
The princess perfect match

Aurelia's life was a tapestry of secrets and power struggles. Found as an orphan, her world was upended at four when Louise, a 'formidable demon', adopted her. Initially, Aurelia harbored hopes of a brighter future, but Louise's discovery of Aurelia's latent superior demon heritage marked the end of her innocence. Under Louise relentless tutelage, Aurelia was forged into a weapon of magic and combat, Louise was mean , yet her power grew exponentially. On the cusp of adulthood, a fateful blood test reveals a shocking truth: Aurelia is the destined counterpart to the human Princess, her most despised adversary. As their paths intertwine, Aurelia must navigate a labyrinth of destiny and enmity.

K_Mopo · LGBT+
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208 Chs

First night together

As Lydia approached, her graceful steps echoing softly in the opulent chamber, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions rising within me like a turbulent sea. Her presence, now transformed into a vision of allure, seemed to fill the room with an undeniable magnetism, drawing my gaze despite my inner turmoil.

I stood my ground, my resolve firm, even as she drew nearer, her eyes searching, perhaps for some sign of acquiescence from me. But I could offer none. I couldn't bring myself to meet her halfway in this twisted dance of fate.

Instead, I busied myself with the pretense of tidying up, my movements deliberate as I folded a towel and placed it on the nearby chair. It was a silent offering, a gesture of modesty in the face of her provocative attire.

Lydia's voice broke the silence, her words carrying a weight that belied their casual tone. "I'm sorry, Aurelia. My parents have asked me to do this. I have no choice."