
chapter 1

Chapter 1

Life is not so easy my dear it's all within the soul the, heart and the tears ...so here the story begins ...….Umm I don't know whether it's the end or the very beginning of the story but s story never ends and endings make new beginnings . Beginning of any story leads to it's main script and that cannot be missed because it's the beginning which decides the end and the present which decides the future . Present , which actually represents the live moment that we are living right now is actually not in my case because I am still living in the past that I lived with some mystery and with someone full of life , someone just like a dreamy character one could think of and someone who could be named as the best person of one's life . The person who has the power to make a crying person laugh and the person who could heal hearts and a person who could change one completely with out any scars . No matter what happens she also used to be chilled free , relaxed and always ready for adventure

The one who changed me and my present into a heaven no matter where I go after my death but I am still not tired being with her and want to be with her forever and ever atleast till the time destiny and death separates us....

Its all within the heart and the mind , the decision is yours what to choose mind or heart . My story starts and ends with decisions that I mastered listening the voice of my heart and atleast I am happy no matter what people think about me and after all how much do they actually know about me .... THEY DON'T and they actually do not care about this

People just need stories to chit chat on and of course the most difficult business in the world is to mind your own business so listen to what your heart says and see how your life takes a different route......