

Lia is the perfect daughter of the principal. Jay is the sexy rebellious bad boy. What happens when the Connelly Academy Board of Education decides to make Lia tutor Jay after his grades plunge too far? ...What happens if they fall in love? "The more I hang out with you the harder I fall."~

Zainny_123 · Teen
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44 Chs


Lia's P.O.V


Dannie tossed me something," Thought you might need this."

I stared at the bikini in my hands for a few moments, dropped it in the sand and ran and threw my arms around Jay's neck. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Jay ran his fingers through my hair and murmured in my ear. "You didn't think I really forgot you, did you?"

Stephanie perked in over by the truck as Jay and I broke apart," And you didn't think we'd really be mad at you, would you?"

I shrugged," Well I admit I was a little nervous and upset, but I was confused because you guys wouldn't do anything like that."

Jay wrapped his arms around my waist lovingly." You were right babe, I'd never neglect you like that. Ever."

I blushed under his strong gaze, and Dannie put in dryly," I would."

Olivia giggled and I threw sand at her. After much laughing, gasping and sand throwing, a worry came to me," What about my mother? Won't she be suspicious that I'm not around?"

Olivia picked at a scab on her fingernail," Taken care of. She is under the impression that you are with Dannie and her aunt."

I looked up, baffled," Huh? Why her aunt?"

"Cause she's the first person who I thought of when she asked," Dannie rolled her eyes," Don't judge me, I'm simple."

I laughed, and Jay leaned around me and kissed me on my still ajar mouth, taking me by surprise. His lips lingered this time, and Stephanie stood up pointedly," Um, lets go now girls. We have to be back in case we need to cover for Lia."

Dannie began to grumble, but then Stephanie gave her a look, nodding briefly towards Jay and I. I knew her meaning. She wanted us to be alone with just each other for my birthday. Dannie dragged her feet towards the truck, Olivia following, giving me a wave, grinning. I paused in waving back. "Give me a second, will you?"

I muttered to Jay, and he nodded. I went after my friends, until we were behind the dusty old truck. "Hey," I looked pointedly at each of them," Thank you."

"Don't mention i-"

"No, really. This means a lot to Jay and I, and it was super sweet of you to cover for us and help with the surprise. This is the first birthday in a while that we won't be spending together, and you're giving that up for my happiness. So, I'm truly thankful."

I leaned forward and we all combined with an awkward hug, Stephanie sniffling already. I surprised myself and laughed. Dannie smirked,"Well, see you tomorrow. Jay's bringing you home I assume."

I nodded," Yes."

"Bye then!"

I grinned and stepped away from the truck. "Bye," I said softly as the truck reared to life, spewing gravel as it drove away. I turned and ran back over to Jay. I knew I had to let my mind go, and to just have fun. Let go...let go...I randomly blurted,"Wanna make sandcastle?"

He nodded and smiled as though he knew exactly how that idea had come to be," Lets do it partner."

We ran down by the waters edge to get moist, gray sand, and piled it up around the dry sand. After much loading and shaping, our sand pile mildly resembled a castle. We pressed shells and goose feathers in the soft walls, and stood back to admire our work. "Wow."

I was pretty impressed," I've never been so good at artistic things before."

Jay slipped his hand in mine," Yeah, me neither. I us guess together works out pretty well."

I smiled," I guess so."

We were infinite. The sun setting down beneath the waves, our hands laced together. Inseparable.

After a while we made a fire, and I pulled out the marshmallows, piling them on a stick. Jay put extras on his stick and I stuck my tongue out at him."Fatty."

He pretended to be hurt, literally. He grasped his chest and staggered to the ground. I laughed, and pointed at his marshmallow, witch had caught fire. He blew at it frantically and then put the steamy marshmallow in his mouth. Even before swallowing he leaned over and gave me a sloppy kiss. "Ew!"

I exclaimed, wiping marshmallow off my lip, though I was smiling. I leaned back into his lap, and he fed me a graham cracker.

I licked my fingers and giggled at Jay, already lost in a dream where just me and him were surrounded by flickering flame, marshmallows and love.