
Central Hospital (Caracas, Venezuela)

I couldn't believe what my uncle was holding: another bright, white book. Abruptly, he crouched, looking under my bed. I followed his example and was shocked to find a five-pointed star with my name in the middle of it drew with chalk on the floor under my hospital bed.

"What is this?" I said, bewildered.

"An astral star."

"A what?"

"A really, really old symbol: a dimensional door."

I sat down next to my uncle and saw my book pulsing at the same time that my uncle's. "What I'm going to do, uncle? Salazar asked me and a friend from school to be part of a group that's supposed to save the Earth and the entire Solar System."

My uncle stood up and put away his book. "My dear nephew, the decision is completely yours. You must find your answer in your heart," his vague response reminded me of Salazar. He came closer and hugged me.

"Where're you going?"

"To see your brother. Whatever you choose, you won't be alone. I have to do my part of the job and warn everybody about the signs."

"I'm discharged tomorrow; will you come with us to the house?"

"I have to go. This changes everything, my dear nephew. You have a lot to think about; it's an opportunity that doesn't come along for many people. Remember, whatever you choose, I'll always support you. If you need to talk about anything, you can write here," he handed me a card with the picture of a golden mattress on it, and the words Golden Dreams Importer emblazoned across. His new email, phones and Twitter account were on the back. What a funny name, I thought. My uncle hugged me once again and left.

The phone ringed, startling me. "Hello?" I answered.

"Something h-h-horrible happened to m-m-my family!" Suhail was crying on the other side.

"What happened?"

"I d-d-don't know. I had an awful d-d-dream; I saw m-m-my parents falling in a black h-h-hole. It was horrible."

"Don't worry, it was just a dream," I tried to comfort her, "You'll see; they're probably having dinner or walking around in London."

"I don't know. I c-c-called them to their c-c-cellphones and they're not answering."

"Don't worry; you'll see they're fine. Are you going to accept Salazar's proposal?" I changed the subject, hoping to take her mind off her nightmare.

"I don't know."

I paused, drew a breath, and continued. "My uncle came to visit, and he showed me a five-pointed star."

"Five-point s-s-star?"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Yes?" Suhail answered hesitantly. "Can you check under your bed?" "What?"

"Do it, please." I held my breath while she settled the receiver down.

"Oh my God!" I heard her exclaim, "Oh my God! There's a f-f-five-pointed star under m-m-my bed! Someone d-d-drew it with w-w-white chalk!"

"And it has your name in the middle of it," I added with certainty. "Yes! How d-d-do you know?"

"My uncle Jesus said the star is part of some ancient ritual used to open dimensional doors."

"Your uncle, the p-p-priest?" she asked me, anxious.

"Yeah, and he knows a lot more about these travels than us. He even knows Salazar."

"He does? B-b-but then, what should w-w-we do?"

"He only said to follow my heart but, honestly, I'm as confused as you are."

"I have to go, s-s-some of my d-d-dad's security men c-c-came in." "What—" Suhail hung up. Her dad must be calling for her.