
The Prisoner System

Andrew Reiss is a 21 year old high school drop out slaving his life away at a McDowells fast food place. On a boring day like every other he was taking a shower getting ready for a date with his loving girlfriend. His excitement made him get careless and As he gets out of the shower he slips on a shampoo bottle and cracks his head against his toilet. That’s not what killed him though, his head had fallen into the toilet bowl and since he was unconscious he drowned in piss. His head hurts like absolute hell and when he opens his eyes he looks up to see a foot stomping down on his face. Andrew has unfortunately been reincarnated into the body of a galactic criminal several centuries into the future. How will he survive this terrible injustice... simple, break out. And use his new system to gain power and not be a total loser this time around.... he’s still sad about missing his date though. “Hopefully she doesn’t get over me that quickly... at least a month” he mumbles to himself in the prison infirmary.

Loligagger27 · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

A deal

Who are you?!?!


" that doesn't explain sh*t. I want to know what you did!!!"

( wait this fatso is only 17 ?!?!?!?)


" why the hell not?!?!"

{{ SPITE }}

" okay but... first, could you stop talking like that?"

{{ LIKE WHAT ?}}


{{ can do }}

" listen man, how tf are you still... alive"

{{ Memories are all just related to the size, shape, position, and charge of the brains neurons. My brain is literally built in such a way that it doesn't matter what memories are recorded onto it.... or who's consciousness is in control of my body. I can't never truly die until this very brain is destroyed}}

" so what your saying is... after my consciousness was sent here and it overwrote your consciousness... because of a biological failsafe you set up you weren't completely destroyed "

{{ that's correct, this resulted in what is essentially a split personality or dementia. }}

" okay but, what did you want to talk about?"

{{ I noticed that you tried to speed read yesterday... which resulted in a small aneurism }}

" yeah and?"

{{ I'd like to help you out}}

" why?"

{{ I've been through all your memories and I know exactly what's going on. About your system, the quest, everything}}

" your obviously very smart and mentally strong. Why don't you just try to take over my body"

{{because... I want to see what you do with this, New life of yours}}

" why???"

{{ call it a whim }}

{{ but, I'd like to offer you my help... and a deal}}

" what do you want "

{{ you currently reside in the smartest human brain in the entire fucking universe... You are however, incapable of using this brain to its fullest potential}}

{{So... you get the body. I get the mind}}

" how would that work"

{{ I'll offer you my help, in exchange, all problems that require my higher thinking... will be left for me to deal with.}}

" really?"

{{ this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Why would I lie}}

He's definitely making a grin right now.

" okay fine, what do you propose we do now"

{{ through our combined efforts we've managed to make Liz here complacent and fear us. You see Andrew, everything in this universe, alive, dead... or otherwise is afraid of one thing}}

" that is??"

{{ THE END }}

{{ in all forms it may take }}

{{ Liz here calls herself a murderer, which she is, but she killed some gangsters because they took her sister as a slave. She's not really that much of a bad person. She's just like you. PRETeNDiNG}}

" how does this relate t....?"

{{ I'm getting there. You've managed to scare her. You reminded her that there's bigger fish. She's friends with most important people here... call it clout, so she hasn't had to get her hands dirty to survive. But now.. there's you.. the biggest fish here.. and your her cell mate. now... you can befriend her. Your not a bad guy... she's not a bad girl. An ally born of fear will stab you in the back the second someone else can offer more. So.... make your alliance be born on, more common ground..}}

"On what?"

{{ you want freedom—- she wants vengeance }}

{{ to accomplish both your goals the common ground is—- busting out of this place }}

" so I have to make her my ally with the promise of helping her get her revenge in exchange for helping me get out of here??"

{{ yes. She's been here for 9 years so she has connections.. we'll need those. this place is much bigger than you'd expect and holds various secretes }}

" For real??"

{{ Of course, why else would I have sent myself here}}

" What?!

{{ now then time to level up }}

" what?!"

{{ you have a quest right now right? }}

{{ to read all those books under a time limit to gain.... stats, was it?}}

" yeah"

{{ you get the books.. I'll do the reading.. we'll level up }}

I grab the next two books I have to read... and feel control of my body be taken.

" what's going on?!"

{{ don't worry, this'll take but a minute.. less actually}}

what am i doing with myself?

Loligagger27creators' thoughts