

Lia is the perfect daughter of the principal. Jay is the sexy rebellious bad boy. What happens when the Connelly Academy Board of Education decides to make Lia tutor Jay after his grades plunge too far? ...What happens if they fall in love? "The more I hang out with you the harder I fall."~

Zainny_123 · Teen
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44 Chs


Lia's P.O.V

After school, and I waited nervously by my locker alone. Jay was going to meet me there, and then we would head to my mother's office. I peered in the hallway wondering why Jay wasn't here yet. What if my mom thinks we're being irresponsible if we show up late? Is late because he forgot? Did he get in a fight with another guy? Is he cheating on me with another girl?? Did he get abducted by aliens he was fighting because he was cheating and that's why he forgot???? Someone came up behind me, touched my shoulder and I screamed, whipped around and socked them in the face without thinking. I looked up just in enough time to see Jay recoil backwards holding his face.

I bent over to help him up, pulling on his arm,"Oh my God I'm so sorry!"

Jay looked up, his right eye a little red," Ow. What the fuck."

I couldn't help it, and let out a small giggle. For a moment I thought Jay was mad at me, and he rubbed his eye with a sour expression. But then the corners of his mouth quirked upwards and a grin broke his face. We both laughed breathlessly until Jay broke the sound, "Who did you think I was?"

I was still grinning," I don't even know!! I was just freaked out and you startled me!"

Jay brushed some hair away from my eyes making me blush,"Okay well lets go, silly goose."

He then slipped his hand in mine and we walked down the hallway. "Hey, your know your b-" Jay started saying, and then switched to a question," Um-if you could go anywhere where would you go?"

I was a bit confused." Well that was random. Eh, I dunno. Maybe London or something. But not until way later."

Jay looked interested," Well, how about right now? If you could go anywhere right now where would you go?"

I grinned cheekily," As far away from my mom's office as possible."

Jay laughed," Lia i'm serious!"

I smiled, and thought about it," Right now I want to go to Myrtle Beach. I love how blue the water is and how soft the sand is and the wind is just amazing and-"

Jay picked at his fingernails with boredom,"I get the point."

I pushed him laughing," Well you were the one who asked, you bozo! Why do you want to know where I go anyway?"

Jay gave me an overly mysterious look," You'll find out soon."

I raised my eyebrows,"You look like an evil villain. Stahp it."

He started to give me a horrendous laugh, teasing me," MWHAHAHAHA-"

The office door looming ahead of us suddenly opened, and My mom peeked out, looking startled," Mr. Oakley? Lia? I will see you in a few moments. Sit out here on these couches please."

She gave us another weirded out, alarmed look, and then popped her head back in her office, closing the door behind her. Jay and I were silent for a moment, until we both busted up and started laughing so hard we couldn't even breathe. After a while however, when the office door remained shut, we started getting nervous for the talk. My mom was really formal and bleak with us when she spoke earlier. Jay started folding the bottom cuffs on his worn jeans and smoothing his hair. I stared at him, and then whispered," What are you doing?"

He retied his shoes before answering," I need to make a good impression."

He then proceeded to look at my jacket teasingly and say in an undertone," Ew zip up your jacket you look like a slut."

I pretended to be mad at him," You're a slut! My jacket is perfectly zipped up...you can barely see my collar bone."

He reached over and zipped my jacket down in one swoop, exposing my white tank top," Now you can almost see your chest you sicko," He exclaimed in a astounded voice," Who are trying to attract? Rapists?"

I finally let down my act and giggled. Jay's perfectly astonished face broke into a grin as well. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and rezipped my jacket. The office door opened and Jay and I slid apart, only to see the lunch lady walk by, giving us a faint sneer. Seconds later, Mom opens the door." Okay, come on in."

She didn't sound remotely happy about letting us in, and I'll admit I was slightly hurt by that. We entered the room, and I noticed Jay admiring the butterscotch candies in the glass, all nerves gone.

But mine weren't.

"So," My mom began, reading off a paper with her glasses now perched on her nose," You were called here because you reportedly 'ran off together' during the weekend and Jay is supposed to be in Stepping Stones."

Jay and I started talking at once," We didn't 'run off together I-"

"I don't really have to be in Stepping Stones I-"

We both stopped, and my mother raised her eyebrows. Jay let me go first," We never ran off together. Jay decided to go back to Stepping Stones, and I wanted to change his decision," I took a deep breath," So I drove my friends car a little out of town to speak with him. I ended up changing his mind and he decided to come back with me. Nothing else happened."

I held my chin up, and my mom barely looked up, and penciled something in absentmindedly," Mmkay...but you did NOT consult the Headmistress?"

"I knew you would say no!"

I burst out. My mom looked up at that, raising her eyebrows again. " Exactly"

I was forced silent after that.