
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
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50 Chs


Three uneventful days of detention passed.

Trevor would come late by a few minutes everyday, but Mr. Wilbert would not say a thing as it was a miracle that he even showed up.

The both of them would mind their own business, Charlie would sit and study and Trevor would be day dreaming, or sometimes, he would even fall asleep.

Charlie would spend the rest of his time watching him sleep, turning his gaze away every now and then, afraid that he might flutter his eyes open and find him staring down at him.

Ew, that would be super creepy!

The cycle repeated. But Charlie decided to break it. He had to dig something out of Trevor and find what exactly was going on in that crazy head of his. Most importantly, he had to make sure if there was any chance they would end up together. Atleast, he could try.

Charlie waited. And as usual, Trevor entered the room a few minutes late.

He sat down and leaned his weight on the heels of his chair and started swinging back and forth.

"You might fall" Charlie said and pulled at Trevor's chair, causing it to fall back on its legs with a thud.

"You. Ruined. My. Mood" Trevor scowled.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Why are you still single? I mean, you're in your sophomore year and you are quiet an attractive guy, but yet, here you are, without, you know, a girlfriend.. Er..I mean, a boyfriend" Charlie felt his nervousness pick up as he said each word. He wondered if he was over doing stuff.

Trevor looked at him with a blank face. Charlie felt the silence eat him up as he gazed into his smokey hazel eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, Trevor huffed. "I'd ask the same to you"

Charlie found a whirlwind of thoughts attack his mind.

Did he think he should find a girlfriend, or was it that he found him attractive? He kept asking himself that he didn't realise he has been staring down at his balled fists on his lap for a little too long.

He snapped out of his thoughts and his head recoiled when Trevor's face appeared infront of him. "Earth to Charles?"

"S-sorry , I got lost in thought" Charlie choked out as he desperately tried to pull Trevor's face away from his. He didn't want to blush like a school girl in front of him.

"Y-you didn't answer my question" Charlie wondered why he found Trevor's gaze so intimidating.

"Well..." Trevor put his hands on the back of his head and put on a thinking face. He then continued. "Never met the right person, I guess. What about you?"

"Er... I have dated a few girls before. No one sticked" Charlie let out a breath and pursed his lips.

"Hm-hm. Guess the same goes for you too"

Charlie found himself gazing down at his lap again. He wanted to say something, but just didn't know what.

"You know, we don't always have to spend extra hours in here. No one would notice even if  we ditched detention" Trevor said out of nowhere and Charlie's head jolted upto where Mr. Wilbert sat.

He could be listening!

"He falls asleep a few minutes after I come in. He probably wouldn't notice our absence"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Hm... How about we go to my place tomorrow with the guys, instead of heading here? My parents are on a vacation. So you guys could even stay. The place is all ours" Trevor looked expectantly at Charlie.

"Um... Okay"