
Chapter 35

His eyes on me.

He untied his chitenge and lowered himself between my thighs. One hand generously on my breast. With one hand he slowly directed himself inside me. My breath was audible in the quiet dark room, When I winced from the uncomfortability that came with the long time it had taken to be intimate with him again.

" Am sorry. " He muttered.

I looked at his scared face and smiled.

I clenched my internal muscles and he groaned. I wiggled my hips​ and my moans and his groans made a synchronized harmony. My thighs lay limp as he plunged deeper and sent me gasping for air. My surroundings blurry, tears streaming down my face, I was covered in sweat. I could still feel him inside me pushing in and out when I climaxed. His mind was closed off to anything else, I couldn't move any part of my body. There was a growl and then the smells of my womanhood and his manhood mingling waffled the room. He fell on my shoulder and and let everything that came out of him come to me. We lay there breathlessly until he felt it was ok to lay apart from me.

That soon became our routine, he would go for weaponry training and strategic planning with the worriors, take a bath, eat and come to my chamber.

It had been four months already and I had still not seen Wina nor was I pregnant. I could see he was getting frustrated.


" We have more sex than I do the training but still, Zae is not pregnant" he told Lonki.

" Well, some people take longer than others, Keep working." Lonki told him. Lonki had three children and Prince Sepo didn't even have one.

Prince Sepo threw him a look from the side of his eye.

" I am starting to think it's either the pitcher can not hold hot water or the water is no longer hot when it reaches the pitcher".

( In this case, he is the water and Zae is the pitcher.)

" You are allowed to sleep with your Letuyako Princess or the Letuyako concubine."

" No, I don't have to do anything with those two, not in this life."

Lonki laughed,

" Before you got married, I envied your life as a farmer Prince with no major responsibility but​ now, you have a ton of problems, you literally have a new problem every day."

" I won't even argue with you, because you are right." Prince Sepo chuckled. Looking at each other, they both laughed and only stopped laughing when the King's royal bodyguard came running.

" My prince, you are to come with me right now, it's urgent."

" Prince Sepo looked​ at Lonki and nodded at him before he started running to the King's quarters.

Queen Maliwa had already sent for me. When I got there she looked at me like a nothing.

This will be the fourth time in this chamber, similar scene to the other three times. The King, unlike Prince Sepo had a pain near the belly button that had moved to his right side. Though accompanied by nausea, fever and chills. I was able to heal him, sometimes easing his pain and earn praises from him to the annoyance of the Queen.

" I made obeisance to her and the King who was laying on the bed not minding her disgusted​ look at me.

There​ was already the royal oracle in the room and I went and stood next to her.

" Hmmmm, are you just going to stand there, isn't healing what you are here for?" she said  glaring at me.

I bet your name is  ' the healing oracle'  isn't it?" Queen Maliwa sneered.

I smiled and shook my head.

" Her name is Zae" Prince Sepo came in and answered for me.

" Princess Zae."

" King Yanga' s daughter, You niece." he continued.

The King's​ eyes lit up.

" I did think your eyes looked familiar" he said trying hard to be audible.

The courtiers looked awfully surprised but said nothing, they had learnt to just keep quiet about things that concerned Prince Sepo.

The Queen took the revelation to heart. The arrogance escaped her, she stared at me speechless.

" But...." she tried saying something... Anything.

" But nothing mother, Princess Zae is my wife, will be Queen when I take the throne, he told her as he knew what she wants to say.

" Princess Mokomena is..."

"Princess Mokomena what my Queen?" he interjected.

" Zae is my wife with that said, am  never having this conversation with anyone again."

The King tried to nodd in agreement  but the Queen was not having a good day today and she was not having it... She looked at me like I had stolen her son from her, like the mere reason I was still alive today will kill her some day. It was my fault I was still alive.

Prince Sepo went to the King after making obeisance to him, he knelt down and looked at me wanting an explanation.

I went to him to explain but the King beat me to it.

" I think, she can't this time." He said smiling..." She has, many times so we can't​ even fault her now ", he still had a smile on his haggard face. He looked tired that his heart felt smile looked false.

He attempted to sit erectly on his own but couldn't, so Prince Sepo had to help him up. I am reaching my end now but since, I am still alive, I want my heir to the throne Prince Sepo to be Prince regent.

The courtiers nodded in agreement because they knew how capable he was.

With no objections from any one,the King nodded at Prince Sepo and smiled.

He couldn't rule anymore.

It's been two months since Prince Sepo became Prince regent. He did everything the King would.

Between the war with the Kanji and him being Prince regent, I barely saw him. I couldn't even ask about Wina because he was always exusted when he came to me.

When I did see him, it was for the intimacy and then he would sleep and leave early before I woke up. The sex no longer connected us as husband and wife, it became more of  an act we had to do to get pregnant. Sometimes he would come in my chamber and hold me to sleep, those were moments​ I felt closest to him.

He so much wanted me to get pregnant but I just wasn't and I can't say I didn't​ feel relieved.

I was sleeping when the sound of a door opening​ woke me up startling me in the process.