
She is the judge and jury

Author note: There is two Jades, one is a solder that work with Aurelia and the other Jade is the commander ( Aurelia mother) advisor. And by the way do you wish to get Jade and Riley story ?

"It is so nice to officially meet you. I'm Jade Orsova." She stepped back and held out her hand.

" I'm Lydia."

"Ms. Orsova is an important woman around here," Riley said, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity. 

"She is the official advisor to the commander." added Riley

"Oh," I managed to say, pushing aside all thoughts that this woman was going to be my sister in law.

"You look a bit suprised and didn't even know of me ." The woman threw her head back and laughed, revealing sharp, pointy fangs. She shook her head and moved closer to me, taking my hand and patting the back of it.

"Did Aurelia not speak with you about members of her council, or what will be expected of you or the town?"