

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

A failed mission.

Chapter 26.

"A Failed mission".


As Samantha watched the moon chasers prepare for battle, she gave a signal to her vampires. They charged at the moon chasers, their fangs bared and their eyes glowing red. But the moon chasers were not easily defeated. They fought with all their might, and they were able to hold off the vampires for a time. Samantha grew frustrated, and she called for her strongest warriors to attack. She watched as two of her vampires approached them, their power crackling around them.

The moon chasers carried senator Fred away after his bodyguards dropped dead. Samantha, weak and injured, followed them, determined to stop them. As she approached their car..

There was a blinding flash of light, and then everything went dark. When Samantha opened her eyes, she found herself lying on the ground outside in the middle of nowhere. She was badly injured, The moon chasers and Senator Fred were nowhere to be seen. Samantha struggled to her feet, determined to find him and bring him to Vlad just as she promised But then, something caught her eye. In the distance, she saw a figure, cloaked in shadow.

The figure approached her, and Samantha realized with horror that it was Barbara But she was different. Her eyes were glowing red, and her skin was pale and wrinkled. SHe spoke to her in a deep, rasping voice. "You have interfered with my plans for the last time, Samantha," she said. "Now, you will suffer the consequences." Samantha tried to fight back, but she was too weak. Barbara raised his hand, and Samantha felt a wave of dark energy wash over her.

Time seemed to slow down, and Samantha felt herself falling into darkness. But then, a voice called out to her. "Do not give in!" it said. "You must fight!" The voice was coming from within her own mind, and it gave her strength. She struggled against Barbara's power, and suddenly, she felt herself back in the real world. She stood, facing her, determined to defeat her. She gathered her strength, and then she let out a cry that echoed through the sky.

Samantha opened her eyes and found herself in a dark, cold place. She felt chains around her wrists and ankles, and she was unable to move. Next to her stood Dr. Stevens, his expression strange and triumphant. "Welcome to my lab Samantha," he said. " Samantha struggled against her bonds, but they were too strong. Then, she felt a surge of anger and determination. "You will never break me, you mere mortal ," she said, her voice ringing with power.

Dr. Stevens's smile faltered for a moment, as if he was taken aback by her words. Then, he laughed. "That is impossible," he said. "You are under my watch, and you will do as I command." But as he spoke, Samantha could sense a doubt in his mind. Perhaps he was not as sure of himself as he wanted to appear. She reached out with her mind, and she found a tiny crack in his confidence. Slowly, she began to chip away at it, planting small seeds of doubt.

"You will see,Vlad will come for me and he won't spare any of you,let me go...I said let me gooooooooo..."shut up bitch you are making a noise,Clara shouted from her sitting position...

As the days passed, Dr. Stevens continued to work on Samantha, slowly breaking down her confidence. he learned his weaknesses, and he exploited them. Finally, he felt that the time was right to make his move. he started about questioning her about vlad and his deal with the president,"Vlad has the president and other important figures in this province under his control,they do his bidding and I'm his right hand man,"tell me more Dr. Stevens said,he manipulate the doctors,they supply us vampires with blood meant for patient and inject serums into humans...

"Vlad watched from his crystal ball as Samantha reveals the top secret of the dark realm,"snap out of this Samantha,I said"snap out of this...

"Like she heard him ,"Samantha regarded herself and rose to her feet, standing before Dr Stevens,with eyes red as blood. "I am not your prisoner," she said, her voice ringing with power,Dr Stevens rose up ,filled with fear, he tired to inject her with a sleeping pill,when he saw that the lab was already ambushed by vampires.

"Told you,"didn't I"?.

"That he will come for me"

"As the moon chasers were surrounded by the vampires, unprepared to fight back,the vampires were getting the upper hand when a strange figure appeared...

The figure emerged from the shadows. It was Barbara, tall and proud, her face set in a determined expression. "You have no power here, bloody tasty vampires," she said. "We shall see," she said. Then, they raised their hand, and a blinding light filled the room.

"Barbara brought out a gun made from a silver metal and began shooting the vampires,the moon chasers were surprised to see a vampire fighting against it's kind, Samantha was surprised as she discovered the dark figure is Samantha,"Vlad long long forgotten sister,Bar... bar.. Barbara,she shouted and ran out of the the lab....

"I can't believe what I saw, everyone thought Barbara was long gone and Vlad is the only surviving Blue clan vampire,but now Barbara is back and this doesn't look good,I must inform supreme one,she continued leaping back to the dark realm empire.


"The moon chaser looked around and Dr Stevens was nowhere to be found but Barbara kept fighting the vampires till the last one dropped dead, meanwhile Dr. Stevens went deep into the lab to bring the ultimate weapon....

"After the last vampire dropped dead, Barbara turned to the moon chasers and was surprised by what she saw , they position themselves ready to fight her.

"Is that how you were taught to say "thank you ", to someone who just saved your lives?

"We never asked you to ,"did we"?, Clara asked ,"I see Barbara said ".

"You are yet to see anything,"Ares spoke up ...

Stop .... Stop.... She is a friend,Dr . Stevens said as soon as he entered the room.

"A friend "?, Everyone faced him and asked at the same time,"how can a vampire be friends with human"?....

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