
The Beginning

จินดา-เมขลา sat down peacefully when suddenly a group of demons came and took her and her attendants "Where are they taking me" she thought to herself then they took her into a large room and they knew she was going to give birth and said: "once you give birth we will execute you"

They left. Then she had 4 daughters the first one said: "I am earth" and she was named มฌีจันร์

The second "I am water" she was named มฌีสุวรรฌ. The third "I am air" she was named มฌีปัทมา

The last "I am fire" she was named มฌีเพ็ชร then an angel took them out and จินดา-เมขลา raised her daughters in Heaven. Dear reader it might seem that the story is over but this is just the beginning.