
The Prodigy of the Hidden World

There is an unseen side to this world. A world beneath the one we know, aptly named the Hidden World. A world filled with magic and the mystical. Beneath layers of rock and stone, of dirt and dust, the Hidden World is where magic and the magicians thrive. The mundane world, untouched by magic and the arcane, was of no interest to them, up until a disaster that took place fifteen years ago, revealing the hidden truth to humanity. Now, the mundane world is slowly adjusting to the existence of magic and the otherworldly as wildmagic runs rampant, threatening to kill and destroy. Magic schools have opened up, and children are encouraged to learn magic. Two students enrol at Fawn's Magic Academy – two people who don’t seem ordinary at all. Iris Yotsura, heir to the most powerful of the Three Clans, has little magic if any. Her father, the Master of the clan, has sent her to a prestigious magic academy in the mundane world, hoping a new method to unlock her powers could be discovered in this once-useless place. And as her guardian, Aether Yotsura is chosen. Regarded as nothing more than a worthless servant to the Yotsura clan by the uninitiated, he accompanies her in this journey to the mundane world. Though his presence is not enough to stop the attempts at Iris’ life, his sense of duty will not allow him to fail, no matter what. Bound to the Yotsura clan by an oath of blood, and his powers under lock and key, Aether must do his best with this limited form to protect Iris as well as the school itself. And wait. Wait for the opportunity to break free of the chains that bind him. * * * Be advised that the Protagonist is rather powerful. If you really dislike OP protagonists, this might not be for you. * * * This is my submission for the 2021 Webnovel Spirity Awards.

Dweia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
248 Chs

Sparks of a Flame (3)

"Aether!" Mara's distant voice sounded as the young man's ears rang. "Aether, wake up!" He felt her shake him. "Oh no, please be alive!" The young woman's voice filled with fear and panic.

"I'm fine," He coughed as he slowly sat upright. He lightly touched his aching head and felt something warm and wet. "Ah, fuck." He almost cast a healing spell before he stopped himself. "The door – is it broken?" He asked.

Mara shook her head. "No, but never mind that! Are you ok?" Her voice trembled slightly.

"I'm fine," Aether pushed her hand off his shoulder, then hurried to get back up on his feet. "It was careless of me to get blown away like this." He mumbled. He should have noticed that surge in mana earlier. He should have been paying more attention.

He furrowed his brows as his gaze scoured the room. "You don't happen to know if this place has another exit besides that one, do you?" He asked, pointing at the door leading to the main section of the library. Mara shook her head. "No, it doesn't. I actually asked the professor about it." She mumbled.

Aether shot her a curious glance. Why would she ask that? Whatever her reason was, he didn't have the luxury of time to figure it out. "We need to get out of here quickly." He said as the smell of smoke reached his nose. He reached down and tore a piece of his cloak apart. "Come on," He said, giving it to the petite young woman. "Cover your mouth and nose with it."

"The library is burning." She whispered as she did as he asked. He nodded, then approached the door. He slowly reached for the metal door handle, then, using the cloth of his cloak, tried to touch it.

"Ah, fuck." He pulled his hand away. "It's burning hot." He looked around, then gritted his teeth. "Mara, can you bring me something heavy?" He asked as he wrapped his cloak around his hand.

"You'll burn yourself, so stop!" Mara exclaimed. "Just was a second, there was a large paper holder over there." She dashed to the study area behind a set of bookshelves.

As soon as she was out of sight, Aether closed his eyes. "Spirits of the flame, heed my call. Protect thy servant from the blaze, and I shall repay thee in blood." His voice was but a whisper as embers floated around him for a moment.

When he reached for the handle again, it was only comfortably warm. "Mara! I have it open, come on!" he shouted as he opened the door. He didn't have to wait for long as Mara quickly came over. "How did you do that?" She asked, her eyes wide open. Aether chuckled. "A thick layer of cloth can do wonders. Whatever you do, stay beside me until we are outside, ok?"

Mara nodded. She was hugging that book of hers again. "Ok!" She whispered.

Aether took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

A wave of heat washed over them as they stepped into a burning inferno. Flames were raging everywhere. Despite only a handful of seconds having past, the library was almost completely ruined already.

Mara seemed like she wanted to say something, but Aether gestured her to remain silent. He narrowed his eyes as he gazed around. The main exit was to their left, covered in flames.

"Follow me," He whispered as he carefully began making his way over there. Mara's eyes widened with fear as she protested. "We won't ever make it, the fire already reached the entrance!"

"It's fine," Aether gently pulled her along as he led the way. "Keep close." With each step he took, the flames seemingly moved away from him. He knew the sprits would protect him for a while longer, but he still looked around for the safest path.

Mara let out a low whimper as the wooden beams supporting the ceiling began to creak. Aether looked up, and his lips formed a thin line. "Fuck." The roaring flames had already begun licking the beams, and the incredible heat wasn't helping either. "This place will fall apart any minute now." He hissed as he pulled Mara along.

Some of the shelves crumbled under the flames. The smoke was still rising up to the high ceiling, they weren't too threatened by lack of air yet, at least.

"It's just there." He said, pointing at the door. "Once we reach the door, I want you to run outside and as far away as you can. Go to the main building, to the infirmary. Can you do that?" His shining eyes met hers and Mara gulped, then nodded.

They soon reached the door. It had fallen off its hinges, but the wooden frame around the entrance was covered in flames. Yet, with the blue skies and safety right beyond this place, Aether didn't intend to stop. His gaze did linger on the walls for a moment though, almost as if he could see beyond them.

"Alright, remember; run, and get help." He reminded her before stepped forward. The flames seemed to dim for a split second, and he dashed outside, dragging Mara along with him. The young woman drew a sharp breath as the flames licked her dress for a moment, but then the fresh air that touched her face allowed her to finally sigh a breath of relief.

"Now!" Someone shouted. A voice she recognised immediately.

A handful of tall men, wearing the second years' badges on their shoulders, were standing around the entrance.

"Run!" She heard Aether whisper, and for some reason, she didn't even think twice. Her legs carried her far and away, towards the main building of the Academy. She did exactly what Aether had told her to do. The sane, calculating part of her mind questioned her actions, but her survival instincts were in control.

"As for you guys," Aether took a deep breath as he removed the stat bracelet from his wrist. "I have some questions I would love to have answered." His lips formed a wicked smile as his eyes shone silver. He stretched his arms to either side, and the flames behind roared.