you stand before the Tome of Knowledge. But you must first prove yourself worthy of its secrets." Athena turned to face the speaker, and she saw a tall, hooded figure standing in the shadows. "You must answer three questions," the figure continued. "If you answer them correctly, you will be granted access to the Tome. If not, you will be banished from this place." Athena took a deep breath and steeled herself for the challenge ahead.


"First question," the figure said. "What is the one thing that every living thing has in common?" Athenathought for a moment, and then replied, "The need for sustenance. Every living thing needs food and water to survive." The figure nodded. "That is correct. Now, second question. What is the greatest treasure of all?" Athena pondered the question, and then answered, "Love. Love is the greatest treasure, for it is the one thing that money cannot buy." The figure smiled. "Once again, you are correct. The final question is the most difficult.


"What is the greatest gift a person can give?" Athena was silent for a long moment, and then she replied, "The greatest gift is not a material thing. The greatest gift is time. Time spent with loved ones, time spent making memories, time spent doing things that make us happy. The most precious thing in life is time, and we must use it wisely." The figure stepped out of the shadows, and Athena saw that it was a woman, with a kind and wise face.


"You have answered correctly," the woman said. "You have proven yourself worthy of the Tome of Knowledge. But before I give it to you, I must warn you. The knowledge within its pages is vast and powerful. It can be used for great good, but it can also be used for great evil. Do you still wish to have it?" Athena hesitated, but then nodded. "I understand the risks, but I believe that I can use this knowledge for good. I promise to use it wisely." The woman placed the Tome of Knowledge in Athena's hands, and then faded away.


As Athena opened the Tome, she was struck by the vast amount of knowledge within its pages. It was like a library within a book, containing everything from the secrets of the universe to the inner workings of the human mind. She began to read, and as she did, her understanding of the world around her grew. She spent days, weeks, and months poring over the Tome, learning more and more each day. Eventually, she closed the book, and she knew that she had been changed by the knowledge within.


Athena left the Great Library, and she felt a sense of purpose that she had never felt before. She knew that she must use her knowledge to make the world a better place.

"Athena returned to her people after her journey of Discovery,the first person she visited was "Rang",the great seer.

"Welcome from your journey of Discovery chosen one.."thank you great seer,I will like to discuss certain important issues with you,okay?, chosen one.


Athena listened to the great seer's words, and she knew that he was right. The source and the sword were powerful tools, and they could be used for great evil if they fell into the wrong hands,I suggest you call a council meeting and inform the elders about your journey....

Athena begins to recount her journey in detail. She tells them about the labyrinth and the wise woman. She tells them about the source and the sword, and how she was able to acquire them. She even tells them about the prophecy she read in the Tome of Knowledge.


The council listen intently to Athena's story, and they are amazed by all that she has been through. When she finishes, there is a moment of silence, and then the council leader speaks. "You have been through much, and you have proven yourself worthy of this great power," he says. "But you must understand the gravity of your situation. The source, the sword, and the book are all powerful objects, and they must be kept safe." Athena nods, understanding the importance of the council leader's words.

"I shall do as you have instructed"


"Athena stood looking up to the sky,"direct my path ooh goddess..

Athena had a vision, a vision of a vast and empty desert, where the sands stretched as far as the eye could see. She knew that this was the place where she must hide the source and the sword, she woke up sweating,"thank you ooh goddess she said..


Athena began her journey the next day.

She ventured out into the desert, and she found a deep and ancient well, hidden in the sand dunes. She lowered the source and the sword into the well, and then she sealed the well with a powerful spell. No one would ever find them, and they would remain safe and hidden until the time was right.

"Until the time is right.....

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