
The princess with the unusual heartbeat

A magnificent castle comes into view as Anastasia is seen trying to escape through the window of her chambers as her friend Christiana passes her a thick long rope which she easily uses to climb down unhurt. They both sneaked out of the castle unnoticed as they head towards the town in excitement. Anastasia exclaimed delightedly, "I finally made it out here alive"! I thought I was going to die of boredom. Christiana feeling concerned. I hope this was a good idea by sneaking you out of the castle. His majesty will have my head if anything were to happen to you. Anastasia assures her. You don't have to worry Christiana. I can take good care of myself. After a tiring long walk, they're about to reach Christiana home as they're suddenly surrounded by a group of thugs. Christiana begins to panic as she speaks nervously. This is so not my day! Leader of the thugs smiled, aren't you ladies gorgeous? How about you both spend the night with my men and I inside our tavern and we will let you off without a scratch? Anastasia angry as she speaks out boldly. How dare you say such despicable thing to to us?! Do you have any idea who the hell I am?! Leader of the thug upset as he drags her roughly towards himself and tries to kiss her. Almost immediately, Anastasia heart begins to beat abnormally as she gasp desperately for air. Leader of the Thug exclaimed in panic. She had got the disease! We need to get  the hell out of here! They all left the arena in haste leaving Anastasia to her fate. Christiana in tears as she tries to get her unconscious friend to wake up.

Debra_daniel · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Princess with the Unusual Heartbeat

As the foot steps drew more closer towards them, Diana and Princess Anastasia quickly hid themselves at the pillars of the temple. Anastasia praying silently that she doesn't get caught. Just then, she heard her name being called aloud. Princess Anastasia! Princess! Anastasia thinking. I recognize that voice! Lucas! She blurted out. As she quickly comes out of her hiding spot. How did you find me? Lucas tries to embrace the Princess but suddenly stopped himself. Diana who had just come out of her hiding spot goes to meet them. Friend of yours? She asked. I'm Lucas, 'Knight of the kingdom of Parma and you're?' Shouldn't we all leave the temple before continuing our discussion? I'm as scared as hell. As you wish Princess. Lucas replied. I will lead the way. Just then, the emperor son shows up and exclaimed

The door to the entrance is locked, Lucas! I tried opening it but to no avail. I guess we're trapped in here for the time being…. Princess Anastasia thinking. Seems like I've heard this voice before but not sure where? It sounds pretty familiar although I can't see his face because it's pretty dark in here. Who is he? Anastasia asked. Lucas answered. He's the emperor son I talked to you about who came to pay your father a visit today. Could it be because the temple is cursed that's why we can't find our way out? Anastasia frowns. How did you guys find me by the way? Lucas replied. We tracked your foot steps all the way here. We saw this strange boat right in the middle of a sea and we felt it could lead us to you.

Our instinct was right, for we saw your foot mark as soon as we arrived on dried ground which led us right into this temple. Thanks, guys, for coming to my rescue. She smiled. You always know how to make others worry about you, don't you? The son of the emperor speaks up. Anastasia replies. I'm sorry indeed 'Your Highness' if I made such kind of first impression. Trust me, this isn't our first meeting. He replied her. What do you mean? She asked. Diana interrupts their conversation. Shouldn't we be thinking about finding a way to escape this temple? Lucas replied. I think we should look for a clue around but we all need to stick together so we don't get lost, since it's still pretty dark in here. They walked from one spot to the other, staring at the walls for any clues as the magical crystal guide their way.

Finally, they walked into a strange room as Anastasia accidentally stepped on dead human bones scattered all around the place. She freaks out! Arrgh!!! What is this place?! I think this is where the worshippers store the bones of the witches they've murdered on stake. Said Diana. How sad. Anastasia laments. I think I've found something? Diana stares at a magical compass on the floor as she picks it up. She smiled. I found a compass. Lucas replies. Perhaps this will lead us safely out of the temple. Not so fast! A wizard with a strange long red hair putting on a dark clothing appeared as he frightens them. Who're you? They exclaimed in fright. The wizard smiled devilishly. I'm the reincarnation of Athena. You can call me 'the mighty wizard Oaktas. I can't let you out here alive…. You're all done for! He started to laugh maniacally