
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
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50 Chs


The game had ended shortly after Charlie kissed Trevor.

Trevor pulled himself away and had turned away, wiping his lips with the back of his hand before Charlie could even see his face.

Though they tried to tease him for it, he got up and left to his room, locking himself in.

Jia had instantly felt guilty as she thought she had crossed the line.

As they were all staying there the night, they all went to the guest rooms, wondering if Trevor was actually holding okay.

Charlie turned in his bed as he slammed his head down on the pillow for the umpteenth time.

"Dammit dammit daammmmitt" he kept murmuring and screamed into his pillow.

He was angry. And sad. And regretting the decisions he has made.

The way it felt. It felt so right to kiss him. But it was too embarrassing.

What if Trevor hates him now?

The thought kept rising in his mind that he wanted to cry. Maybe he just blew up the last chance he had with him.

But really, who was at fault here? He had no choice, did he?

He took his phone and started dialling Trevor's number. Yes, he knew it by heart.

It went straight to voicemail. But why was he hearing Conner's voice?!

"Hello there. You have reached Trevor. But he is a messed up piece of shit to talk to you right now. So, you know what to do!"

Before the beep, somewhere in the background, Charlie heard Trevor cursing, followed by Conner's giggle. He couldn't help but smile.

He called again. And it went straight to voicemail. Charlie sighed. He had to go check in on him right now or he might die of a panic attack.

Charlie got out of his bed and walked out of the room, playing in his head, the worst scenarios that would happen.

He reached Trevor's room. He rubbed his clammy palms against the cloth of his pants and let out a deep sigh. He could hear rumbles and sounds of explosion on the other side of the door.

He was probably gaming.

Charlie knocked on the door and the rumbles stopped. He waited, but was met with nothing other than silence.

"Trevor?" He called out in a soft voice, leaning his head on the door.

After a few moments of silence, something shuffled inside the room and shortly, the door opened.

Charlie pursed his lips as all his blood rushed to his face.

Trevor looked like a total mess.

A beautiful mess.

His hair stood out at all directions, making him look even hotter. And his scowl. Everything about this Trevor made Charlie even more nervous than he already was.

"What?" Trevor snapped in an extra grumpy voice.

"C-Can I come in?"

Trevor turned his head back to take a look at his room.

A mess.

He heaved a sigh. "Yeah" he gestured for Charlie to come in.

Charlie stuck his hands in his pockets and stepped in. Trevor closed the door behind him. Charlie glanced around like he was seeing the place for the first time. He hated to be in a closed room with Trevor, alone.

"I.. Am sorry. For, you know, what happened earlier" Charlie said, gazing into Trevor's face, searching for any emotions that might surface. But no, he couldn't find any.

"Not your fault" Trevor waved it off.

Charlie sighed involuntarily. "So, um... What were you doing?"

"Just playing vedio games"

"Can I join?"

"Hm-hm" Trevor plopped down on his bed and threw a controller at Charlie.


Thirty precious minutes of gaming and Trevor found himself rolling on the bed, laughing.

"Dude, that was smooth!"

"I like handing over people their asses virtually. Teeheehee" Trevor smirked, all of the anger he held a few minutes ago, forgotten.

Charlie scrunged his nose up at his choice of words.

"Whoops! Sorry, forgot you were a goodie-two-shoes"

Charlie watched him amusedly.


"Never thought you were a fan of apologizing" Charlie said, cocking his head to a side.

Trevor's eyes softened and he chuckled.

"I... Never was". He pursed his lips and looked away.

Charlie didn't know what it was, but something went off in his head. And he leaned in, trespassing Trevor's personal space.

Trevor flinched back.

"I could be reading this completely wrong. But when I kissed you earlier, I felt like you were kissing me back" Charlie said as he leaned in further, to the point where he felt Trevor's uneven breaths on his lips. He smelled of pine, a boyish smell that Charlie immediately took a liking for.


Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked at Trevor, his eyes filled with amusement and... Love?

"You just called me Charlie" he mused.

"Charles. Charles, you should really reconsider your actions" Trevor said, trying to sound firm, but miserably failing to do so. He was balancing his weight on the heels of his palms as Charlie was leaning in dangerously close to him.

Charlie was completely in a trance. He inched in closer and somehow, the huge fact that they were just friends until now was swept back into a corner of his mind. All he could think of was how good Trevor's lips had felt against his and how much he wanted to feel that again.

"Y-you're not gay" Trevor choked out, but he didn't really try to push Charlie away.

"Who said so?" Charlie liked how annoyed and confused Trevor looked at the moment.

"I didn't realize until recently. And right now, you're looking so cute that I sincerely hope you'd just let me kiss you because, yes, I am extremely gay"

Not waiting for Trevor's answer, Charlie kissed him, taking in his sweet scent.

It felt so damn good.

Trevor let out an involuntary moan and Charlie took it as an invitation to slip his tongue into Trevor's mouth. He couldn't believe this was happening. But he was sure about one thing, that all his senses had left the building and that he was really, really enjoying this.

Though it bought an overwhelming sensation to his heart, Charlie could hear a voice in his head that gave him a million reasons to stop doing what he was doing. But he shut out everything that the voice told him because, how could something that felt this right be any kind of wrong?