
The Cabin in The Woods

The morning sun broke through the thin curtains of Scarlett's apartment, the room came alive with soft blues music. Scarlett sat on the living room floor, surrounded by a random mix of notes, pictures, and papers. 

She picked up an old newspaper clipping and frowned as she read it again. It was an article about Elizabeth Carter, a woman who had mysteriously vanished, her name twisted in a story that Scarlett was determined to unravel.

"What are you looking at?" Nathan's tired voice interrupted her research. He came out from the bedroom, his hair messy and a worried look on his face.

Scarlett held up the extract from a newspaper. "This. I can't stop thinking about her. Elizabeth Carter isn't just a minor detail in your father's story—she's the start of everything."

Nathan moved closer and sat down next to her, looking at the scattered papers. "We know she was supposed to testify against my father. What else do we know, what is missing in this puzzle?"