
The Princess is A Mad Dog

Kallia, the head of one of the well-known mafia gangs "Macross Lily" was killed at the hands of the person she trusted the most, when she thought that her life was over, she found herself waking up in the body of a weak Crown Princess of the holy kingdom of Mahalingga., Princess Amelia.

Laz_Bee · Fantasy
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15 Chs

I Won't Forgive

There was an uproar after I declared that I would also judge those who did wrong to me, just like when I was charged with various accusations without getting the facts and truth behind everything that happened during the 2 years I lived in the Gerantine Empire. Even by withdrawing myself from family ties with the Mahalingga kingdom without proper legal process. The Gerantine's Emperor was visibly enraged by my one-sided decisions just as he was about to announced the punishment that i will received, and i know well that the punishment surely wouldn't be very good for me.

"It seems you didn't learn anything about our Empire while you were here, princess" The emperor calmly replied on my word.

"While you are here you must follow our laws and traditions. Not only you did have many acts violated our laws and traditions, you have also insulted us"

"This proves how unworthy your existence is in our empire" The emperor did not stop every word he conveyed to me. I feel a little pressured by a situation that is not on my side. I didn't have any big hope that i will win from this trial since the very beginning. I was simply expressing what I thought might be a way out to at least sway the emperor's resolve. But I also didn't expect that everything would go according to what I plan.

Everyone in the court hall looked down on me even more. Some of them even glanced at Myer who looked like he was embarrassed to be there as my brother. I then took a deep breath. Then looked at the emperor sharply.

"I know that you won't just agree to my request, your majesty"

"Actually I want to solve this problem between families only. But it seems I have no choice but to expose this imperial family's ugliness in the public eye"

"My reputation is already damaged, and I don't want to go down alone."

The royal family looked uncomfortable with my words.

"Your Majesty, For how much longer you will let Princess Amelia talk nonsense like this?" The emperor's advisor whispered to him while glancing my way.

"That is enough Princess. Not even a single thing you do will change the punishment that i will bestow upon you. You just make your situation even more worst"

"For all those who have agreed to attend this trial, I will announce the punishment for the princess"

After all, they ignored me to the end. In their eyes i'm an evil woman now. I chose not to tainted my hand with blood anymore. I want to have a peaceful life.

"Not only she will be strip from her status, she will be isolated and be sent to the slum, and for the unmannered speech and language, her tongue will be cut!" Myer rose up from his chair. Bite his tongue and staring at me with a pitiful eyes. When Cessare only show that he lost interest and have a deep breath. I could hear Emma's voices screaming while she tried to begging for the forgiveness. While the other royal satisfied with the result of the trial.

"You should be thankful, Amelia His majesty didn't sentenced you to death" Freya mocking me from her chair.

"No worries, as a slave there will be lot of low nobility will taking you their chamber. Although you lost your tongue, you are still a beauty" Another noble sneering on me. No one care about right or not to throw me with a vile word anymore. 2 Guard approached me with the intent to drag me out of the court hall. they even harass me by forcefully taking the accessories that i wear on me. pushing me to the floor to kneeling as they ready to cut my tongue right on the place. Myer shut his eyes while the other so eager waiting for me to lost my tongue. Until the body of the 2 guards crashed into the face of the emperor's throne.

"You just made a harsh decision, your majesty"

"To put me, Kallia, in this kind of state, all of you. I won't forgive"