

Lia is the perfect daughter of the principal. Jay is the sexy rebellious bad boy. What happens when the Connelly Academy Board of Education decides to make Lia tutor Jay after his grades plunge too far? ...What happens if they fall in love? "The more I hang out with you the harder I fall."~

Zainny_123 · Teen
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44 Chs


Lia's P.O.V

A sigh. "Gurl, I know I was stupid. I'm sorry okay? I admit I was a pretty big whore."

I sniffled," You were a whore. A really buttheaded one."

I could almost hear Dannie smiling on the other end," Yeah whatever. You know you love me."

"Sad but true."

"So, what are you and Jay doing tonight? Ay?"

And without warning, I burst into tears,"Dannie I think he completely forgot about me! He won't answer his phone and I'm not sure if he's mad or not or whats going on and I so nervous and upset abou-"

Dannie gave a big sigh, interrupting me,"Lia, calm down. It's okay. How about you head on over to the commons, meet Livvy Steph and I, and we'll treat you to the surprise."

I tried to stifle my cries," Oh, well, okay. Thanks."

"You'll feel a lot better after some ice cream and special stuff."

My sobs slowly mellowed down to shuddered breathing. I tried to calm myself," Okay, I'll see you there."

"Oh and Lia?"


She stated clearly and mysteriously,"Wear something nice."

I started to reply but she hung up already. I smiled at how mysterious she was making this. The girls probably pitched in to buy me a cute necklace, and were taking me out to eat. I know them too well, and they can't trick me.

Jay's P.O.V

I was chilling on the beach, waiting for the girls to arrive. I was dressed in a nice button down shirt and some khaki shorts. I had prepared the very spot, making it look at romantic and beautiful as possible. I laid back on a sandy towel, and watched the sun, still surprisingly high in the sky. I pulled my shades over my eyes, and whipped out my phone, daring myself to read Lia's messages. She sent only two, and I knew she was trying not to be obnoxious. I read the last one, witch said only my name saying simply 'Jay?'.

I ached to reply, but I turned my phone off again, wondering how the plan was working so far.

Lia's P.O.V

I was driving.

I glared through the dry, rough material the made me plaster over my eyes. I mean, I accept the fact that I am rather untrustworthy, and probably would have cheated and peeked, but I still didn't enjoy the prospect of having a cloth on my face. I pulled at the hem of my dress, whistled, ate the last o the m n ms, sang a song, listened to Steph tell us a story about her cat, and still we weren't there. Finally, in about a freaking hour, the car pulled up to a halt. I made to whip off my mask of torture, but Dannie snapped at me, ad I sullenly left it be. It was about seven o clock, and I was bored out of my skull. "This better be good."

I mumble. Olivia laughs," Yeah, you'll love us."

I gave a half laugh, and Stephanie helps me blindly out of the car. "Well, I still don't think it will make me feel better about Ja-"

The wrap was lifted off my face in a flourish, and the words froze on there way out of my mouth.

I stared.

We were at a beach, and there was a beautiful canopy set up in the sand. Blankets were surrounded underneath, and a bunch of shells had been set neatly on a small picnic table. A couple comfy chairs had been placed around, and there was a bonfire pit as well. In between each little shell on the table there had been placed a soft pink candle, flickering and radiant. I stared and stared at every precise detail, the wing flick of the canopy drapes, the strewn flowers in a vase, the curved stones at the edge of the bonfire pit. And as I stared, Jay popped out from behind the canopy, and when he saw me, his face lit up, and I swear it was brighter than any of the radiant candles.