
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
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50 Chs

With Trevor, Comes Trouble

Josh knew this was going to happen. Jia has always been so over protective of Charlie. He even wondered if she secretely had a crush on him. She saw them walking around with the "troublesome" kids last day and was now chewing them out for doing so.

"Jia, they are actually nice people. We even met Trevor's mom. And I'm not gonna lie, I've Never seen someone as sweet as her" Charlie tried convincing her. "Actually, she's the nicest woman I have ever met!" he added for more convenience.

"That's what they say about all the psychopaths out there" she said and made quotation marks in the air with her hands. "Silent, nice and soft-spoken"

"I doubt if any of that would suit Trevor" Josh mumbled.

"Exactly. And Josh, weren't you with him the whole time? You know how Charlie is, so easy to be manipulated. What on Earth were you--"

Jia's deadpanning was cut off when Charlie choked out as a hand landed on his back.

"Hey Losers! What's with the whole yelling?" Conner asked with a cheeky grin as he looked from Jia to Joshua and back at Jia.

"Hey, Conner, meet Jia. Jia, meet Conner" Charlie mumbled flatly , as he struggled to get comfortable with Conner's arm around his neck.

"You can call me Kon" Conner beamed, but Jia just stared at him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Where's Trevor?" Joshua asked as he scanned the place for the familiar scowling face.

"He is in the medical room with Bellamy Thompkins" Conner grinned.

"What happened? Is he alright?" Charlie felt a knot tighten in his stomach. He couldn't quiet understand why Trevor always picked up fights with whoever he saw.

"Yeah. He is good. But Bellamy is not" A chuckle escaped Conner's lips. "Trevor slammed his head into the lockers. The teacher took both of them to the medical room anyway. You know, Just in case"

"Man, that's not funny" Josh scrunged his nose up at how Conner found the situation amusing.

"Bleh" Conner did what he always does. He stuck his tongue out.

"There he is" Joshua mumbled and everyone looked up at where he pointed. Trevor was walking towards them, his eyes focused on the inside of his palm as he wrote something on it with a pen.

"Trev!" Conner waved as he gave Charlie another hit on his back for no apparent reason, earning a death glare from Jia.

Trevor cocked his head to his side as he neared the group. He gave Conner a slight nod of acknowledgement, and scanned Jia from head to toe. He then clicked his tongue.

He didn't like her.

Jia wanted to yell things on his face because of how dismissive he acted.

"Conner said you slammed Bellamy's head into the lockers. Man, why would you do that?!" Joshua asked, his expression a mix of disapproval and concern.

"That scum bag has been making up things about me and some girl from class B. He made her cry in the halls. Had to do something about it" Trevor mumbled and Jia's expression softened.

Well, he didn't pick up a fight for nothing. Maybe he isn't as bad as they say he is.

She thought.

"I'm Jia Choi" Jia extended her hands to Trevor, earning raised eyebrows from the boys.

"Trevor Hillinger" Trevor looked at the girl like she was the prime suspect of some murder. He kept his usual scowl on his face.

"Women" Conner mumbled as he thought about how Jia had stared at him even when he was all excited.

Trevor was already getting bored and was planning on going out. "Conner, didn't you say you bought new vedio games last week?"

"Yep!" Conner rubbed his hands together with an excited face. He liked playing vedio games with Trevor. Trevor was a guy worth competing with.

"Well, let's go to your place. I'm bored"

Charlie stood up and threw his arms out in the air. "Trevor, you can't ditch every single class!"

"Uhh... Bababbababa. You can stay, party pooper. No one is asking for you to tag along"

Charlie clenched his jaws. He didn't know what hurt him the most, Trevor being such an ass with him or the fact that maybe Trevor could be right.

Is he really a party pooper who doesn't like to have fun? Of course not! But he didn't want to let Trevor go. He didn't want him to flunk the next tests. So he did what he had to.

"You're not going anywhere" Charlie grabbed Trevor's hand and walked to the class, dragging him along.

"What the--"

"I hope you make it to the classroom alive and well, Charlie!" Conner yelled as Charlie walked away with Trevor doing everything he could to get out of the tight grip on his wrist.