
chapter 2 : accident

When the car reached the foot of mountain it started raining with heavy thunder as if spliting the sky.

The ticking sound of rain drop on car metal form a rhythm soothning qiao yue mind and soul. Alone at night road she lowered her gaurd as she enjoy the rare peace of time.



The abrupt appearance of a small old man in the middle of the road out of thin air jerked qiao yue to run the car out of gaurdrail

when she wanted to control the car a whole flash of whitish blue light blinded her.

Loosing control of the car as it run through the wood


The car came to a stop as it crashed to a trunk of a big tree

" What a gorgeous day i experience" qiao yue ridiculed in a strange humor

With the opening of airbag she din't receive much of a injury other than a small cut at the corner of forehead

All of it happend with in seconds she cannot help but curse that old man but if you look back to it that old man had a strange grin on his face as she run off gaurd rail

Removing that thought qiao yue calmly analyzed the situation and chances. The car is totally dead from crash even the light or engine is not working , the phone is out of service

"where in the world am i to be out of service? " she said irritatingly . Because she can be sure she just 500m away from the main road by the time and speed of car

If she wanted to call for help from the main road, it is still raining heavily making it even more impossible . With nothing to do left to the last card of emergency GPS location chip in phone and car installed by mei gu

Mei gu is qiao yue partner in the organization as a hacker, technician, roboticist a rare genius . Mei gu and qiao yue become best friends even in personal life.

If mei gu receives the GPS signal then she will find qiao yue at any cost

With that thought qiao yue relaxes waiting for her resque in car

After some time qiao yue found a smell lingering in air "shit" qiao yue cursed 'its the gas'

Gas from the car started leaking because of the car crash impact in some time car will explode

"why i am so careless today? of course i should have thought about it " qiao yue complained

Being unable sit anymore she got out of the car in pouring rain thinking of moving the luggage in car to a safe place

it was only now she examined the surrounding she was near a lake across the lake she found a small cave which was enough to hide from rain

With that thought qiao yue covered the luggage by water proof cover and carried them around the lake to the cave and placed them in the inner most area . Most of the things are mei gu's as i promised in shifting to her new house others are qiao yue some basic medical & first aid kit

As there was still some random things left in car she ran to the car again places all the snacks and other things in the car in a blanket and tied them in knot then left the car


qiao yue only left for some distance before she heard the loud explosion of the car behind her

The impact of the explosion forced qiao yue away where she hit the tree and slowly lost her conscious and fainted