

Once upon a time when Silla was ruled by Queen jiso there were numerous number of wars .As Silla was the weakest among the three kingdoms and the sacred one the kings of the other kingdoms wanted to make Silla under their monarchy

And unfortunately the king was killed in the war .The queen's commandant gave the news to Queen jiso .She can't handle herself.

'You should save the crown prince ' said the queen

"Call Pa-oh

'What about Princess Soomkyung"said the commandant

"Do as what you are told '

" My apologizes your highness '

So the sleeping princess Soomkyung was left alone in the palace with a court lady. As the war was over Silla was somehow saved . But as the Queen and her subjects came to the palace she can't find the Princess but could find the maid's dead body .So this was how the Princess of Silla got lost . No one knew was the Princess kidnapped or killed . Queen jiso tried to forget the Princess but she can't .


At Wolseong palace the queen was panicked

"What was the reason for him to come here how can he disobey me' said the queen

" Don't panic your highness! I will escort him quietly' said the commandant

Meanwhile trespassers passed by.


At the market of Silla there is a girl called A-ro the physician daughter

She was fighting with the owner of the liquor shop about some silver the seller refused to give .So A-ro took the most expensive whisky and drank it in a strike . And she went to local bar "OKTA" where she used to tell stories to the maidens of OKTA . And at that time the rivals of Silla arrived. One was called Ban ryu the adopted son of park young shil the highest official of Silla and also had a biological father .Another was Su-ho the son of Kim Seub the second highest official of Silla .

And as A-ro passed by she crashed with someone wearing a sedge hat she had never seen in the capital

"You who are you I haven't ever saw you in the capital are you a peasant' said A-ro

"But you are really handsome "

The stranger just leaves A-ro in the floor and he walks away .When A-ro tries to stop him her shoes gets off from her feet .

"Please mister pass my shoes that are the only pair I have " said A-ro

But he ignores her and walks away

"He is a idiotic jerk '

And A- ro tries to stand up the stranger passes her shoes which was in its target and lands on A-ro' s head with a big 'THWACK'

"Ahh! He is a total jerk what is he like nuisance"Ah it hurts!

And she heads her way to the maidens room she started telling one of her heart chilling stories to all the costumers and maidens

And one of the maidens came shouting

" Master Banryu and Master Su-ho are starting a fight "

All the people inside the room rushes outside but it wasn't the rivals but one of the rivals friend Kang sung who was mercilessly beating a poor lad . But a small looking object came flying in the air and it hit Kangsung's forehead .And a healthy looking man entered he was wearing a sedge hat it was the same man with whom A-ro met earlier.

"Stop! let's make this fight fair" said the sedge hat

" Who on earth are you ?' said Kang sung

"I am a man who fights for ....no one

"Ha! By chance are you a peasant ? if you are I am not going to spare you!

"Let's see who is going to be killed " replied the sedge hat

He picked one of the sword which was displayed there and drawed a Circle

"If your law is to kill peasants who enter the capital then my law is to beat up noblemen who cross this line"

" Seems you are over confident at all" said Kang sung

He rushes to beat him up "Haa"


" you crossed the line"

With another "Thwack" Kang sung fell on the ground

"This is how strong your friend is !Ban ryu " said Su-ho

" You pathetic loser "said Ban ryu to Kang sung .

The rivals left the place