
The Professor and the CEO

Selene and Ben met when they were 19 years old and were together for several years. They had a painful break up after Ben's family disapproved of their plans to marry. Since then, Selene hasn't really had any major relationships. Instead, she has devoted her life to her career and proving her worth. Ben can't tell Selene the real reason why he had to break up with her. He has spent all the years apart building power and influence, all the while planning to get her back. When he heard she was presenting her design to his company, he couldn't stay away any longer, so he moved up his plans to win her back. But in doing so is he putting them both in danger? What will happen when she learns the truth? *********** Note: R18 content *********** Excerpt: They stood there for a while, kissing each other demurely, as if they were testing the waters. Selene couldn't help but let out little noises of pleasure, while Ben started breathing heavier. Ben pulled slightly away to look at Selene's lips, which were flushed with a dark pink from their kisses. "These are the lips I've been craving," he thought, then began nibbling on Selene's bottom lip. When she let out a little moan, he was satisfied that he could move forward. He pushed his tongue gently in between her lips as if asking for entrance. She was already lost in the feelings from the past and let him in. Once she did, the kiss transformed. Their lips were hungry for each other after being denied for so long. Ben pushed Selene against the wall nearby. His tongue licked the inside of her mouth as if he was tasting the nectar of the gods. His mind was racing as he thought, "God, she tastes so good, like the wine we had earlier." Selene couldn't help but let out a moan, but it was muffled by Ben's mouth on her. He sucked on her tongue while moving his hands slowly all over her back. Then his hands moved down to her tiny waist, while his mouth continued to dance around her tongue. He couldn't believe how she had stayed just the same after all these years. Ben started moving his mouth down her neck, nibbling here and there along the way. There would definitely be marks left where he sucked and gently bit. Selene tried to hold back her moans, but the best she could do was keep them quieter than usual. They were in a restaurant after all. "My God, what am I doing? We're in a restaurant!," she thought. But she didn't stop. She couldn't stop.

PoppyFair · Urban
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94 Chs

The Tests

A couple weeks has gone by since news of Victor's death had reached Selene and Ben. She was having dinner with Lucy and Peter, sans partners, for some much-needed alone time. They were at The Bar Who catching up, when Peter turned to Selene and said, "Okay, I have to ask. I feel like I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't but feel free to say you don't want to talk about it."

"It's okay, you can ask me anything. You know that," Selene smiled, but it looked a little wary given the introduction.

"How are you doing now that some time has passed since Drakos's death?," Peter asked with concern clearly showing on his face.

Lucy rubbed Selene's arm to comfort her, but Selene said she was fine, "It's weird because I think I was just in shock at first and then it was confusing because just like with the man who shall not be named, because I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel. I mean, death is supposed to be sad but I didn't really feel sad-sad if that makes sense."

Her friends nodded, which urged her to continue, "It's like I'm mostly sad for how things happened in the past, but I can't change that, you know? I talked to my therapist about it and she told me that it was okay not to feel sad in the conventional way. Mourning death is different for everyone and a lot depends on the circumstances of the relationship. When that man was killed, I felt bad for his family, but he was such a monster to me that I mostly just felt relief that he was no longer around to hurt me. With Victor, it's a little different. I mean, he is, I mean, was my brother. I guess I mostly just wish that things had been different, and we could have been a real family. But I have to let that go because I can't change the past."

"Yah, you said that already," Peter pointed out. "It sounds like it's easier said than done."

Selene sighed, "Yah. It will just take time, I guess. I mostly feel bad for Lyra and Demitrius. I mean, they loved him."

Her friend nodded again. Lucy said, "Well, if there's anything we can do to help you, you know where to find us." She raised her wine glass and Peter did the same with his tumbler of whiskey.

Selene smiled and raised her 7-Down. Seeing this, Peter stopped the toasting and asked, "Hey how come you're not drinking? Don't tell me you're planning on getting us drunk and taking advantage of us?"

"Ha ha, very funny," Selene replied. "Actually, I haven't been feeling well lately. I keep feeling a little nauseous. If this keeps up, I'll have to see the doctor."

Peter and Lucy looked at each other and then back at their friend. "What?," Selene asked, confused.

"Do you want to ask or shall I?," Peter asked Lucy.

Lucy chuckled, "Let me do the honors."

"What?," Selene asked again, this time with more emphasis.

"Sweetie, when was the last time you got your period?," Lucy asked, looking at her friend like she should know exactly what the question meant.

Fortunately, Selene was fast on the uptake. Her eyes widened as she said, "No! It can't be!"

Peter laughed, "It very well could be. Aren't you a genius? Shouldn't you have already figured it out?"

Selene looked shocked, "I, um, I, I don't know what to say. I mean, we've just been so busy and with everything going on, I just didn't think. I mean, it can't be."

Lucy laughed and Peter joined her before adding, "You're repeating yourself again. They do say pregnancy affects a woman's brain."

"But seriously," Lucy said soberly, "Does Ben know about the nausea? He must have suspected the same thing."

Selene shook her head, "No, I told him the first couple times I felt that way, but he got so worried I decided to just wait it out on my own. But now, I just don't know. I mean, a baby? We just finally got engaged. Isn't this too soon?"

"Too soon to shmoon!," Lucy beamed. "You've known each other for-freakin'-ever. I mean, sure, you'll have to put vacation plans on hold. But think about it. A baby. Your baby with Ben."

Peter added, "That kid is going to be gorgeous and a genius!"

Selene smiled more to herself than to her friends and then looked at her abdomen. "Could there really be a baby in there?," she asked in awe.

"Only one way to find out," Peter suggested.

"Let's go get a test now!," Lucy exclaimed.

Seeing the turn of events, Selene wondered, "Shouldn't I tell Ben first. I mean, I know you guys are my best friends. But he should know too right?"

Peter pouted, "But I wanted us to be the first to know!" Then he smiled, "Just kidding. I may be self-centered sometimes but I'm not that much of a selfish ass! I was going to say that we should call Ben on the way, of course!"

Selene took a deep breath and then nodded as she let it out, "Okay, let's do this."

They paid the bill and headed over to the nearest convenience store. On the way, they did as Peter suggested had called Ben.

"Babe, are you sitting down?," Selene asked after they exchanged greetings.

"Yes, why? What's wrong?," Ben asked, the edge of worry clear in his tone.

"Nothing, nothing," Selene said quickly, realizing how she made it sound. "It's just, um, Peter, Lucy and I are on our way to the convenience store and then we're headed to our place so I wanted to let you know."

She heard a breath being let out as she spoke. Ben replied, "That's fine. But I thought you guys were going to spend some time out drinking and having fun?"

"We were," Selene responded. "But then we sort-of realized something and I wanted to let you know because you should, of course, know. I mean, this affects you just as much as me. I mean, it could at least. It's not like we know for sure. But it's probably the case. I mean—"

Ben interrupted her, "Hey, hey, what's going on? You're talking fast and rambling a little so this sounds serious."

"Okay. I'm just going to say it," she said with a nod, but then was quiet.

"Okay…," Ben trailed off, waiting.

Selene blurted out, "We're going to buy a pregnancy test because I might be pregnant."

"What? Are you serious?," Ben exclaimed. "How? I mean, when? I mean, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Selene smiled into the phone. Lucy was in the seat next to her trying not to giggle at Selene's antics.

She continued, "I've just been feeling nauseated a lot lately so I happen to mention it while we were talking and my friends being the smart people that they are reminded me about the birds and the bees." It was quiet on the other end of the line and this prompted Selene to say, "Hello, are you there?"

"Yes, yes. I'm here," Ben answered. "I'm just in shock I think. I don't want to talk about it with Peter and Lucy there so we can talk once you get here."

"Well, um, they sort-of, kind-of want to be there while I take the test," Selene said hesitantly. She understood why Ben would want to be alone with her, but she didn't mind her friends being there.

Ben considered for a moment then replied, "That's fine. I mean, I get it."

"Thank you!," Selene beamed. "You're the best! I love you so much and I'll see you soon!"

"I love you too," Ben replied. "See you soon."

After she hung up the phone, Selene looked at Lucy who just shook her head.

"What?," Selene asked.

"You too are so lovey dovey. You'll make great parents," Lucy responded.

Selene smiled, "Hey, we're not the only lovey dovey ones. You and Max are no better!"

Lucy smiled back, "True, true. But neither of us beats Peter. He's trained Johnny well since they got engaged!" The women looked toward the seat behind them at where Peter was sitting. He had been leaning forward to hear the conversation and laughed.

"Maybe they're so touchy-feely because they can't do the stuff they really want to do," Selene joked.

"Ohhh! I can't believe you just said that!," Lucy exclaimed while laughing.

Peter retorted, "Hey, we do some things we want to do, alright. And it's none of your beeswax what we do and don't do." He got a sly look on his face as he raised his eyebrows up and down a couple times. The friends all laughed.

The rest of the drive was spent joking around to take Selene's mind off of their mission. But as soon as the test was bought and they were back in the car headed to the penthouse, the friends were silent. The heaviness of the situation hit them, and they didn't know what to say.

"Okay, guys, come on," Selene finally broke the silence. "We don't have to be all quiet. I mean, we don't know that this will come out positive."

"True, but how do you feel?," Lucy asked. "I mean, do you have like a sense either way?"

Peter nodded, "Yah, don't you have like an intuition thing that they say moms have?"

Selene chuckled, "I don't know about all that. I mean, I didn't even put two and two together. But now that I'm thinking about the timing of everything, it's a definite possibility."

The rest of the drive was mostly silent with a few attempts at conversation, until they arrived at the penthouse, and then everyone started talking at the same time.

"Hold on, hold on," Ben said. "One at a time, and preferably let's start with my fiancée."

Selene smiled as she kissed him on the check, "Thanks, babe." She held up the bag with the three tests that they had bought and continued, "Here they are."

Ben took the bag and looked inside. "I guess you'd want to be thorough," he remarked with a wry smile.

"You know me," Selene replied. "I need all the data I can get."

Peter hooked is arm through Lucy's and told the couple that they would wait in the living room to give them some privacy. As they left, Lucy whispered, "I thought you wanted to be among the first to find out!"

"I do," Peter replied, "But I think it's okay if we're not *the* first. We should give them this time."

"How very generous of you," Lucy joked.

While they headed to the living room, Ben led Selene by the hand to the master bedroom.

He had them both sit on the chaise lounge chair by the window after putting the tests on the bed. Holding her hands he asked, "Are you really okay?"

Selene smiled, "Yes. I'm perfectly fine. I'll be okay either way. What about you?"

"I think I'm still a little in shock," Ben answered honestly. "I mean, a baby! I can't even imagine it. I figured we would have them eventually, of course, but I just wasn't expecting it. I mean, you're on the pill and all."

"Yah, but I think it must have happened when we were in Santa Barbara. I mean, if I am, that is," she said.

Ben nodded, "I think so too. Between you forgetting to take the pill and the condom breaking…." His voice trailed off.

They were quiet for a moment and then Ben hugged her. "Either way, we'll both be okay," he said.

"Thank you for saying that," Selene replied and then got up. She took the tests and headed to the bathroom.

When she was done with each of the tests, she placed them on the bathroom counter. Then she opened the door so Ben could come in.

They both looked at the tests as they started working. Once the tests were done, they looked at each other.

Sorry I haven't posted lately! I've been busy getting the new novel off the ground. Now that it's stabilized a bit, I can come back to this one more frequently :). I missed Ben and Selene! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's extra long to make up for being gone :).

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