

Lia is the perfect daughter of the principal. Jay is the sexy rebellious bad boy. What happens when the Connelly Academy Board of Education decides to make Lia tutor Jay after his grades plunge too far? ...What happens if they fall in love? "The more I hang out with you the harder I fall."~

Zainny_123 · Teen
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44 Chs


Dannie's P.O.V

"And you can't tell her ANYTHING okay?"

Jay was counting on me, and so I grumbled," Okay, fine. But it better be worth her getting completely pissed at me."

Jay positively beamed at me in excitement. "YAY! Thanks babe!"

He leaned over and gave me a swift hug. I yacked," Yeah yeah whatever, don't get too emotional. I still think your a goon Jaybird. "

He nodded, and gave me a nervous grin. "Kay, well, on my way!"

He strutted away awkwardly.

I kind of chuckled at him. "Whoa what a weirdo."

Jay's P.O.V

Today was the one single day I'd get to spend with Lia without her mother breathing down our necks.

Lia's birthday.

The surprise was planned, the secret keeper was set in position, and everything was moving along great. I was nervous and excited, and walking through the hallways right after the school bell rang. Kids were pouring out of classrooms every direction, and I moved with the mob. I glanced around, and saw Lia walking through the crowd as well, further over. I regrettably saw a huge bunch of guys mobbed behind her, all eagerly waiting for her to see them. She glanced up and saw me looking at her, causing her to blush. I noticed the guys trailed where she was looking and gave me a jealous look. I am one lucky bastard. I felt super amazing as I strutted out of school, glad her mom couldn't see us smiling broadly at each other.

Lia's P.O.V

I could practically feel the heat coming of my face as I grinned uncontrollably at Jay. I wasn't paying attention, and I nearly ran into Dannie as she flung herself at me. "LIAAA."

I groaned, pealing my eyes off Jay," WHAAAAT."

"Okay so me and the girls are totally meeting up in the commons area in thirty minutes, meet us there? We sorta planned a surprise for you."

"Ohhhh," I realized," Today's my birthday isn't it??"

Dannie laughed," Duhh."

I felt uneasy telling her this,"Oh...well, I thought I would spend it with-"

I lowered my voice in case anyone was listening,"-Jay, you know? Since he's my boyfriend I thought he'd be inviting me somewhere."

Some emotion flickered over Dannie's face, but I didn't notice what it was. Whatever it was, she shrugged it off," Well, if you change your mind, you might want to spend it with your real friends. "

She turned and stalked through the crowd. I heard a bit of jealousy and contempt there, and was utterly confused. "Dannie?!"

She ignored me, and I shoved through people trying to reach her. I became furious.

I thought she liked and approved of Jay? Now what the heck is wrong?! This is not my fault. I spat," Danielle!"

She stopped in the crowd, and ever so slowly turned with raised eyebrows, giving me a look of disgust," Are you fricking serious?? Don't pull this on me, Amelia."

I stopped walking abruptly with shock, and she spun off. Since when has Dannie ever called me by my full name? Most people had no idea my name even was Amelia. I saw her meet up with Livvy and Steph, and gesture angrily towards me. In a matter of seconds they all were giving me contempt glares, walking away until they were out of sight. "Hey, move will ya?!"

People began shoving by me in order to reach the parking lot, and I reluctantly moved out of there way. I loked around to find Jay, but his back was turned to me, and he was already getting into his car, not a word spoken to me.

I slumped on the bench, lonely. What did I do?

Jay's P.O.V

I heard Dannie grumbling voice on the phone," Well she's all your loverboy."

I beamed," Thanks! Awesome!"

Dannie still sounded sore though," I am officially a bitch. You should have seen her face when I was insulting her. She totally bought every word I said. This surprise better be worth it."

I reassured her," Oh, it will I promise. She'll forgive you."

"Eh I doubt it. Not for a while anyway. I called her Amelia."

"Whoa. Really stretching the limit there aren't we?"

Dannie sighed,"Yeah I kinda played it too far."

"Nah you did fine. I saw you guys acting it up."

"Yeah, Stephanie nearly cried when I told her she had to act act mad."

I laughed," Well, you had me convinced. Tell Olivia and Steph thanks for me."

"Mkay. You'd better have the night of your life mister.

"That I shall. See you tomorrow in Bio.

"See you.

I hung up, and saw the messages from Lia piling up. I gave my phone a reluctant sigh, and turned it off before I gave in and replied. She's gonna hate me.

Lia's P.O.V

I guess Jay either hates me or forgot it was my birthday. I can't text or call him anymore, or i'd seem super annoying. Besides, he probably has plenty of other things to do than reply to my every need. Nevertheless, I sniffled a bit thinking about a birthday without him and my friends.