
The administration

"So Aki,Eni where do you guys come from?"

"Uhgg we come from afar"They said having some stops at this subject.

"Anyway,have you heard of the assessment for our admission,from what I've heard from second years we will have to pass some tests"

"Oh really,what do you think the tests are gonna be like?"I asked curious and a bit nervous Although I've never went to any lessons I still have the knowledge from my future self,whatever the tests will be,I'll pass every single one because I have the advantage. "So are you guys ready?"

"We sure are."


"Alright everyone,the tests will begin in a few minutes,together there will be 5 tests but all of them will be mysterious." "Now the first test is a race." "A race?We all three gasped. "The race will show us your speed and stamina,it will be 1 kilometer long and you only have 5 minutes to finish,those who'll finish in in time will pass and go to the next tests those who won't will have a one week training and do the test again until they pass" It doesn't sound that bad,I hope all three will pass,now that I think of it,we still haven't met our other two room and teammates. "Now everyone go to the starting side and the race will begin in one minute"

"Well good luck to the 2 of you,hope to see you guys in the next test." "Thanks Ray,you too."

"Now everyone,the race will begin in three,two,

one, GOO." It's just a straight 1 kilometer long so it won't be that bad I can make it in time. "By the way everyone,I never said you cannot use magic,do whatever you can to Eliminate your target and there will also be traps along side the run." Mister Thomas is evil and enjoys to see children struggle,haha he's so cruel but unfortunately for him he won't see me,I'll try and protect Aki and Eni as well. "Take this,human !" Is that a Dwarf,does he think that spell will be enough to take me down,he stands no chance,my plan was to not attack anyone who doesn't attack me because I don't want to make enemies but hey he started it. "Is that all you've got ? You'll need to do more than that to take me down !"

Here I am,just casually knocking a teenage Dwarf boy with one punch,whatever I'm almost there already,I don't wanna stand out too much so I'll let more people to go ahead of me, I guess top 5 won't be that bad. "Hey Ray we're behind you,why aren't you running as fast as you ca-" "Hey watch out !" At that moment someone tried to sneak behind Eni and Aki and take them down and something just snapped inside of me so I used it,I used magic for the first time ever. "Lighting style:Electric Rampage." "Yo,dude that was so cool so you can control lighting too I thought you can only control fire because that's what it said in your profile but anyway thanks for that,that guy could've knocked us down" "Hehe thanks "

"Congratulations for Team G taking first place,the top 5 are only members of team G,is it skill or just a coincidence ?"