

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

An unexpected Alliance.

Chapter 28.

"An unexpected Alliance".


"Ares come back, Hermes called him and wanted to go after him,"let him be,he will come around".

"Pls continue Barbara, Mara said and Clara eyed her and she pouted cutely at her.


"I think we should hear what Barbara has to say," the Council member continues. "I know it's a risk, but I believe that we need to take that risk if we want to find a solution to this conflict. We can't keep fighting like this, and we can't keep living in fear of each other. We need to find a way to live together, and this may be our only chance. I think we should take it." One by one, the other members of the Council stand up, each one voicing their agreement with what has been said.


The Barbara watches the proceedings, her face betraying no emotion. When the last member of the moon chasers l has stood up, the room is silent once again. Doctor Stevenson turns to Barbara. "You have a chance to speak now," he says. "Please, tell them what you have to say." Barbara takes a deep breath, and then she begins to speak. "I know that my kind had terrible things in the past," she says. "I know they have caused pain and suffering, and I know that you have no reason to trust me.


"But I'm different" Barbara continues. "I have realized the error of our ways, and I want to do what I can to make amends. I know that it will take time to earn your trust, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. I want to help you find a way to end this conflict, and I want to help you build a better future for all of us. I understand that this is a lot to ask, but I hope that you will give me a chance to prove myself." The room is silent, and everyone looks at Barbara, waiting for her to continue.


Barbara looks around the room, meeting the eyes of each person there. "I know that you may have questions," she says. "I will answer them as honestly and as thoroughly as I can. I will not hide anything from you, and I will do my best to explain my actions. All I ask is that you listen with an open mind." No one speaks, and the silence is almost deafening. Then, clara clears her throat. "I have a question," she say.


"You may ask, Barbara said.


"What guarantee do we have that you will not betray us, once we have accepted your help?" She ask. "What assurance can you give us that you will not simply turn on us, once you have helped us to win?" Barbara considers the question for a moment, then replies. "I understand your concern," she says. "But I can offer you my word.


"I'm not like the others of my kind,"Barbara continues. "I have long sought a way to live in peace with others, actually my brother and I had till something happened but that will w story for another day,and I believe that this alliance is the best chance we have to achieve that goal. I know that trust is hard to come by, but we hope that you will give me the opportunity to prove myself to you." The moon chasers looks around at each other who are listening intently to the Barbara's words. "We will need time to consider this proposal," they say.


As the moon chasers consider Barbara's offer, there are mixed reactions. Some are skeptical, while others are intrigued.Briell in particular, seems intrigued by the possibility of an alliance. They stand up and address Barbara. "We would like to hear more about your proposal," they say. "Specifically, we would like to know what you would ask of us in return for your help." Barbara nods, and begins to explain her proposal in more detail.

"After the explanation,"she I want nothing in return,I just want a world where human and supernatural beings co-exist...


"Son you look worried,"wanna talk about it "?..

"I'm fine grandpa,"if you say so but just know I'm always here for you,"if you need someone to talk to,I'm right here,grandpa Lulu said, and patted Ares's back...


"Wait grandpa Lulu,"now you have mentioned this,I have something to discuss something very important with you,it have been bothering me.....


As Aries sat down with his grandfather, he was unsure of how to begin the conversation. "We found out that Dr Stevens has been working with a vampire night," he finally said. "She told us about her proposal, and I'm not sure what to think." "I understand," his grandfather said. "This is a big decision, and it's not one to be made lightly. I can't tell you what to do, but I can offer you my thoughts." "I would appreciate that," Aries said. "Let's start with the basics," his grandfather said.


"First of all, what do you know about vampires?" his grandfather asked. "I know that they are supposed to be immortal, and that they drink blood," Aries said. "That's true, but there's more to it than that," his grandfather said. "Vampires are not just bloodsuckers. They are complex beings with their own history and culture. And while some vampires may be dangerous, not all of them are. There is a spectrum of behavior among them, just as there is among humans." "I never thought of it that way," Aries said. "It's all so confusing."


"I understand that it can be confusing," his grandfather said. "That's why I want to try to help you understand it better. Let's start with some history. Do you know about the origins of vampires?" "I know a little bit," Aries said. "They are believed to have originated in Eastern Europe, and their legend has been around for centuries." "That's correct," his grandfather said. "The legend of vampires has been around for a long time, and it has taken many different forms over the years.


"In the end, the decision is yours to make," his grandfather said. "But if I may offer some advice, I would say to follow your heart. If you feel that this alliance is the right thing to do, then you should pursue it. If not, then you should not. But either way, you must make the decision based on what you truly believe, not on what others tell you." Aries thought about his grandfather's words, and he realized that he was right. He needed to make this decision for himself, not for anyone else.

"Thank you for your kind words grandpa Lulu,"now retire to bed and get some rest, you have a big decision to make tomorrow....

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