

It was sunday,15th of august, 2021. Chen Zi Han just get off her shift of working in the famous coffee shop. She rushed towards home just to see her mom seeing something in a box which size was about a box of shoes but her mom never let her see it.

"Mom, I am home." but only got a hmm in response. Her mom closed the box and put the box inside the locker. "Mom, why dont you let me see it?" she asked.

"Because you are not the age to see it now." her mom replied.

"come on mom!" she whinned " i will be 18 years old tomorrow."

but yet, you are still under age. so, you can only see it tomorrow."

"ok". she sighed and went to her room.

behind, her mom chuckled and said," tomorrow, you are going to see your biggest secret by which you might be shocked but i have to tel you anyways."

she also sighed as a tear rolled down her eyes which she wipped quickely so his daughter cant see it. "good night ny daughter." she said and went to her respective bedroom. but little did she knew, that zihan saw her say this sentence.

"what does she means?" she thaught for a moment but then shrugged it off and went to sleep.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! it was my 1st work ever. i never wrote before. plese support me....

qiaolishancreators' thoughts