
The Promise Ring

It's truly remarkable how swiftly the tides of time can shift. A fleeting moment of unbridled joy can, in the blink of an eye, transform into the darkest of tempestuous clouds, casting an ominous shadow over the once-vibrant and jubilant kingdom. This realm, renowned for its vibrancy, was a realm of unparalleled cheer, where every hue of color danced in harmonious symphony, and laughter resonated through the air. However, this enchanting tapestry of joy was unraveled in an instant, all due to a solitary error in judgment. The King himself was convinced that it was a curse, an ominous and relentless affliction that condemned him to tread upon a treacherous minefield of uncertainty, devoid of direction or destination. Yet, it wasn't just the King's fate that hung in the balance. The life of his beloved daughter, the princess, was inextricably bound to this enigmatic curse. In truth, the entire kingdom's destiny hinged upon her. As the story unfolds, a profound mystery is unraveled. It becomes evident that the roots of this curse run far deeper than a mere misstep in the forest. It is a tale steeped in secrecy, and the revelation of its origins promises to unveil a truth that goes well beyond the surface of that initial misjudgment.

sally9805 · History
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55 Chs

The Curse

"Swiftly, bring him up to the kingdom," the command echoed urgently. The king's servants promptly stepped aside, yielding space for the chief assistant to pass through. In his arms, he cradled a man on the brink of life's precipice. Together, they crossed the threshold of the grand entrance, which promptly sealed shut behind them.

He cradled a man on the brink of life's precipice in his arms "Summon the royal physician!" the King's voice thundered through the palace halls. The man's groans mingled with the tension in the air as blood flowed from the grievous wound upon his stomach. The royal physician and his attendants hurriedly cleared the room, shooing away all witnesses.

The entire kingdom seemed to tremble in disarray, mirroring the chaos that had befallen the palace. Beads of sweat formed on the king's furrowed brow as he paced restlessly before the barricaded door. His thoughts raced, a torrent of worry and uncertainty.

Just as his anxiety threatened to consume him, the queen's maiden approached with haste. "Sire, urgent news!" Her distressed countenance heightened the King's concern, and he turned to her, demanding, "What is it?"

"Your Majesty... your Majesty, the Queen," the urgent cry reached the king's ears, causing him to rush towards their shared chamber. Amidst the swirling chaos, the queen sat huddled in a corner, her sobs echoing through the room, a heart-wrenching symphony of despair. 

Witnessing the shattered state of his beloved queen, the king stepped closer, silently signaling the attending maidens to grant them a moment of solitude, their expressions a blend of sympathy and concern. The room, once a sanctuary of joy and tranquility, now bore witness to the tumultuous storm that had engulfed their world.

"Fear not, for the royal physician and his dedicated team are diligently executing their responsibilities," he assured, gently resting his hands upon her trembling shoulders. Her tense frame gradually eased beneath his comforting touch, allowing her to regain her composure.

However, the queen's visage of concern did not escape the king's notice. He instinctively traced her gaze to the same direction, his heart rate rising. In a deliberate effort to console her, he drew in a deep breath, using his index finger to tenderly lift her chin, and whispered softly, his voice conveying unwavering determination, "I will not allow any harm to befall either of you."

With genuine affection and protectiveness, he gently laid his free hand upon the queen's burgeoning belly, feeling their child's presence beneath his touch. Her anxieties seemed to melt away, replaced by a sense of security, as she absorbed the king's heartfelt reassurance.

Despite the king's ability to soothe her, he found himself wrestling with an internal storm of thoughts. With determination, he pushed aside his own concerns and lovingly nestled the queen beneath the protective embrace of the sheets. By her side, he sought to offer solace.

His mind kept returning to the harrowing encounter in the forest, yearning for it to be nothing more than a cruel nightmare. As he lay there, wrapped in the cocoon of warmth and comfort that the sheets provided, the king began to slowly unwind. Eventually, the weight of the day and its unsettling events pulled him into the embrace of slumber.

"Regrettably, my queen, I must insist that you do not accompany us," the king firmly stated, in response to the queen's protests regarding her desire to join him and his brother on the hunt. With a playful chuckle, the king couldn't help but find amusement in the way the queen crossed her arms and sat with a sulky pout. He knew all too well that it was her hormones that were speaking louder than reason.

With a determined spirit, the queen quickly changed her stance, declaring, "Very well, I shall merely observe."

As their intentions were set, the king's loyal servant arrived, announcing, "Your Majesty, the carriage awaits your presence," and offering a respectful bow, awaiting further instructions. 

However, just as the servant was about to depart, the queen interjected, her resolve unyielding, "Hold on a moment. Prepare my carriage as well."

In this whimsical scene, the dynamics between the king and queen are brought to life, showcasing the queen's determination and the king's good-humored understanding of her moods.

"I can't take that risk, sweetheart," the king spoke calmly, his hands gently cradling his wife's cheeks. "You're carrying our future," he continued, his palm resting tenderly on her stomach, where a small bulge had recently emerged.

The queen replied softly, "And you won't have to. I have faith in you." Her voice carried a hint of determination. "Besides, I find myself growing weary within these vast castle walls. I yearn for the freshness of the outside world, and our baby needs it too." As she spoke, she placed her palm over the king's on her abdomen, emphasizing her point.

The king, torn between his protective instincts and his desire to grant the queen's wishes, took a deep breath. He searched her eyes for any signs of suspicion but found only trust and love. In defeat, he pinched the bridge of his nose, a gesture of surrender, and turned to the servant who had been waiting patiently.

The queen couldn't help but chuckle lightly, knowing that her pleas had been heard and accepted. It was a moment of compromise and love that would shape their future as a family.

"Prepare the queen's carriage," the command echoed through the palace chambers. The servant, ever dutiful, exited with a graceful bow, leaving the royal couple alone.

The king, a formidable figure in his own right, pivoted to face the queen once more. His piercing gaze remained steadfastly fixed on her. "There, you'll pay attention to what I say."

"Your Majesty, yes," she responded with a hint of mirth dancing in her eyes. She gave a respectful bow, acknowledging both his authority and his playfulness.

Minutes passed, and the preparations for the queen's departure continued at a rapid pace. Her trusted maidens bustled around her, assisting in her adornment and attire. It was a day much like any other, peaceful and unmarred by conflict. Still, the king's insistence remained unwavering.

The queen's curious eyes fell upon the peculiar piece of armor she was instructed to wear. It was unlike any other, a unique creation with a belly-shaped depression, personally designed by the king himself. She regarded the armor with a quirked eyebrow, a clear expression of skepticism.

"Your Majesty, it was the king's order," the maiden dutifully explained, understanding the queen's reservations. She held the armor steady, waiting for her to comply.

The queen let out a soft, knowing chuckle, her laughter a testament to the quirks of royal life. She nodded appreciatively, allowing the maiden to assist her in donning the distinctive armor. As the pieces settled into place, she contemplated the peculiar protection, her mind already considering the mysteries and motivations behind the king's peculiar design.

The king, his brother, and his trusted right-hand man, their steeds in tow, led the way. Behind them, two carriages trundled forward, one laden with an assortment of equipment and provisions for the journey. In the second carriage, the queen sat gracefully, accompanied by her faithful maiden. A small contingent of soldiers brought up the rear, their vigilant presence ensuring the queen's safety.

Their destination lay in the heart of the deep woods, a place slightly off the beaten path, but a sanctuary shielded from the reach of any potential enemies. As they ventured deeper into the forest, the queen's eyes were drawn to the serene surroundings. She couldn't help but comment on the refreshing change of scenery, the lush canopy of trees providing a respite from the rigors of royal life.

Memories flooded her mind as she gazed at the ancient trees that whispered tales of days long past. These woods held a special place in her heart, reminiscent of the times when she and the king had wandered together amidst the dappled sunlight. It was here that they had forged cherished memories, whether it was the exhilaration of hunting side by side or the sweet, intimate moments shared under the starlit sky.

In this tranquil haven, amid the rustling leaves and the gentle calls of the forest's inhabitants, the queen found solace and a respite from the demands of her regal duties. The woods were not just a place to escape; they were a testament to her enduring love for the king and a reminder of the beautiful moments they had shared together.

The king, in a display of regal authority, issued a command for the carriages to halt their progress, their wheels grinding to a stop on the forest path. His purpose for this sudden break was clear – the pursuit of a more profound adventure within the heart of the woods.

In one hand, he grasped his finely crafted bow, its elegant curves showcasing its craftsmanship, and in the other, a quiver of arrows, poised for long-range hunting. With determination etched on his face, he led the way, forging deeper into the dense forest, leaving behind his queen and her loyal maiden.

For the queen's comfort and repose, a plush velvet blanket was meticulously spread upon the forest floor, transforming the wild terrain into a semblance of elegance. The queen reclined gracefully upon it, her gaze flitting between the dancing leaves above, while the delicate fingers of her maiden fussed over her, ensuring her comfort.


Hunting, they knew, was a pursuit that demanded not only skill but time and patience. As the king ventured forth, his senses attuned to the slightest rustle of leaves, the queen, her thoughts meandering like the babbling brooks nearby, initiated a gentle conversation with her attentive maiden.

The maidens, handpicked for their wit and charm, were well aware of the queen's affable nature. With grace and ease, they exchanged words, their voices like sweet melodies in the heart of the forest. In the midst of nature's tranquil beauty, the queen found solace in their company, as they shared tales, laughter, and fleeting moments of joy.

In the heart of the enchanting woods, this queen, polite and playful, continued to weave her charm, leaving her maidens captivated by both her presence and the enchantment of their surroundings.

"They should have returned by now," the queen murmured, her gaze fixed on the progressively darkening sky. The anticipation weighed heavily on her heart, and she couldn't help but voice her concern. 

Her loyal maiden nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting the same worry that plagued the queen. She gently placed a glass of cool, crystal-clear water into the queen's trembling hand, silently offering her comfort.

Despite the mounting anxiety, the queen made a conscious effort to push aside the negative thoughts that threatened to engulf her. She closed her eyes briefly, taking a deep breath, and then began to hum a sweet, nostalgic melody—one her mother used to sing to her when she was just a child.

"Here cries a lovely rose,

so little and lovely,

with a lovely nose.

Born with love and care,"

The queen's voice was soothing, the lyrics weaving a sense of warmth and security around her. In the face of uncertainty, she found solace in the cherished memories of her mother's love, hoping that her sweet song would bring comfort to her worried heart.

As the world around her gradually slowed down, a sense of calm washed over her once more. Yet, an eerie feeling lingered in the quiet woods, as if an impending storm lurked just beneath the surface, waiting for the perfect moment to unleash its fury. 


The sky darkened with an ominous intensity, casting shadows that seemed to stretch endlessly, and the king and his companions remained conspicuously absent. The queen had grown increasingly anxious, and she implored one of the troops to venture forth in search of them. 

As the brave soldier ventured deeper into the woods, his footsteps echoing through the silence, a sudden and spine-chilling sound pierced the air. "AAAAAhhhhh............" The blood-curdling scream rang out from a distance, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. 

In that moment, the tranquility of the woods had given way to a foreboding mystery, and the queen's heart raced with fear and uncertainty. What dark secrets did these woods hold, and what awaited them just beyond the veil of silence?

With regal grace, the queen rose from her ornate throne, her crimson gown sweeping the floor in a mesmerizing cascade of silk and velvet. Her eyes, the color of a stormy sea, held a hint of concern as she turned her gaze towards the soldier stationed nearby, her voice firm but tinged with worry as she instructed him to check on the situation.

She paced back and forth on the lush velvet carpet that had been meticulously laid out, each step echoing through the grand chamber. Her mind, like a tempestuous sea, wrestled with a torrent of negative thoughts, threatening to consume her composure. The tension in the air was palpable, and she struggled to maintain her regal poise.

Growing increasingly impatient with the uncertainty unfolding beyond the chamber doors, she finally made a decision. She could no longer stand idly by, waiting for reports that seemed agonizingly slow in coming. With a determined resolve, she dismissed her maiden's earnest plea for her to remain in the safety of the chamber.

"Your Majesty," the maiden implored, her voice trembling, "we have been told to remain here."

The queen's gaze met the maiden's, a mixture of empathy and determination in her eyes. "I understand, my dear," she replied, her voice filled with a quiet resolve. "But I cannot simply wait here any longer. I must see for myself what is happening. Trust that I shall return as soon as I can."

With those words, the queen moved towards the chamber doors, her crimson robes billowing behind her, leaving her maiden to watch with a mix of admiration and trepidation as her determined monarch ventured into the unknown, determined to protect her kingdom.

"No, I must assess the situation," the guardsman firmly halted the queen in her tracks as she ventured towards the ominous path ahead. The authority in her voice was unmistakable.

"This is my decree," her gaze bore into the guardsman, causing him to instinctively retreat, acknowledging her unwavering resolve. Without hesitation, the queen pressed onward. By her side, her loyal maiden and the vigilant guardsman maintained a watchful presence, committed to safeguarding her.

With each brisk step she took, her anxiety swelled. Deeper into the woods they ventured, the dense canopy overhead casting a shadowy cloak over their surroundings, extinguishing all traces of sunlight. An eerie atmosphere enveloped them, sending shivers cascading down her spine. Yet, resolute and undaunted, the queen continued her relentless march forward, driven by an unshakeable determination. 

"His wound runs deep, and we must act swiftly," urged the queen as she witnessed the love of her life grappling to maintain composure. In his arms lay a gravely injured man, his chest impaled by an arrow, a weapon that unmistakably belonged to the king. Their attendants hurriedly hastened to fetch one of the waiting carriages, sensing the urgency of the situation.

For a fleeting moment, the queen stood utterly speechless, her gaze fixated upon the man's bloodshot eyes, oblivious to the fact that the king had become aware of her presence. She was captivated by the direness of the scene unfolding before her, her mind momentarily paralyzed by the gravity of the situation.

Approaching the queen with measured, worried steps, the king closed the distance between them. Her maidens held her in place, but her heart raced with concern, and she awaited the king's reaction with bated breath, unsure of what consequences this unforeseen encounter might bring.

"Why have you come here, Queen?" The question hung heavily in the air, its weight pulling the queen's gaze down to the man sprawled on the ground. All around her, the world seemed to fade into a distant hum of indistinct murmuring, as if someone had turned the volume down on reality itself. She strained to catch the words, but they slipped through her grasp like smoke.

The king, growing increasingly alarmed by the vacant look in his queen's eyes, reacted swiftly. He turned to the young maiden, her eyes wide with concern, and gave a quick, urgent nod. "Fetch some water for the queen," he commanded, his voice edged with worry. His protective instinct took over, and he encircled the queen's trembling shoulders with a comforting arm. Leaning closer, he whispered soothing words into her ear, though they fell on deaf ears as she continued to fixate on the enigmatic man before her.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as the minutes ticked by, the queen's attention locked onto the stranger. The king's anxiety grew palpable, his impatience manifesting in a quiet, muttered lament. "How come they're taking so long?" he muttered under his breath, his eyes flicking anxiously to where his brother and the guardsmen had ventured into the unknown. The shadows grew deeper, and the mystery of the man on the ground deepened, shrouded in uncertainty and foreboding.

In the heart of a forest, shrouded in an eerie darkness that seemed conjured by the very forces of sorcery, time itself came to a standstill. The winds, with their mournful howls, cast an ominous aura over the scene, like a foreboding spell. It was a moment when even the mighty King's heart raced with anxiety, fervently hoping for the swift arrival of carriages.

In the midst of this eerie stillness, an injured man lay, his eyes fixed unwaveringly upon the queen. His gaze seemed to possess an uncanny power, as though he sought to hypnotize her with its intensity. He mumbled cryptic words, their meaning shrouded in a veil of incomprehensibility.

The king, overwhelmed by the need to console his distressed queen, was entirely engrossed in her wellbeing. Unbeknownst to him, the injured man surreptitiously reached into his satchel, his actions hidden amidst the chaos of the moment.

"Lord Alaric," he intoned, his voice echoing through the eerie silence of the dark woodland. The unexpected shout made the monarch swivel around, his regal demeanor momentarily replaced by startled curiosity.

As the king turned, his queen, who had been lost in the depths of a dream, jolted awake. She instinctively grasped her husband's arms, her eyes wide with alarm. The setting sun had cast the forest into an even more ominous shadow, and an unsettling sense of isolation settled upon them. No guardsmen or maidens were in sight, adding to the surreal tension.

With gentle care, the king set the queen down on the forest floor and leaned against a sturdy tree. He moved to approach the man who had shouted, his intentions clear, but the situation took a dangerous turn. "Stop right there," the stranger growled, brandishing a gleaming dagger menacingly close to the king's throat.

Frozen in his tracks, the king felt a shiver of fear run down his spine as he locked eyes with the threatening figure. Summoning his courage, he spoke softly, "We can take you to the royal physician." His words carried a hint of desperation, an attempt to defuse the perilous standoff and find a peaceful resolution in the depths of the eerie woods.

"Approach me not," he declared, his voice filled with an eerie certainty. "My death draws near; in mere seconds, I shall reunite with my beloved, but-" He paused, shutting his eyes tightly as a solitary tear slipped down his cheek. The queen, her curiosity piqued, sat in bewilderment, uncertain of the forest's mysterious events and the man's apparent injuries. "Before that." He cast a venomous glare at the queen, his eyes radiating malice. The king, sensing the impending danger, followed his gaze and knelt before the stranger, desperation lacing his voice. "I implore you, spare her," the king cried out.

The man responded with a devilish laughter, his tone dripping with malevolence. "You fool, you are already ensnared within my grasp." The king's eyes widened in dawning realization, but it was too late. Dark clouds loomed ominously in the sky, winds howled in anguish, and the king's guardsmen and his own brother were nowhere to be seen. "My once perfect family, you've shattered it all," the man declared, his voice filled with a chilling triumph.

"It was a mistake," the man declared solemnly.

"As it is right now," he chuckled, his voice dripping with a twisted sense of satisfaction. "I waited 30 years for my vengeance, but you destroyed it again. How fortunate you are."

"We were young, please," the king pleaded, his voice trembling with regret.

"However, a dead man's wish is easily granted," the man retorted, his tone unyielding. Despite the king's desperate requests, the man continued to speak. The king, once mighty and regal, now appeared bound to the ground, his kingly authority rendered powerless.

The queen, caught in the chilling tableau, shifted her gaze between her husband and the vengeful man. Her lips moved, but no words escaped, as if an invisible force had sewn her mouth shut. Her eyes, filled with anguish and despair, pleaded for mercy.

Even though he was on the brink of death, the man maintained complete control over the malevolent spell that encircled them. With a final, malevolent look towards the queen, he slowly raised his hands, ready to unleash the spell's devastating power.

"You will long for happiness, but it will forever elude you, just as you and your father brought darkness upon my family, symbolized by the somber sky above."

"And your child-" the warlock's ominous words hung in the air.

The king's head snapped abruptly, but it was too late for him to intervene. The warlock completed his incantation. "Their heart shall shatter into a million pieces, burdened by unending sorrow." Helpless, the king found himself ensnared in the sorcerer's enchantment, unable to protect the cherished family he held dear. Gasps escaped the lips of the king and queen as they reacted to the warlock's cruel pronouncement. The queen's eyes welled with tears, her grip on her stomach tight with fury and despair.

The injured man released a deep, exasperated sigh, his voice heavy with despair. "Happiness will never come knocking," he uttered, the words laden with bitterness. A guttural groan escaped his lips as he drove a rusty dagger into his own stomach, sealing his fate with finality. "Never," he rasped, his last breath slipping away into the night.

As if scripted by fate, the sky, which had been shrouded in ominous clouds after a day of relentless rain, suddenly burst forth with the most radiant and brilliant light. The transformation was as swift as it was surreal, and the world around them reverted to its previous state.

In the distance, the lifeless form of the injured man lay still, a solitary figure amidst the vast expanse of the night sky and the haunting howl of the winds. The monarch, startled by an unexpected sensation of weightlessness in his ankles, reached out instinctively, realizing that the chain that had bound him to his queen had been severed. Their world had shifted so abruptly that they could scarcely comprehend what had transpired. With tenderness, the king enfolded the weeping queen in his embrace, the tumultuous events leaving them both in shock and sorrow.

After a time that felt both fleeting and eternal, the silence was shattered by the arrival of a carriage, its wheels grinding to a halt before them. The cacophonous clamor of approaching footsteps marked the arrival of an unknown presence, casting an eerie uncertainty over the already bewildering scene.

I've embarked on a fresh journey with this piece, sensing its dire need for extensive editing and a complete plot overhaul. My intention is to weave a tale that captivates, ensuring a storyline that's less labyrinthine and far more engaging than before.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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